í,!l>|J o rtla n h © bseruer September 19, 2007 Page B5 R eligion _________ Congratulations Metro Assembly Celebrates Diversity Louise & Darrell Cox Has long history serving many cultures Y ou’ve heard the old saying about Sunday m ornings being the most segregated tim eo f the week in A m erica. There may be more truth to that than many people w ould like to adm it. But in the heart o f Portland, th ere's a church that has attracted mem bers o f many backgrounds and colors and has been em bracing its diversity for years. "I g u e s s w e ta k e th a t fo r granted," said John M arvin, pastor o f Portland M etro Assembly o f God, which meets at 5(X)4 N.E. Sixth Ave. "W e d o n 't tend to see the color. W e tend to see people. It is not that we are colorblind but we celebrate diversity in our congregation." M arvin said the mix o f people from such heritages as Jam aican, A frican, C aucasian and A frican A m erican "just adds richness ... a certain flavor you do n ’t usually find in many churches. I think di- M arried A ugust 5, 2007 NORTHWEST VOICE OF CHRIST COMMUNITY CHURCH “The Voice Speaks” Rev. ILL. Hodge, Ph.I). Pastor/Tieacher Rev. Jo h n a n d S a ra h M arvin o f th e P ortland M etro A s s e m b ly o f G od church. versity helps you to learn more about the K i ngdom o f G od since all cultures are needed to reflect the im age o f God." The church blends music of many styles to reflect the tastes and back­ grounds o f the congregation. C on­ tem porary m usic, G ospel songs and m ore are part o f Sunday m orn­ ing w orship services. In Loving Memory N elso n Z a p a ta N elso n E d u ard o Zapata, 60, died Sept. 13,2007, in San Anto­ nio, Texas, after a brief illness. He was preceded in death by his father, Eli Z apata Inostroza. Survivors include his wife, Lisa Elizabeth Z apata; children, D ebbie Eurich, David, Danny and Derek Z ap ata; six g ra n d c h ild re n ; m other. G uillerm ina Q uinones de Zapata; sisters and brother, Elizabeth Roll. David Zapata and Susan Zapata. A service was held Saturday, Sept. 15 at Porter Loring M ortuary North Chapel in San Antonio. Interm ent follow ed in Hill Country M emorial G ardens, New Braunfels, Texas. M emorial contribu­ tions may be made in N elson’s nam e to Parkhi 1 Is Baptist Church, 17747 San Pedro Ave., San A ntonio, Texas. A new door has been opened. Northwest V oice For Christ Com m unity Church is now w orshipping in the N ew Jerusalem building at a new time. "W e are racially d iv e rse , but I w here we are more com fortable. think w e are cu ltu rally to g eth er," O nce we get to know one another said M arvin. "W e 're fam ily; we then the w alls o f division tend to are b ro th ers and sisters. T h ere is com e dow n." a cu ltu re that tran sc en d s all c u l­ For inform ation about Portland tu res, the cu ltu re o f the K ing­ M etro A ssem bly o f G od, visit the dom .” w eb at portlandm etrochurch.org or He attributes the dividedness at e-m a il P asto r Jo h n M arv in at many churches on people fearing pastor@ portlandm etrochurch.org. "things we d o n ’t know, and we go orcall him at 503-287-4825. "T he Faithful C hurch" (Revelations 3:7-13) "K eeping It Real Jesus' W ay’ Join us each Sunday! Time: 9 A.M. 1637 N E K illin g s w o r th St.. Portland. Oregon You are welcom e to join us in w orship and praise; we are the obedient, faithful church speaking the W ORD- G o d 's way! Nebraska Senator Sues God (AP) — T he defendant in a N e­ o f m illions upon m illions o f the braska state senator's lawsuit is ac­ Earth's inhabitants." cused o f causing untold death and T he O m aha senator, who hoiTorand threatening tocause more skips m orning prayers during still. He can be sued, the legislator the legislative session and of­ claim s, because He's everyw here. ten criticizes C hristians, also State Sen. Ernie Cham bers, an­ says G od has caused "fearsome gered by another lawsuit he consid­ flo o d s... horrendous hurricanes, ers frivolous, says he’s trying to terrifying tornadoes." m ake the point that anybody can fde He's seeking a perm anent in­ a lawsuit against anybody. junction against the Almighty. C ham bers says in his lawsuit that Chambers said the lawsuit was G od has m ade terroristic threats triggered by a federal suit filed against the senator and his con- _ . against a judge who recently , , , . Ernie C h a m b e rs stituents, inspired tear and caused barred words such as "rape" and "w idespread death, destruction and terrorization "victim' from a sexual assault trial. T erry 5 0 3 -2 ^ - m s PMHHMMMNN Law Enforcement Sunday A local chapter o f the N ational O rganization o f Black Law Enforcem ent Executives invites the com m unity to join them with law enforcem ent, crim inal justice and elected officials for a special T erry service on Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. at M aranatha Church, 4222 N.E. 12th Ave. Law enforcement and criminal ju stice officials are asked to w ear their uniform s or court attire with their badges. For inform ation, call Vera Pool o f the M ultnom ah C ounty Sheriff’s Office at 503-988-3442. 2337 N. W illiam s Ave. Portland. O R 97227 Available 24 hours a day Families Make Lents Home continued f r(tm Metro barbeque a couple days before. Jeffery Wood was one o f the residents solidifying his own ideas about the nature of low- income housing at the event, as he rem inisced on the nega­ tive impression he had previ­ ously had. The area had been nicknamed “Felony Flats," but, as they ate grilled food in their new court­ yard, they challenged anyone in the city to see a real felony in the shortage of responsibly man­ aged, low-income apartments. “The neighborhood barbeque is really going to encourage people from the neighborhood to come in and see that these are who their neighbors are, not an idea that they have in their head of who they think that they are going to b e ,” says M ackendree T hom pson, a ROSE coordinator. “ In an orga­ nization such as this that does so much work with low-income people in a community where people tend to have a negative impression of who that commu­ nity is, it is important toencour- photoby R aymond R endleman ZT he P ortland O bserver Their p a r e n ts h a v e n 't y e t m e t, b u t F a tu m a Kabiri a n d E liza b eth W ood q u ickly b e c o m e frien d s on th e n e w L e a n d e r C ourt p la y­ g ro u n d in L en ts. age everyone on both sides to meet each other and to under­ stand that really what we’re talking about arc people, some of them single mothers, and all of them, especially in this com­ plex, are families who need a place to live." Designed expressly for the 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -1 7 8 8 needs of working families with children, the complex consisting primarily of three- and four- r 1 bedroom apartments at 4620 SE I 122nd includes two daycare fa­ I cilities and a large outdoor play I I area. Standing for Revitalize Outer I South East, the 15-year-old or­ I ganization strives to build and I I acquire affordable homes and I rental units for those who would I otherwise not be able to afford I their own home. I “W e’re making the entire I neighborhood better by provid­ I ing them a home that’s safe and I secure,” Thomson says. “Pro­ k. viding a home for somebody is a first step towards helping them become a more constructive member of society." Phone (5 0 3 ) 2 8 6 -1 3 3 9 503.286.1339 Best tasting Fish in town lA Burger and Fries $2.99 Melt in your mouth PhillySteak Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710 M ichael E Harper 4 ^ We m oved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Owner/President C.P.A. , n ii bf\'LkccpH fi services 5421 X I 33nl b r i iu r Purll.ui'l. <>K 97211 PI miih - .503-29.5-1’»39 011971 .344 6414 We accept major credit cards lu x 5(1.3-295-1065 n ie ii. h u ll'll iln n r lh r p a . nun “ Our cleaning lx a reflection o f y o n ” 4 r iu n ii lesili /rm h ilu o r lili yin. in n i 1 Fax (503) 286-7088 s 1 — off Any Dinner State Farm“' Les \ \ hitworth Funerals Cremations Memorial Services Pre-arrangements 3 N. K illin g sw o rth Providing Insurance and Financial Services A P ro fe s s io n a l J a n ito r ia l Com pany P.O. Box 219-112 • Portland, OR 97225-9112 (503) 339-0752 Portland’s Newest Funeral Home Serving the Metropolitan Area. ‘’Dedicated to providing excellent and superior care o f your loved King of Clean Tim R. Thomas • Funerals • Cremations • Memorial Services $2000 $65.00 $8000 $100. j I J