Clí‘’JJortlanb (¡Observer September 12, 2007 el P S"ubsc ri be Í 503" 288“ôo33 ¡ O U 1 1 U t ¿ Pill ()ut & Send To: O bservador il?e ^Jortlanò (Dbseruer Attn. Subscriptions. PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 Dynamite Truck Crash Kills 34 Creativity Runs Dry T wo artists who lived the high life in MexieoCity are profiled in the upcom ing production of Mariela in the Desert, opening Friday, Sept. 21 at the Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. The English language produc­ tion by Miracle Theater Group tells the story of Mariela and Jose who were once the golden couple of the Mexican artists’ inner circle. Together they built a family and an artist’s colony in the Mexican desert in 1950. The deadly mystery is a lay­ ered, yet profoundly honest story of what happens to a family when creativity is forced to dry and wither away. Performances are scheduled through Oct. 13. Admission is $20 for opening night and $ 18 for the following Thursday evening and Sunday matinees; and $20 for Friday and Saturday night performances. Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 503-236-7253. The Miracle Theatre Group is dedicated to bringing the vi­ brancy of Latino theater to the Northwest community and be­ yond. Page B3 Thinking h e ruined o n e o f her paintings, an u p s e t Carlos (Kurt Conroyd) receives a calm ing em brace from his m other Mariela (Olga Sanchez) in Mariela in th e D esert, opening Friday, S ep t. 2 1 at the Milagro Theatre, 5 2 5 S.E. Stark St. (A P ) — A d y n am ite-lad en truck exp lo d ed after colliding w ith an o th er vehicle on a busy highw ay in northern M exico's coal country, killing at least 34 people, including three rep o rt­ ers at the scene, state and fed ­ eral officials said. A uthorities said the tw o ve­ hicles crashed into each other S u n d a y e v e n in g , d ra w in g a cro w d o f curious onlookers as w ell as a sm all arm y o f police, soldiers, em ergency officials and journalists. Shortly after the crow d a r­ rived, the w reckage caught fire, a n d the d y n a m ite e x p lo d e d , sending a ball o f fire into the sky that consum ed nearby cars and left a 10 -b y -40-foot crater in the concrete, said M axim o A lberto N eri L opez, a federal police o f­ ficial. He said m ore than 150 people w ere injured. T he force o f the explosion blew out the w indow s o f a p a s­ senger bus a quarter-m ile aw ay. s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include cheek with this subscription form) N ame : _________________________________ T elephone : _________A ddress : _________ I or emu//subscriptions@ L _ _ _ Presents Reggie Houston • Janice Scroggins ► Appearing Every Sunday fL . Sjg L Vour Care Our First Priority I)r. Marcelitte Failla Chiroprai tic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) A utom obile accident injuries C hronic headache and jo in t pain W orkers C om pensation injuries Call foran appointment! (503)228-6140 Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? It s never too soon to think about refinancing. (A P) — C olom bian soldiers hundreds o f tons o f cocaine to swarmed onto a farm Monday the U.S. Defense M inister Juan Manuel and captured one o f the world's m ost w anted drug traffick ers Santos told a news conference at hiding in bushes in his under­ Bogota's airport that M ontoya was responsible for 1,500 kill­ w ear. O fficials in Bogata. Colombia ings in his career. "Drug traffickers take note: called it their biggest drug-w ar victory since the 1993 slaying of This is the future that aw aits M edellin cartel lead er Pablo y o u ," S a n to s sa id b e fo re M ontoya limped out of an air­ Escobar. Diego Montoya, who sits on force plane wearing plastic hand­ the FBI's 10 m ost-w anted list cuffs and escorted by five com ­ Colombian soldiers esc o rt Diego M ontoya, Am erica s m o s t w anted drug trafficker, a t a military b a se in Bogota Monday. and has a $5 million bounty on his m andos. (AP Photo) M on to y a put up no re s is ­ head, allegedly leads the Norte del Valle cartel. It is deem ed tan ce w hen the arm y finally state on the P acific C oast, offi- to th e U .S ., a p ro c e ss th at Colom bia's most dangerous drug c o rn e re d him in the c a rte l's cials said. He is to be ques- Santos said w ould take at least gang and is accused o f shipping stronghold o f V alle del C auca tioned before being extradited tw o m onths. Mt. Hood College Hispanic Heritage Month Music Fiesta Sunday wall. A dditional activities will include a soccer tournam ent, a p e r f o r m a n c e by R a d io D isney and a ra ttle for tuition fo r 12 college credits. N o n ­ profit and com m unity-based o rg an izatio n s providing o u t­ reach services to the H ispanic com m unity will also be a v a il­ able as well as food and c o m ­ m ercial vendors. . The price o f admission is $20 for adults. $10 for staff and students o f MHCC and $5 for children 8 - 12, and children under 8 are free. In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15-Oct. 15), Multnomah County libraries will celebrate the culture and traditions of Spanish-speaking nations with bilingual programs and special events. Area residents are invited to come to your community library tocreate traditional folk crafts with regional artists Eva Castellanoz. FilbertoGomez and Leticia Ramos; heara musical narrative about Latin musicians and authors: or join in the rhyming rhythm of Nana Ba­ nana. Visit hispanic for a complete event list. Wally Tesfa Residential and Commercial Bi oker Oregon Washington 503 2 6 7 7586 cell 503 249 1903 office 503 249 6527 fax wtesfa1@ com casf net PROPERTIES- You Can Get: Honesty, Experience, Superb Training, and Patience from a “Twice-as-Good" Brother A-ZEBRA Realty Inc. s in c e r e George Hendrix, MBA, Ed. D. ABR, CIPS. CRB. GRI 503-281-9900 5 pm - 8 pm 5410 NE 33rd Ave. shopping Center of New Seasons The note was found alongside miles. No direct injuries were left a note claim ing responsibil­ reported, although civil defense ity, a police official in the G ulf at least one undetonated explo­ agencies said tw o women in their coast state o f Veracruz told The sive device uncovered by sol­ 70s w ho lived nearby died o f Associated Press. He spoke on diers in a swampy area about 550 heart attacks shortly afterward. condition o f anonym ity because yards away from a highway toll A small, shadowy leftist group he was not allow ed to be quoted booth 25 miles north o f the port o f Veracruz, the official said. linked to sim ilar attacks in July by name. Cocaine Kingpin Arrested Mt. Hood Com m unity C ol­ lege is inviting everyone to at­ tend a Mexican Independence Day Celebration (Fiesta Patrias) Sunday, Sept. 16 from 10 a m. to 10 p.m. on its G resham cam pus. E ight L atino bands from M exico. California and Texas will headline the festivities, expected to be the largest of several Mexican Independence Day celebrations. T here will be public ac­ c e ss to M H C C ’s A q u a tic C e n te r and rock c lim b in g I _ _ _ — J Cannon’s Ribs Mexican Oil Pipelines Sabotaged, Explode (AP) - Mexican gas and oil pipelines were attacked in six places before daw n M onday, causing explosions, fires and gas leaks that forced the evacuation o f thousands o f people. The blasts reverberated for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Broker/Owner Multi Million $ Service You may have more options then you think. Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call Charlotte Martin 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver. WA 98684 f i em anino New Prices Effective May 1,2 0 0 7 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.(M) Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $.30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: / small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs ( 12 -16 stairs) $25.(X) (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 A 1)1)1 II ON A L SER VIC ES Area &. Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection f POOLS TER Y ( TEA N l NG $79.00 Sofa $59.00 Loveseat $109 - $139 Sectional Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 ITirow Pillows $5.00 ( With (filter Services) See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment f i (503) 281-3949 Any Property Anywhere I