www.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity September 12. 2007 Alberta Street Fair Mariela in M etro Northeast thoroughfare s annual celebration is Saturday the Desert Latino theater production tells the story o f a family whose creativity rims dry 'Portiani* (Observer See story, A&E section See El Observador, page B3 o in mu nity a le n d a r C Weatherization Workshops W ednesday, Sept. 12, and T hursday, Sept. 20, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., the Com m u­ nity Energy Project, 422 N.E. Alberta St., hosts free educational w orkshops to self- w eatherize your home; qualifying partici­ pants will receive a free w eatherizing kit. Call 503-284-6827 to register. Kite Fest at Blue Lake C olo rfu l kites w ill fill the sky at B lue Lake Regional Park during a new fam ily kite festival on S aturday, Sept. 15 from 1 to 5 p.m . Lou Gossett Jr. C om m unity advocate and academ y- aw ard-w inning actor Lou G ossett Jr. will kickoff the U nited W ay ’s annual C o m ­ m unity C am paign with a keynote break­ fast address on T hursday, Sept. 20 at 7:30 a.m. at the O regon Convention Center. RSV P by visiting unitedw ay-pdx.org or call the events line at 503-226-9366. Fall Beach Cleanup Saturday, Sept. 15,from 10a.m. to 1 p.m., the 23rd-annual beach cleanup will take place. V olunteers are needed for 42 sites up and dow n the O regon Coast. T o vol- unteer.call SOLV at 503-844-9571 orvisit: solv.org. Fun on Foster Saturday, Sept. 15, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., enjoy food, music, w orkshops and family fun at the Foster Art W alk, S.E. 50th-93rd on Foster Road. Bring your dog for the charity dog wash, funds benefiting ani­ mal rescues. This event is free; call 503- 774-2832 for more information. Dolly Days Saturday, Sept. 1 5 ,fro m l0 a .m .to 4 p .m ., the C rossroads Doll & Teddy Bear Show will host a sem inar on collecting antique dolls. The event will be held at the N a­ tional Guard Armory, Northeast33rd Drive at M arina Road. Guild’s Lake Reunion A reunion for residents and em ployees from G uild’s Lake Courts, the only de­ fense housing project within the city to accept A frican-A m erican residents in the 1940s, will take place Saturday, Sept. 15, beginning at 11 a.m. in the Con-w ay lot at Northwest 23rd Avenue and Savier Street. The gathering is part o f the free Slabtown C om m unity Festival. Fall Swimming Lessons The Portland Parks will be offering fall sw im m ing lessons for ages 6 m onths to adults at various pools throughout the Portland-m etro area. For rates, registra­ tion and inform ation, contact 503-823- 5130. Interstate Farmers Market A farm ers market is held each W ednes­ day through Sept. 26 from 3 - 7 p.m. just o ff Interstate A venue betw een O verlook Park and the Interstate Kaiser Permanente Cam pus. T he market is known for its variety o f quality fresh local produce, baked goods, cut flow ers, artisan cheese, m eat and fish. Craftsman Workshops The N orthw est W oodw orking Studio is registering participants for fall workshops, classes and lectures. Explore w ( hk 1 crafts- m a n s h ip an d le a rn th e a rt. V isit northw estw oodw orking.com orcall 503- 284-1644. Tax Help in Rockwood VIT A tax aide for low-income families will begin to assist clients at the Rockw ood C om m unity office, 18709 S.E. Stark. C li­ ents are seen by appointm ent only. A p­ pointm ents will be m ade on W ednesdays onlyfrom 1 p .m .to 5 p .m .b y calling 503- 816-1530. Neighborhood Farm Stand Locally grow n vegetables and bouquets o f fresh flow ers will be available to the public, from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. every S un­ day, at the Redeem er Lutheran Church, N.E. 20th and K ilhngsw orth. The stand supports local refugees and imm igrant farmers. Relationship Transformation Peace-M aking, a local group based on non-violent com m unication and co n ­ scious aw areness, hosts a sem inar that includes inform ation how to have better relationships both personally and pro­ fessionally. For more inform ation, call 503-228-7256. I photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bsera er Outside o f the newly renovated University Park Community Center at 9009 N. Foss Ave., Portland Parks and Recreation supervisor Karen Birt joins students Daezhar Banks, (from left) Kev'vesn Campbell, Charles Crockett and Nicolio Kilon. Celebrating University Park Built as an em ergency structure during World W ar II, the University Park C om m unity C enter w asn ’t meant to last more than a decade. But generations of neighborhood care have ledtoam ultim illion-dollar investm ent, resulting in a recre­ atio n al fac ility that serv es the surrounding com m unity in ways that the original architects never dreamed of. The center at 9009 N. Foss Ave. reopened in time for the school year with lots of new community spaces, including kitchen and dining facili­ ties, a regulation double-court gym ­ nasium, fitness/ dance studios, teen and senior lounges and classroom s fully equipped with computers. Once used as a central dining hall for wartime tem porary housing, the center became V anport's makeshift City Hall after that com m unity's destruction in a 1948 flood. It soon Community Center's $5 million renovation finally complete passed to Portland city ownership, staying open in response to contin­ ued community need but falling into disrepair. As the Housing Authority o f Port­ land redeveloped the surrounding C olum bia Villa neighborhood as "New Colum bia" in 2000, Portland Parks and R ecreation organized more than $5 million in federal and park-levy funds for the center. Facility M anager Karen Birt and her students were glad to finally have the major portion of the project finished. The renovation of the 20,000- square-foot facility corresponded with the addition of 12,000-square- feet in adjoining wings. By the end of this year, the com ­ munity hopes to secure funding for the construction of a pool onsite and the gym will be made to convert into an auditorium. Housing Saved on Russell Street the higher standards of PCRI. In addition to these "very needed im provem ents to the building,” Fitzpatrick expressed her satisfac­ tion with using the building to com­ memorate local and national civil- rights advocates, particularly in the by R aymond R endi . eman African-American community. T he P ortland O bserver Fitzpatrick. State Sen. Margaret A new partnership between so­ cial-justice and affordable-housing Carter and longtime activist/politi- advocates saved 24 low-income hous­ cian Gretchen Kafoury stood outside ing units on Russell Street. the building during a celebration last Adorned with portraits of civil- month to congratulate Fred Ingram rights leaders past and present, the for his work on the portraits. Carter told Ingram of her firsthand renovated apartments top the Urban experience of having portraits come League of Portland headquarters. “W e're excited about the partner­ out too dark, recalling how campaign ship because we were able to pre­ billboards had to be replaced during serve some affordable housing here her successful run for the state legis­ in northeast Portland, and everybody lature in 1984, a First for an African- knows that that's coming few and far American woman in Oregon. “I want to let you know in plain between,” says Maxine Fitzpatrick, executive director of Portland Com­ English why I'm so amazed with you: munity Reinvestment Initiatives. The way you have captured a group "That was a project that could have of African Americans, especially easily gone to market if the Urban theireyes, their lips and the color like League had decided to sell the build­ you did, is amazing," she said. ing and not care about preserving the Ingram's only response was that affordable housing." he had tried to represent the lineup of The building has a fresh coat of civil-rights leaders accurately while photo ba R aymond R endi e m an /T he P i erti and O rsi raer paint inside and out, improved light­ keeping in mind the color scheme of State Sen. Margaret Carter (from left) and longtime activist/politician Gretchen ing, a newly landscaped courtyard Kafoury congratulate Fred Ingram for his work on their portraits now spanning the continued on page H5 and other renovations bringing it to facade o f Urban League o f Portland building on North Russell Street. Urban League remodel builds on community I