Page A6 September 12, 2007 □turai ingredient elps fight plaque ■ — I ~ L f « r dI ** K. ' * * ’ r £ ¡*4 •'T * * 4 Dear friends, Like you, everyone at Tom's o f M aine is concerned about the artificial ingredients in many personal care products today. So le t’s talk about natural solutions. M ore than just a great source o f shade on a hot summer day, birch trees provide our toothpaste w ith xylitol, a natural ingredient th a t helps fig h t plaque, Xylitol comes from plants, fruits, and vegetables. And it's one o f the many safe, natural ingredients th a t make our W hole Care ” toothpaste so effective. W hole Care™ fights plaque, controls tartar, whitens teeth, and prevents cavities w ith o u t the use of artificial ingredients. O ur mission is to make authentic natural products th a t not only w ork for you, but also w ork for the environment and our communities. We share your belief that products should be produced in a sustainable way. Our goal is to source ingredients from organic farms th a t practice sustainable harvesting and always avoid anim al ingredients and anim al testing. We believe in bringing o u t the best in nature, because nature brings o u t th e best in us. We hope you’ll enjoy our W hole Care™ toothpaste. Let us know natural w h a t you think! antfcavity fk tartar control plus U'blleHÒiy fl«*»»'»'*' • « n a tu v A * e w h o le ea re iniicai'tty k tjrurç°«‘,nl trim wbütrrtHSí Tom & Kate Chappell, cofounders o f Tom's o f Maine PETA certified apear mini **