Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 12, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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    æ,!‘‘Î J n r tlattò (ö h se ru e r
September 12, 2007
C lassifieds
Hire On Bonus Available
Femhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency
free skilled nursing facility in a
q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE
P o rtla n d . W e a re p re s e n tly
searching fora RN/LPN for our Night
shift. If you a re in te re s te d in
le a r n in g m o re a b o u t us o u r
wonderful staff, please call Shelly
Calim an-Rogers, DNS, RN or Mary
Beth at (503) 288-5967 or apply
in p e rs o n at 573 7 NE 3 7th
Avenue, Portland, OR 97211.
F e rn h lll E s ta te s , LLC is
d e ficie n cy fre e skille d n ursing
fa cility in a q ua int neighborhood
in NE Portland. W e are presently
se a rch in g for a C.N.A. for Evening
shift and for our Night shift. If you
are in te rested in le a rn in g m ore
a b o u t us o u r w o n d e rfu l s ta ff,
p le a s e c a ll S h e lly C a lim a n -
Rogers, DNS, RN or M ary Beth
at (5 0 3 ) 2 88 -5 9 6 7 or a p p ly in
person at 5737 NE 37th Avenue,
P o rtla n d , OR 97211.
Maintenance Worker
($ 10.80 - $ 11.80 per hour)
T h e m a in te n a n c e w o rk e r is
responsible for providing services
in v o lv in g
re p a irs
m a in te n a n c e o f s tru c tu re s ,
e le c tric a l s ys te m s , p lu m b in g ,
carpentry, w ashers and dryers,
h e a tin g , v e n t ila t in g a n d a ir
c o n d it io n in g s y s te m s . H e lp
prepare surfaces for finishing and
p a in tin g as d ire c te d . P e rform
roads and grounds m aintenance
on property. Assist in controlling
use o f s u p p lie s , fa c ilitie s and
equipm ent. Qualified candidates
m ust have a high school diplom a
or equivalent, four years related
c ra ft e x p e rie n c e , and a v a lid
d riv e r’s license in th e state of
re sid e n c e w ith an a cce p ta b le
driving record.
Please send letter of interest and
resum e to:
Springdale Job Corps Center
Attn: Human Resources
31224 E. Historic Colum bia
River Hwy
Troutdale, OR 97060
All responses must be received no
later than September 2 1, 2007
Equal Opportunity Employer
Kenai, Alaska
Tesoro Corporation is a dynam ic
grow ing com pany in the business
th a t keeps th e w orld runnin g:
Energy. W e refine, distribute and
m a rket p etrole u m p ro d u cts in
Alaska, Hawaii, and the western
states. Tesoro Alaska Company,
a w h o lly o w n e d s u b s id ia ry o f
Tesoro Corporation, is engaged in
th e re fin in g and m a rk e tin g of
petroleum products throughout
th e s ta te o f A la s k a . W e are
c u r r e n tly s e e k in g to f ill th e
position of Process Engineer at
our refinery in Kenai, Alaska. Our
refinery, one of the largest and
most com plex in Alaska, currently
has a crude capacity of 72,000
b a rre ls p e r d a y.
R e fin e ry
operations include Hydrocracking,
A m in e, LPG , Reform er, Crude,
Vacuum , Iso m e rization , S ulfur,
H y d ro g e n U n its a n d D ie s e l
Desulfurization Units.
• B ro a d ra n g e o f p ro c e s s
engineering activities (including
s a fe ty a n d e n v iro n m e n ta l
• Monitoring and troubleshooting
a s s ig n e d u n its fo r o p tim a l
perform ance
• M a in ta in in g p roce ss ta rg e ts
and assisting with startups and
• E v a lu a tin g
p ro c e s s
im p ro v e m e n ts ,
d e v e lo p in g
in c e n tiv e s a n d e c o n o m ic a l
justification of projects
Tesoro Alaska offers an excellent
c o m p e n s a tio n a n d b e n e fits
package plus th e opportunity for
career challenge. For confidential
consideration, please forw ard or
fax your resum e to:
The Million
Father March
from Metro
Too young for school, Joshua
Morris still joins his father
Elmer in dropping off his older
brothers at King Elementary as
part of the Black Parent
Initiative's “Million Father
March, " which seeks to bridge
the achievement gap by encour­
aging fathers to get in the habit
of dropping off their kids during
the first week of school, citing
research showing that children
whose fathers take active roles
in their educational lives earn
better grades.
the building.
D uring the celebration lun­
cheon inside, m any spoke to
how all of those involved in
the renovation persevered in
the face o f a d iffic u lt and
unusual project.
“ It w asn ’t an easy thing to
d o ,” said Isaac D ixon, p resi­
dent o f the Urban League of
Portland board o f d irectors,
“ but the building is absolutely
b e a u tifu l, and the a rtis tic
touches on the outside are
absolutely ste lla r.”
Not seeing the project as fin­
ished, the group wanted to see
further improvements on the
parking lot and sidewalk. There
was also a call for a new tenant
involved in advocacy work now
that Albina Head Start was mov­
ing out of the building.
“It’s a great central location,
so if we could get some addi­
tional services to the community
from that space, that would be
great,” said Fitzpatrick.
The ideal candidate will possess
a BS in Chemical Engineering with
a m in im u m o f fiv e y e a rs o f
increasingly responsible related
e x p e rie n c e w o rk in g in th e
p e tro le u m
r e fin in g
p e tro c h e m ic a l
in d u s try .
Responsibilities will include:
Page B5
photo by R aymond R endleman /
T he P ortland O bserver
Sickle Cell Awareness
Not just a black issue
In honorof national sickle-cell awareness month,
the Sickle Cell Anemia Foundation of Oregon will
hold a seminar on Saturday, Sept. 29 at Bethesda
Christian Church, 109N. Emerson.
Including genetic counseling, the most current
treatment options and pain-management strate­
gies, the OHSU-sponsored event will run from 9
a.m. to 1:15 p.m. with a $10 registration fee paying
for breakfast and lunch.
Sickle-cell disease affects a primarily African-
American population, but a Caucasian Portlander
named Taylor Wrenn became involved with the
foundation after discovering her baby's carrier sta­
tus. making her at risk for episodes at high altitudes.
To raise money for more testing and events, the
foundation will also hold a Saturday, Sept. 22 tele­
thon at MetroEast Community Media, 829 N.E.
Eighth, in Gresham, from 4 to 8 p.m.
For more information about the events or sickle
cell, call Pastor Marcia T ay lor at 503-249-1366.
D a v id L e
ASE C e r t if ie d T e c h n ic ia n
G r a d u a t e o f u n iv e r s a l T e c h n ic a l
I n s t it u t e (P h o e n ix . AZ)
ane wekkeepinp servîtes
3421 \E 3 3 r .l Avenue
H i -T e c h A u t o R e p a ir
Cell 97 1 344-6414
in s 303-293-1 00.3
10O 10 NE S a n d y B l v d .
P o r t l a n d . OR 9 7 2 2 0
M o n d a y — S a t u r d a y
8:O O a m - 6:OOPM
5 0 3 -2 5 6 -3 3 3 5
Portland. <H( 9721 I
I’hotiv 3113-295-1').!«)
Have you seen me?
State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Missing and Exploited Children
Michael E Harper
We moved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol
Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
Human Resources
Tesoro Alaska Company
Program Officer
p o s itio n a v a ila b le a t M e y e r
M e m o ria l Trust. V ie w p ositio n
profile and application process at
w w w .m m t.org
Applications due
Sept. 1 5 ,2 0 0 7
P.O.Box 3369
Kenai. AK 9961 1
FAX (9 0 7 ) 776-3805
W a r n e r P a c if ic C o lle g e , a Christian Liberal Arts college, is
s e e k in g a C a m p us S afety S upervisor. E xcellent benefits and
w orking com m unity. If interested, e-m ail resum e to: sstenberg
@ w arnerpacific.edu or visit: w w w .w arnerpacific.edu. Follow the
link to Hum an Resources.
|.Inrtlanb (Obscrucr
\d\ertise w ith diversi^ in
(\tlI 503-2X8-0033
Tim Wilson
An Equal Opportunity/Affirm ative
Action Employer, M /F/D/V
Maria Mendez
(Additional Photo of Maria)
Age: 13
C u rre n t Age: 16
Date Missing: Aug. 23.2005
Missing From : Rockville. M D
Maria only speaks Spanish;
she is believed Io be in the
company o f an unknown
adult Hispanic male.
Venessa Mohamed
Age: 6
C u rre n t Age: 12
Date Missing
April 12,2002
Missing From:
In my continual efforts to offer you reliable
used ears, I am now based out of Beaverton
Toyota. Now I can also assist you in the
purchase of your next new or used Toyota.
So call first - then come see me.
Special Financing is Available!
Statesville. NC
Vanessa may be in the company o f her non-
custodial father. They may travel between
the United States and Egypt.
* Age Progressed
4 years)
I f yo u have any inform ation p lea se contact:
The National C enter for M issing and Exploited Children
“// / Don 't Have It In Stock, / Will Gel It For You!"
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
King of Clean
A P ro fe s s io n a l J a n ito r ia l C om pany
This public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
P.O. Box 2 1 9 -1 1 2 • Portland, OB 97225-9112
(5 0 3 ) 8 39-6752
We accept
major credit cards
Tim R. Thomas
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