Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 05, 2007, Page 9, Image 9

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    September 5. 2007
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Freedom Fighter Wins Pardon
s u b s c r ip tio n s
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or email subscriptions@ portlandobserver.coni
African-Am erican G rief Support Services
V olunteers N eeded
5 th A n n u a l M a rch an d R ally
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Dr. Marcelitte Failla
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We are located at
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State Bill Bans Housing Discrimination
forcement of the federal Fair
Housing Act.
C urrently, allegations of
housing discrim ination are
handled by the U.S. Depart­
ment o f Housing and Urban
Development out of its Seattle
“This is a good day for all
$60 per year
(p le a s e in c lu d e c h e e k w ith th is su b s c rip tio n form )
Gabriel Prosser, who was hanged in Virginia for leading a failed
slave revolt in 1800. has won a symbolic gubernatorial pardon.
Prosser and 34 supporters were executed in Richmond on Aug.
30, 18(X), after two slaves revealed the planned uprising in
Richmond, Va„ known as Gabriel's Rebellion.
In an informal pardon. Gov. Timothy M. Kaine said Prosser
was motivated by "his devotion to the ideals of the American
revolution — it was worth risking death to secure liberty."
"Gabriel's cause — the end of slavery and the furtherance of
equality of all people — has prevailed in the light of history," Kaine
wrote to the Virginia chapter of the NAACP, which sought the
pardon. "It is important to acknowledge that history favorably
regards Gabriel's cause while consigning legions who sought to
keep him and others in chains to be forgotten."
Prosser promoted an uprising by thousands of slaves 3 1 years
before the better-known Nat Turner insurrection in Southampton
Gabriel's Rebellion was snuffed out by Gov. James Monroe, the
future president, who was tipped off by a slaveholder. Prosser and
his followers were hanged.
King Salim Khalfani, Virginia State Conference executive
director of the NAACP, said Kaine's action properly honors
Prosser and his followers "as women and men of integrity who
fought for freedom."
"In the capital of the Confederacy, where monuments to the
traitors of the Union are maintained with tax dollars, this is a
momentous occasion," Khalfani said.
O regon's Bureau of Labor
and Industries w il’ soon en­
force laws banning discrim i­
nation in housing.
A bill sponsored by Sen.
Margaret Carter and signed
by G ov. T ed K u lo n g o sk i
changed Oregon law to allow
local investigations and en-
are ju s t
Oregonians who face poten­
tial discrim ination in matters
of housing,” said Oregon La­
b o r C o m m is s io n e r Dan
Gardner. "Senate Bill 725 will
improve enforcem ent of fed­
eral housing discrim ination
laws and increases local con­
trol without spending any ad­
• Automobile accident injuries
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ditional General Fund or state
Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140
Support from the legislation
also cam e from the Urban
league of Portland, the Or­
egon Housing and Community
Services Department, the City
of Portland and the Fair Hous­
ing Council of Oregon.
Are you currently in an
adjustable rate mortgage?
Is your rate increasing?
Are you behind in your
m ortgage payments?
Sunshine is a Provider fo r A ll Seasons
More than 80 years ago, offic­
ers and volunteers of the Portland
Police Bureau started delivering a
few dozen holiday food boxes to
families in need in the Portland
Today, the Portland Police Sun­
shine Di vision carries on the tradi­
tion of distributing emergency
food, but the need has grown from
a few dozen deliveries to thou­
sands made all year-round.
Needed supplies also come from
the division's emergency clothing
room where racks of jackets are
donated by Nike, Target and
Pendleton Woolen Mills.
It's never too soon to think,
about refinancing.
You may have more options
then you think.
Sergeant Lori Drew
o f the Portland
Police Sunshine
Division carries food
boxes through the
division's North
Portland warehouse.
Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per
month and Call
3 6 0 -8 2 3 -1 4 4 1
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr , Suite 115
Vancouver. WA 98684
(AP) - The NAACP has filed a ci vi 1 -
rights lawsuit challenging a purge of
Louisiana voters the state claipis are
registered in other states following
Hurricane Katrina.
On June 15, Louisiana Secretary of
State Jay Dardenne announced that his
agency was mailing notices to 53.554
voters saying they must give up their
registration in other states or risk losing
the right to vote in Louisiana.
Dardenne said the state had com­
pared Louisiana voter roles with those
of other states and identified people
with identical names and dates of birth.
Voters were given one month to prove
they had canceled their out-of-state
registrations. After that, they had to
appear in person at their voter registrar's
office with documentation that their
on-Louisiana registration had been
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New Prices Effective May 1, 2007
Tools for Small Businesses
The Oregon Small Business Fair will take place
Saturday, Sept. 8, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Oregon
Convention Center. I l l N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.
The free event features 45-minute workshops for
small-business owners and those thinking about be­
coming small-business owners taught by agency and
industry experts, attorneys and CPAs.
Presentations cover licenses, taxes, regulations, e-
commerce, record keeping, marketing, networking,
finding qualified workers and tips for construction
contractors. For more information, contact Linda Repp
at 503-329-4260.
1 -8 8 8 -8 4 9 -0 5 8 8
Voter Purge Challenged
Charlotte Martin
See Elvers for Additional Prices
Call Eor Appointment
(503) 281-3949