Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 05, 2007, Page 8, Image 8

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    September 5. 2007
Page B2
Prostate Cancer Awareness
A voiding c h ec k u p s can be life threatening
m ore com m on. Out o f
L arry L ucas
every three men who are
It’s that tim e o f year
diagnosed with cancer
again - tim e to get our
each year, one is diag­
children and grandchil­
n o se d w ith p ro sta te
dren ready for school
with annual health check­
P ro sta te h e a lth is
ups and vaccinations.
particularly im portant
But when it com es to our
for A frican-A m erican
ow n adult health, many
men. Death rates for this
o f us would rather stay
cancer are nearly two-
on a perm anent sum m er
and-a-half tim es higher
A s a nine-year survivor o f pros­ in A frican-A m erican m en than
tate cancer. I’m here to tell you that w hite men, making this disease the
w hen it com es to the health o f your most com m on cancer and the sec­
p ro state, av o id in g your annual ond-leading cause o f cancer death
health check-ups can be life threat­ in black men.
Yet, in a recent study, 55 percent
In fact, it’s that annual physical o f A frican-A m erican men gauged
that saved my life. 1 had no sym p­ their risk o f prostate cancer to be
tom s and was enjoying activities zero percent, but a full 70 percent
like golf with no problem . Through turned out to have prostate cancer.
It is so im portant to get tested
the prostate screening and blood
- through regular visits to
tests that are a part of my regular
These screening tests
physicals, I was fortunate enough
early, when it's most
to catch the cancer in its early
stages, before it had spread to my treatable.
Because approxim ately 90 per­
lym ph nodes or o ther vital organs.
Septem ber is Prostate Cancer cent o f all prostate cancers are d e­
A w areness m onth and according tected in the early stages, the cure
to the N ational C ancer Institute, rate is very high - nearly 100 per­
prostate cancer is the second most cent o f men diagnosed at this stage
com m on type of cancer am ong men will be disease-free after five years.
Still, you have to work to m ain­
in this country. O nly skin cancer is
tain your health by eating right
and exercising.
M ore than half o f African-
A m erican adults are overw eight
or obese. And, an ew study found
that obese men have an increased
risk o f prostate cancer recurrence
and death after they have co m ­
pleted radiation therapy.
M ore than ev er before, m ed i­
cin es o ffer hope to those b at­
tlin g p ro state ca n cer. T o d ay
there are 50 m edicines in d e v e l­
o p m en t to treat pro state c a n ­
cer. S everal v accin es that a t­
tem p t to get the b o d y ’s ow n
im m une system to fight the c a n ­
ce r are cu rren tly being studied.
O ne p o ten tial vaccine in c lin i­
cal trials has trip led the su r­
vival rate o f m en w ith advanced
p ro state cancer.
O ne new case o f prostate can ­
cer occurs every 2.5 m inutes and
a man dies from it every 19 m in­
utes. Help ensure you d o n 't be­
com e a statistic by knowing the
status o f your prostate health.
C onsider it your assignm ent for a
healthy school year.
Larry Lucas is the vice presi­
dent fo r Pharmaceutical Re­
search and Manufacturers o f
New Worldwide Diseases Expected
(A P ) - A ballo o n in g w orld
p o p u la tio n , in te n siv e farm in g
p ractices and ch an g es in sexual
b eh a v io r have prov id ed a b reed ­
ing ground for an un p reced en ted
n u m b e r o f em erg in g d ise ase s,
acco rd in g to a new report from
th e U .N .
A ID S and 38 o th e r new p ath o ­
g ens are afflictin g m ankind that
w ere unknow n a g en eratio n ago,
the W orld H ealth O rgan izatio n
T hough adv an ces in science
could account for the d isco v ery
o f ex istin g path o g en s that w ere
p rev io u sly u n id e n tifie d , W H O
ep id em ics ex p ert Dr, M ike Ryan
said ch a n g es in hum an b eh av io r
an d p r a c tic e s h a v e p ro d u c e d
m ore new d iseases.
"W e’ve seen a shift in trend
that reflec ts a tran sitio n o f h u ­
m an c iv iliz a tio n ," R y an said .
"The relatio n sh ip to the anim al
kingdom , o u r trav el, o u r social,
sexual and o th e r b eh av io rs have
ch anged the nature o f o u r re la ­
tio n s h ip w ith th e m ic ro b ia l
w o rld and the resu lt o f th at is
the em erg en ce o f new p ath o ­
g en s and the spread o f th o se
p ath o g en s around the w orld.
"W e’ve u rb an ized a w orld.
W e have m oved p eo p le and
food around that w o rld at ever-
in creasin g speed," R yan said.
"W e're not saying that's a bad
thing. W hat w e're saying is that
w e m ust reco g n ize the risk we
c re ate in the pro cess and invest
to m anage those ris k s .”
Part 21. Chiropractic VS Fatigue: Climbing the
stairs to a new you, two steps at a time.
I d on’t w ant to take "pep”
p illsb ecau seo fad d ic-tio n possi­
bilities. W hat can I do?
: I have a good friend and
patient who only a year ago
at the age o f 61 loved life hut
a trem endous concern. He became
fatigued so easily that any activ­
ity would leave
Him exhausted. The interesting
point with him was that he prac­
ticed excel lent heal th habits. None­
theless he got to the point where
exercise was nearly impossible.
He still clim bed the steps at work
but would have to stop halfw ay up
to catch his breath before continu­
ing. I persuaded him to look to
Chiropractic for increased vitality.
At first he could not see a correla­
tion betw een his nerves and his
Energy level. I told him that it was
virtually one and th e 'sa m e . O ur
nerves are the highw ays o f energy
A local study is the first to show that risk o f childhood
obesity may be reduced by treating pregnant w oman
who have never had diabetes before but who have high
blood-sugar (glucose) levels during pregnancy.
Kaiser Perm anente's C enter for Health Research ana­
lyzed the medical records o f 9,439 m other-child pairs.
T his largest study o f gestational diabetes and child­
hood obesity ever conducted shows that m others’ high
blood glucose during pregnancy nearly doubles their
ch ild ren 's risk o f obesity at age 5 to 7.
Children o f mothers w ho had very high levels o f
blood sugar were 89 percent more I ikely to be overweight
and 82 percent more likely to be obese by the tim e they
w ere 5-7 years o f age, com pared to children whose
m others had normal blood sugar levels during preg­
"The good news here is that when pregnant women
were treated for gestational diabetes, their ch ild ren 's
risk for overw eight and obesity dropped considerably,”
says T eresa Hillier, the research endocrinologist who
w as the lead author o f the study.
The study adjusted for im portant risk factors for
childhood obesity - m o th er's age, num ber o f previous
children, m o th e r's w eight gain during pregnancy,
m o th er's ethnicity, ch ild 's gender, and w eight o f the
child at birth - to best interpret how the increased risk
o f childhood obesity could be attributed to the pregnant
w om en’s levels o f hyperglycem ia.
The results suggest that the 'm etabolic im printing’
for childhood obesity that results from gestational
diabetes in pregnant w om en may be reversible.
“ H yperglycem ia during pregnancy is clearly playing
a role in A m erica’s epidem ic o f childhood obesity,”
H illiersays.
“My advice to pregnant w om en is three-fold. First,
discuss screening for gestational diabetes with your
doctor, usually done betw een w eeks 24 and 28 o f
pregnancy. Second, if the screening tests show you do
H ealth W atch
A erobics a n d M ore - For a healthy body you need a
com plete body workout; including aerobics, Pilates
and more designed for all ages. C all Cathey at Adventist
Medical Center, 503-449-4000, for a schedule.
B e re av e m e n t S u p p o rt — A bereavem ent support
group m eets each 2nd and 4th T uesdays, from 10 a.m.
to 11:30 a.m. T oleam more, call 503-251-6192, exten­
sion 5670.
An onqoinq series of questions and answers about America’s natural healing profession
Z”"V I feel exhausted all the time.
Local study first
to show benefits
F re e Body B asics — T his physician recom m ended
class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions.
Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the
simple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretch­
ing. Call 503-256-4000 to register.
Dr. Billy R. Rowers
Obesity Treatment
Starts with Pregnancy
in the body. If the nerves are
trapped or irritated, our energy
will be drained as well. He took my
advice and now instead o f stop­
ping halfw ay, he charges up the
stairs, two steps at a time! If your
vitality is giving up at the halfw ay
m ark, get charged up with C hiro­
practic. It’s a natural!
C o m p re h en siv e W ellness S cree n in g — Thursday,
Sept. 20, Legacy G ood Samaritan Hospital, 1015 N. W.
22 Ave., will offer an extensive heart and stroke
screening package aim ed at staying healthy through
early detection. Pre-registration is required; screen­
ing cost $ 175. T o register, call 503-335-3500.
A new study shows that high blood-
glucose levels during pregnancy nearly
doubles a child's risk o f obesity.
have gestational diabetes, w ork with your physi­
cian to begin treating your diabetes. Finally, stick
with the treatm ent during your pregnancy. It's the
best thing you can do for your own health and for
reducing your ch ild ’s risk o f obesity.”
C hronic Pain Support G roup - meets the 1st
W ednesday at4 p .m . to5:30p.m . and the3rd W ednes­
day o f each m onth, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Call 503-
256-4000 for more information.
H eart Talk Support G roup m eets - on the 2nd
M onday o f each month, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The
Sept. 10 m eeting features special m otivational guest
speaker Je ff Hardesty, author o f "M ake M ine a
T rip le., .BypassThat Is."Call 503-251 -6260form ore
Sm oke-Free Support G roup - m eets M ondays, 7-
8p.m .;call 503-256-4000, for m ore information.
Prepared C hildbirth - Sunday, Sept. 9, from 9:30
a.m . to 6 p .m .. A d v en tist M edical C e n te r, will
o ffe r the ac ce le ra ted o n e-d ay class to p rep are
new p aren ts fo r lab o r and d eliv ery . P re -re g istra ­
tion is req u ired ; cost is $85 p er co u p le (lunch
included), to reg ister call 503 -2 5 6 -4 0 0 0 .
Fam ily C aregiver T raining - Saturday, Sept. 22,
from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. (breakfast and lunch in­
cluded), the innovative nonprofit Cancer Care Re­
B e tte r B re a th e rs - An asthm a educational support sources group will host this free educational w ork­
group m eets on the 1st T uesday o f the m onth from shop to assist fam ilies in providing physical care for
1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at Adventist M edical Center. For loved ones dealing with cancer. Register at 503-528-
■ 5236; to learn m ore visit: cancercareresources.org.
more information, call 503-251 -6830.
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: (503) 287-5504
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