September 5. 2007 Page A3 'jjJnrtlanb (Dhseruer Dear Deanna! Giving Back Dr. Wesley Harper and Pas­ tor Mary O verstreet were re­ cently honored at the Portland Rotary Club for their work bring­ ing help to fami lies i mpacted by Hurricane Katrina. O v e rstre e t, the p a sto r o f Powerhouse Tem ple Church o f God in Christ, was thanked for her continuous extended com ­ munity service efforts and for her work with many families displaced by the 2005 GulfCoas, storm. Harper, form er co-chair of the local Rotary C lu b ’s Katrina Relief C om m ittee, traveled to New Orleans with a team o f volunteers to provide emergency assistan ce to the devastated region. I'm dating som eone new and he has a ch ild . M y b o y frie n d 's daughter is 10 years old and she has no m anners or hom e training. W hen they com e to my house she puts her dirty feet on the sofa, and leaves her cups and candy w rap­ pers everyw here. I nicely asked her to remove her things one day and he becam e upset with me. This is a problem and I see the relationship w on’t go any further until this is addressed. How do I deal with this sensitive subject? - -Andrea; Charleston. S.C. Dear Andrea: The Portland Rotary Club thanks Dr. Wesley Harper and Pastor Mary Overstreet for their emergency assistance to families impacted by Hurricane Katrina. You need to let your boyfriend know that your hom e is not a barn and his child will not treat it as such. The next time they visit, handle your business and tell her to rem ove her feet, clean after herself or w hateverelse you need todo. If your boyfriend says som e­ thing use that o p p o rtu n ity to share your expectations. M oving forward if he or his daughter ig ­ nores the rules you provided, addresses it once more and if they d o n ’t com ply, dum p them both and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! Awareness for a Silent Killer continued from Front treatm ent has com e a long w ay,” and hopes that people will learn from her story the im portance o f early detection. “ It’s a silent killer, because it hides in p eople’s bodies, so the key iseducation,” she says, taking com ­ fort in the fact that she is not alone in her predicam ent. O ne in 12 A fri­ can A m erican carries the disease, m aking it more than possible to fill up Bethesda C hristian church in north Portland with affected com ­ m unity m em bers for an Oregon Health Sciences U niversity-hosted sem inar on W ednesday, Sept. 29. O utside o f such occasional sup­ port-group events, “it’s like agam e o f dice, because you never know w ho’s a carrier,” she says. Parents w ho carry the trait have a 25 percent chance each concep­ tion o f a chi Id afflicted by sickle-cell disease. But T aylor w orries about more than the illness itself when counseling parents about their re­ productive choices. Sickle-cell patients have faced em ploym ent discrim ination, and only this April did federal legisla­ tion pass barring businesses from using a p erson's genetic inform a­ Food Origin Demands Intensify continued from Front tect them selves. In D avison's case, labeling al­ lows him to follow a strict diet that he uses to control his disabling condition: "I say I was diagnosed with m ultiple sclerosis, because if I say I have m ultiple sclerosis, w est­ ern science c a n ’t do anything for than b en e fits.” D avison acknow ledges the dif­ ficulty o f getting everyone to agree on regulations from his ow n e x p e­ rience, saying, "R ight now w e’re learning how to write policy gover­ nance, and that’s taken up a lot o f that,” he says. Ratherthan waiting forC ongress my tim e, because it’s not easy.” D avison argues that the small to release a 2008 Fann Bill with some effort involved in the actual label­ labeling enforcem ent, D avison en ­ ing reaps huge psychological and courages consum ers to vote with physiological benefits for consum ­ their feet by shopping elsew here if ers, especially am ong those who a store isn't responding to cries for are concerned about the health ef­ labeling. “ I’m not that old. but it occurs to fects o f foods. He notes that the governm ent should provide a cer­ me that you w ant to align yourself tain m inim um o f protections and with som ething that’s done right, inform ation so citizens can be in­ be it a w inning team or a business.” form ed about theirchoices and pro- he says. G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y July 26-A ugust 28 Kim M u rto n 8< Kelly Neidig Pictured above: Murton's Hi, How are ya ?" clay • Changing M o n th ly E xh ibition s • Contemporary Art 8< Craft in Gift Shop • Custom Fram ing O PEN six days a w eek 2939 NE A lb e rta • P o rtla n d , OR 97211 503 281-9048 • w w w .g u a rd in o g a lle ry .c o m tion to deny insurance coverage or w ho are uninform ed and think that jo b opportunities. sickle cell will cost them more Congress saw the need to protect m oney.” against genetic discrimination in­ In celeb ratio n o f this y ea r’s creasing with advances in science aw areness m onth and increased after it spent $3.7 billion on the Hu­ genetic-discrim ination protections, man Genome Project, giving parents T aylor and the Portland O bserver an accurate prediction o f whether are inviting sickle-cell sufferers to their child is “normal” or not. But share their stories. To show the such information has long led to hardships o f this disease along with problems for sickle-cell patients in the possibility o f leading a som e­ the workplace or with health insur­ what normal life with regular blood ers. according to Taylor. transfusions and low -im pact em ­ “ M ost o f them are hiding their ployment, call 5O3-288-OO33. disease, because th ey 're afraid it For more information about the w ould cost them their jo b s,” she seminar, orthe Sept. 22nd telethon in says. "There are some em ployers Taylor at 503-249-1366. Ask Deanna ! M Real People, Real Advice An advice column known for reality based subjects! ship. In staling that y o u ’ve slipped, in a relationship, one tim e o f any­ thing wrong is one tim e too many. Her trust will be built o ver a period of tim e and with consistency. Be patient and your character and in­ tentions will be revealed and she'll either accept you or deny you. Dear Deanna! I ended a violent relationship with a man I truly loved. He abused me verbally and physically all the time. I walked out one day and left my clothes and everything I owned. It has been a few years and I ran into him at church. He appears to be a changed man. I’ve had a few co n ­ versations with him and he wants another try. I’ve w atched him in his new life and I thi nk we have a chance at happiness. How can I protect my self if he goes back to his old behav­ ior? --Anonymous; Baltimore. Md. I used he a guy that played the field quite a bit. I’v em et someone Dear Anonymous: nice and I w ant to settle down D o n 't fool yourself into thinking with her, build a future and per­ that just because h e's in church haps have children or adopt. She clothes h e 's changed. Unless he's tells me on a regular basis be­ addressed the root that causes his cause o f my past sh e's scared to ugly behavior, you have a situation trust me. I'v e slipped a few times sim ilar to putting a band-aid on a but I'm working hard to be faith­ chim ney to repair the roof. You ful. be com m itted and show her need to w atch a lot longer and keep that I'v e changed. I’ve offered to him at arm s length and do not move go to counseling, I stay at hom e in with him or be intimate until and I tell her everything but noth­ you’ve seen a consistent pattern of ing is working. W hat do I do? -- change. A fter awhile, if this is an act, h e'll get tired and the real man Ry'an; On-Line Reader will surface again. Dear Ryan: The universe has a way o f balanc­ ing itself and now the exact thing you always ran from is running from you. You have to m ake changes within yourself and not try to change ju st for this relation- Ask Deanna is written hy Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email: askdeanna I <&> or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 40211. Website; www.askdeanna.eom Gambling Can Put You at Odds with Yourself. When you play, set a time limit and stick to a budget. DON’T LET THE GAME PLAYYOU.