September 5, 2007 Page B6 p © r tla n J o © s e rv e r A u f o R e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles The New King o f the Jungle bv K a t h le en C arr Jaguar is trying to get nine lives out o f its XJ series o f large luxury sedans, stretching it to w hat it co n ­ siders to be five different m odels, led by the high-perform ance ver­ sion, the Jaguar XJR. The XJR is a fascinating blend of tim eless sophistication and m od­ ern technology. It gives the grace­ fully aging sedan spunk without destroying its core attributes. The sporty XJR continues to stand out for its deft balance o f com fort and high perform ance. T he X J R 's 4 0 0 -h p , s u p e r ­ charged, 4.2-liter V8 and sport- tuned suspension are the key dif­ ferences betw een it and the non- supercharged XJ8. Because o f its sporting inten­ tions, the Jaguar XJ R com es only in the regular wheelbase. T he five seconds it takes to get from stand­ still to 60m ph is impressive. At 60 mph the XJR is ju st stretching its legs— 0-1 (X) mph takes around 12.5 seconds with a top-end o f 150 mph. But what's really good is the terrific 6-speedZFautobox that m akes it all feel so effortless. Because the con- stant-m esh supercharger is less fickle than a turbo, there is no sud­ den rush o f perform ance: the accel­ eration is constant and mightily impressive. Flick the delightfully stubby chrom e-and-leather J-gate' selec­ tor lever across into manual mode and push the S for Sport button — we drove like this for ninety per cent o f our road test and it was great fun. Inside the handsom e wood- and leather-trim m ed cabin, power sport seats with perforated leather in ­ serts are specially designed to hold the driver and front passenger firmly in place during aggressive corner­ ing m aneuvers. All seats, front and rear, plus the steering wheel are heated. T he Jaguar X JR also has radar- Specifications: 4.2-Liter 400-hp @ 40 8 Ib-ft torque V-8 Supercharged Intercooled Engine; 6-speed based adaptive cruise control that Automatic Transmission: 1 7-City 24-Highway MPG; $82,850. MSRP m aintains both a set speed, and But d o n 't think that such a light distance from traffic ahead; navi­ like she knew w hat she was doing. avoids tacky exterior add-ons like Sitting still, there is not much to scoops and spoilers that som etim es car m ight fall sh o rt on safety as­ gation; and a high-pow ered audio system . The few options include distinguish the XJR from other plague high-perform ance versions pects. N ot at all — y o u r safety is satellite radio and a rear-seat DVD models in the XJ line besides bigger o f other luxury sedans. The exten­ as th o ro u g h ly taken care o f as entertainm ent system . These sys­ wheels and the body-color area sive use of alum inum in the X JR 's y o u r co m fo rt. F ro n t-seat p assen ­ tem s are very user-friendly; they surrounding the front m esh grille. construction, cuts w eight and helps gers have tw o airb ag s each and all o ccu p an ts are p ro tec ted by w ould even make my grandm a look S u ch ta s te fu l u n d e r s ta te m e n t structural rigidity. 2007 Jaguar XJR Supercharged PERFECTION AUTOMOTIVE Full Service Auto Repair Warranty on all parts and labor 503-262-6779 5430 NE 42nd Ave. M-F 9-6 Portland, OR 97218 D a v id l e A S E C e r t if ie d T e c h n ic ia n G r a d u a t e o f U n iv e r s a l T e c h n ic a l in s t it u t e (P h o e n ix , AZ) H i T e c h A u t o R e p a ir 1 C O I O N E S a n d y B l v d P o r t l a n d , O R 9 7 2 2 0 S O 3 -2 5 6 -3 3 3 5 M o nday - S aturday : S:OO a m - 6:O O P M S ports __ Pro Soccer at PGE Park Homecoming for local star player The U.S. W om en’s Soccer N a­ tional Team will face M exico at PGE Park on Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. following this m onth's 2007 FIFA W om en's World C up in China. The last appearance for the U.S. in Portland was a 7-0 victory against Ukraine in 2005 at the University of Portland's M erloField that featured the 100th career goal from Portland legend Tiffeny M ilbrett. The Portland game will be a home­ com ing o f sorts for U.S. defender S tep a n ie L o p ez , the y o u n g e st player on the roster. At the U niver­ sity o f Portland, she helped the Pilots win the NCAA title in 2005. She will return to the Pilots after the gam e to finish out her senior year. The U.S. is unbeaten since head coach Greg Ryan took over the team in March o f2005 with a 38-0-7 record, the only blemish coming when the U.S. fell in penalty kicks toGermany in the 2006 Algarve Cup final. Tickets starting at $20 are on sale to the g en eral p u b lic th ro u g h , by phone at 503- 2 2 4 -4 4 0 0 and at P o rtlan d -area T icketm aster centers. T AND C AUTO SALES ’X R acquet C enter R eopens • LICEN SED • • BO ND ED INSU RED Tim Wilson 503-550-3841 A T T E N T IO N !!! In my continual efforts to offer you reliable used cars, I am now based out of Beaverton Toyota. Now I can also assist you in the purchase of your next new or used Toyota. So call first - then come see me. S p ecial F in a n c in g is A vailable! "If I D on’t Have It In Stock, ! Will Get It For You! ” sid e cu rtain airb ag s. A ctively the XJ R has a full co m p lem en t o f the latest elec tro n ic tractio n , sta b il­ ity and b raking aids. In sto p /start traffic the pow erful b rakes can be a touch 'stab b y ' but you quick ly get used to them . N eed less to say — and esp ecially at h igher speeds — o n ce the b rak es bite re ta rd a ­ tio n is im m ed iate, scru b b in g o ff sp eed co m p letely w ith o u t any fuss. T ry a full em erg en cy stop from 4 0m ph and the X JR pulls up fo u r-sq u are in w hat seem s an im ­ possibly short distance. I do m ean an im m ediate response! O verall the XJR is as sophisti­ cated and sm oothly capable as you could wish for and more. And while it is blatantly a Jaguar, under its subtle alum inum hood beats the heart o f a lion. In the final analysis, drivers buy cars like the XJR as much for its four-door functional­ ity and ride and refinem ent as they do for the m assively usable super­ charged perform ance. Add to that a fine transm ission m ated to an eager engine and a refreshed repu­ tation for quality and durability and it's easy to see why the 2007 Jaguar XJR Supercharged is very quickly- 5.0 seconds quick- the new “king o f the jungle". The St. Johns Racquet C enter at 7519 N. Burlington reopened for the season, now featuring three indoor tennis courts, the only two public racquetball courts in Port­ land and a small fitness room. The small fitness center has been updated with free w eights, an in­ cline bench, a television and mats. Use o f the fitness center is $2 per day or $20 for a m onthly pass. Tennis court fees are $24 for a 75- minute period, and racquetball court fees are $12 an hour, but monthly passes are also available that re­ duce these rates considerably. M onday through Friday, 10a.m. to 9 p.m. and w eekends, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., court reservations and more information are available by cal I ing 5 0 3 - 8 2 3 -3 6 2 9 or v is itin g . “Happy Birthday Gary Washington!” from your Family & Friends L egal N otices Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an affidavit of p u b lica tio n quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax; 503-288-0015 Olympic Qualifier Record LeBron James goes up for a dunk Sunday against Argentina during the FIBA Americas game in Las Vegas where, he scored 31 points, the most by an American player in an Olympic qualifier, and the U.S. team capped its dominance by beating Argentina 118-81 to win the championship. Schools K ick O ff Football Prep football will begin in full this Friday, Sept. 7 with the G ener­ als taking on Beaverton at Grant High School at 4:30 p.m. Fans of high-school sports could then make their way to nearby match ups hosted by the Democrats, Rough Riders and Quakers. Glencoe plays at Jefferson 7 p.m., Corvallis playsat Roosevelt 7:30 p.m. and Gresham plays at Franklin 7 p.m. O ther 7 p.m. gam es involving Portland team s that day include Benson at Oregon City, C leveland at W oodburn, W es, Linn at W il­ son, Lincoln a, Tigard, M adison at T he Dalles and M arshall at Liberty High School in Hillsboro. Tickets are available at the gates for $6, $2 for students. 1 .......... State Famr» Providing Insurance and Financial Services A I M IM IAMCI Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 617,0 e-mail: classifieds(g>po The Portland Observer Michael E Harper A g en t W e m oved to our new location at: 9713 S.W . Capitol Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 King of Clean A Professional Janitorial Company P.O. Box 219-112 • Portland. OR 97225-9112 (503) 839-6752 Tim R. Thomas Owner/President We accept m ajor credit cards 'Ll-J-icions SMOKEHOUSE 9 ¡ > C C Íi l[ iZ Í llp III 'mo lzc> : Vlc< it> <’ 'C<|/ooc B eef • Pork • Lam b • Poultry • Seafood “Our cleaning Is a reflection o f yo u” fundi $5.95. 'Owner $9.95 anb up Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wi ne Avai 1 able Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Leí Ví hitworth (?.P.A. Live Blues ,int bookkeeping serViees .'>421 \ f. 33rd V enin1 Portland. OK 9721 I Plume 303-295-1939 F rid a y s C a ll fo r details Cell 971 344 6414 Fas 503-293-1065 7 p m to 10pm ii trie lesii liilirorlhi pii.i inn emnil: lesta lesa hilu orlilip 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414