Page B5 September 5. 2007 B ids Public Notice Oregon Department of Transportation Annual DBE Goals for Federal Fiscal Year 2008 This announcement will serve as notice of the Oregon Department of Transportation’s proposal of an annual Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) goal of 11.26 percent for Federal Highway Administration contracts or grants, and 3.46 percent for Federal Transit Administration contracts and grants. This calculation is being made in accordance with U.S. DOT’S 49 CFR, part 26. The overall goal is being established in an effort to achieve a “level playing field” for DBEs seeking to participate in ODOT’s federally funded transportation contracting. The analysis used in arriving at the proposed goals is available during regular business hours at the ODOT Office of Civil Rights and through the ODOT Web site. Written comment will be accepted up to 45 days from the date of this notice. For further information and comment, please contact: ODOT Office of Civil Rights 800 Airport Road S.E. Salem, OR 97301-4798 (503) 986-4350 Fax: (503) 986-6382 bv Parks Jobs Offer Worldly Lessons con tin u ed Public Notice The Oregon Departm ent of Transportation Workforce Development Program This announcement will serve as notice of the Oregon Department of Transportation’s proposal to implement a change to Federal Highway Administration and State of Oregon contracts for Equal Employment Opportunity and Apprenticeship training. This plan is in accordance with 23 U.S.C. 140. ODOT will comply with federal terms and conditions of employment and abide by the requirements of applicable EEO laws, Executive Orders and state regulations. ODOT makes every effort to ensure equal-opportunity recruiting practices without discrimination and with support for the development of minority, women, low- income and disadvantaged workers. Beginning in fall 2007, ODOT will implement a statewide Workforce Development Program. Initial implementation occurred as a pilot program from July 2005 to July 2007. ODOT will consider all comments. The draft Oregon Department of Transportation Workforce Development Program will be made available during regular business hours. For further information, call (503) 986-6608. fro m M etro Happy ju st to earn his modest am ount o f spending m oney out­ side, Dow ning m ostly rem ained content to listen. "This is my sec­ ond year, so 1 liked it enough to com e back," he says. "It’s better than w orking at M cD onalds or som ething." Phillips tried to get him to appre­ ciate having a jo b that he could rely on so long as he had strength in his body. “ H e’ll grab bits and pieces, so that one day he can be perm anent, because som eone once did that for m e." says Phi I lips. “It's about show ­ ing him how to give basic respect so that we can hopefully get that back." O v er tw o d ecad es w o rking for PP& R, Phillips has helped at least seven people get p erm an en t jobs. H is boss held back no praise for his co n certed effo rts to guide so m any o f the d e p a rtm e n t’s 2,000 p art-tim e and seasonal em p lo y ­ ees, ap p aren tly an im p o rtan t jo b for the mere 410 full-tim e em ploy­ ees. "D en n is’ work is w onderful for us w hether these kids decide to continue on with us or realize that m anual labor isn 't for them ," says Peggy G lascock, w ho m anages the 30 parks in the area encom passed by Peninsula Park, H olladay Park and Rocky Butte. Restroom s, garbage, bed work, shrubs, tree m aintenance, play­ ground safety, irrigation, drinking fountain and turf repair keeps her small staff quite busy. “W e w ould like to believe that we all work together overlapping coverage, not as distinct work allo­ cations,” she says. “ We Parkies are pretty proud o f what we do." Phillips' has special pride in his work at Irving Park having grown up in the neighborhood. He saw the park go dow nhill as the area first Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered-Missing High Calling Celebration The local com m unity is invited to Emmanuel Tem ple Church, 1033 N. Sum ner Ave., for the congregation's Pastor and Wife C elebration with Bishop C.T. and Lady D eA ngeloa Wells. The sixth-annual event will feature the theme "Pressing Toward the High C alling" at 7 p.m. both Thursday, Sept. 13 and Friday, Sept. 14. Special keynote speaker will be Pastor Darryl Hill of Brooklyn, N.Y. For more information, call 503-287-2223. O b itu a ry Sheree Bell Funeral services for Sheree Bell, a loving wile, m other and grandm other, will be held Friday, Sept. 7, 2 0 0 7 at I l.m .a tC o x & C o x Funeral Chapel. 2736N .F. The Oregon Department of Transportation announces a Public Hearing to be held in: PORTLAND, OREGON Tuesday, September 11, 2007 7:00-8:30 p.m. Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center 1000 N.E. Multnomah Mount St. Helens Room The public is invited to attend and partici­ pate by giving testimony as part of a disparity study. If you are a business owner and have contracted with or have tried to contract with ODOT or with a prime contractor hired by ODOT, ODOT would like to know about your experi­ ences. Personal testimony will be limited to five minutes in order to allow everyone an opportunity to speak. We look forward to your participation. If you need special accommodations, please notify Miriam Lederer at (503) 595-3970 at least 72 hours prior to the date of the hearing. r e e le d fro m th e e f f e c ts o f gentrification, but is now happy with the sense o f harm ony brought about by nearly everyone enjoying the greenery together. “The graffiti level has really dropped off because o f the fact that we' re here everyday," he says. “This is the way I rem em ber it from when I w as baptized at the big church across the street." Have you seen me? Rodney Ave. Sheree was a dedicated housew ife who loved to cook. She enjoyed fishing, cam ping and dancing around the house while attending to her eight grandchildren whom she loved dearly. She leaves to mourn her husband Steve Bell: two sons. Shane I ally o f Seattle and Kevin Smith of Salem: her grandchildren; her mother. Rose M arie; and her sisters and brothers, all o f Los Angeles, Calif. She will be Mulenga Ngwashi- Hibbert Lanue Ngwashi-Hibbert Age: 2 In Loving Memory PUBLIC HEARING R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver Portland Parks and Recreation supervisor Philip Downing and summer intern Dennis Phillips work together to repair Irving Park's irrigation system. C u rre n t Age: 8 Age: 5 Aug. 14.2000 M is s in g F r o m : Brooklyn. NY C u rre n t Age: 1 1 D a te M is s in g : Lanue has a burn scar on the inner part o f his left arm. D a te M is s in g : A u g . 1 4 ,2 0 0 0 M is s in g F r o m : Brtxiklyn.NY If you have any information please contact: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678) This public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. m issed by all w ho knew and loved her. Flowers, cards and other rem em brances can be sent to Cox & Cox. 5th Annual Senseless Violence September 8,2007 ” • Free Hamburger, Hot Dogs & Refreshments < SA & The Crew, B egins: Ir v in g Park NE 7"1 & Fremont Street Portland, OR Ends: A lb e rta Park NF A Klllingsworth Street Portland, OR Rally at Alberta Park iitjoam-gtotlpm For Additional In fo rm a tio n l a l l 503 247-2997 - Advertise with diversity uJ’c C all 5O3-288-OO33 in (Oltseruer ads@ portbm dobserver.coin O ❖ O»*çon Action t ♦ Portland OtMorvor