Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 29, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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August 29, 2007
IlK î î n r t la n b
Live Music Every Night
• Hannah Bea’s, 3969 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., presentsjazz
during its ‘Sunday Brunch Serenade’ from 11 a.m .-l p.m.
• L ivejazz Sundays fro m 8 :3 0 p .m .-11:30p.m. atC ly d e’sP rim e Rib,
5474 N.E. Sandy, and at the Blue M onk, 3341 S.E. Belmont.
• An open mie is held each M onday night at the Back-to-Back Café,
614 E. Burnside.
• Live blues on M ondays from 9 p.m. to m idnight at Produce Row
Café, 204 S.E. Oak; the Steinhaus, 2 3 6 6 S.E. 82; M ississippi Studios,
939 N. M ississippi, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m .; and at Jim m y M ac’s, 2 2 1
N.W . I O at 8 p.m.
• Blues offered up W ednesday sat the Candlelight Room , 2032 S.W.
Fifth; D uff's Garage. 635 S.E. Seventh; and the Blue Diam ond. 2 0 16
N.E. Sandy.
• Jazz each W ednesday night at the Blue M onk, the Portland Art
M useum , Jim m y M ac’s, and Ja x ’s, 26 S.W . Second.
• On Thursdays, catch the W omen in Blues Revue at T illicum ’s, 8585
S.W . Beaverton-H illsdale.
• Fridays and Saturdays offer live music around the metro area
including Halibuts, 2525 N.E. Alberta St.; M ississippi Studios; L V ’s,
3530 N. V ancouver Ave.; X V ’s. 15 S.W . Second; Out o f the Blues,
2050 N.W. Vaughn: M anila Express, I23OS.E. Main: Steinhaus; One
Stop Records. 6 15 N.E. Ki I lingsworth : and the U-licious Smokehouse,
4057 N. Interstate.
Jimi Hendrix String Concert Salute
A h ighly unusual string
music concert will feature a
world premiere perform ance in
honorofJim i Hendrix as well as
an arrangem ent o f H endrix’s
‘G ypsy E y es.’ T he legendary
singer w ould have turned 65
this year on Nov. 27.
T he selections w ill co n ­
clude a Free M arz String Trio
concert, Friday, Sept. 28 at 8
p.m. at the C om m unity Music
Center, 3350 S.E. Francis St.
The first part o f the concert will
Jim i Hendrix
N o rm a n S y lv ester B an d - Sat­
urday, S ept. I , at 9 p. m ., the Norman
Sylvester Band will take the stage at the
Platinum Club in Corvallis, and on Tuesday, Sept.
4, at 8 p.m ., at T illicum ’s in Beaverton and on Friday,
Sept. 7 at 9 p.m., catch them at Dom enic’s in Milwaukee.
For more inform ation contact: norm ansylvester.com
o r503-286-6474.
S lid ers G rill — Slid­
e rs G rill, 3 0 I l N.
Lom bard, features an
eclectic assortm ent o f
performers on the main
stag e, ac co m p an ie d
by delicious food. Call
503-459-4488 for more
L eg e n d ary B lues —
le g e n d a ry
Holmes Brothers bring
their soulful harm o­ H olm es B rothers
nies to the Oregon Zoo
on W ednesday, Aug. 29 at 7 p.m. as part o f the W ells
Fargo Sum m er concert Series. Tickets are $9.75 and
include zoo adm ission.
S u n d a y N ight Jazz. - Jazz enthusiasts
can enjoy listing to the cool sounds o f
Mel Brown, every Sunday evening in
Septem ber in the Rogue River Room at
C hinook W inds C asino Resort in L in­
coln City. No cover charge.
July 26-A ugust 28
Kim M u rto n 8< Kelly N eidig
Pictured above: Mutton's Hi, How are ya?"day
• Changing M o n th ly E xh ibition s
•Contemporary Art 8< Craft in Gift Shop
• Custom Fram ing
OPEN six days a week
2939 NE Alberta • Portland, OR 97211
503 281-9048 • w w w .guardinogallery.com
be dedicated to the m em ory o f
the great Russian cellist and
c o n d u c to r
M s tis la v
The Free M arz String Trio is
a contem porary music group
m ade up o f three o f the Oregon
Sym phony ’ s m ost adventurous
young m usicians: Ines Voglar,
Jo e l B e lg iq u e a n d A d am
Esbensen; and includes artis­
tic director Bob Priest.
A dm ission to the concert is
free o f charge.
R e tu rn to O z -- D iscovery M useum
hosts Return to Oz, an exhibit that is
sure to m ake you rem em ber the poppy
fields, wicked witches, flying monkeys
and O h ! my so much m ore at the W orld
Forestry C enter through Sept. 16. Free
with the cost o f m useum adm ission.
( )reg o n S y m p h o n y in th e P a rk - The B ey o n ce
Oregon Sym phony continues a tradi­
tion o f free com m unity concerts as the orchestra visits
Tom McCall W aterfront Park on T hursday, Aug. 30.
Z oom U g an d a - Visit the World Forestry Center for the
photoessay: l2G irls, !2C am -
eras: A Day in Their Lives through
T heir Eyes, a docum entary on the
lives o f 12 orphaned girls from Uganda. The
exhibit runs through Friday, Aug. 3 1 in the cen ter’s
D iscovery M useum in the Special Exhibits G allery.
Body W o rld s 3 — G et grossed out or intrigued by the
d y n a m ic
hum an
body. Real life bod­
ies arc on display at
OM SI through a pro­
c a lle d
plastination. Started
by Dr. G unther von
H agens in 1977. the
sc ien tist has been
able to halt decom ­
position to show the
living how what we
do affects our body.
Body W orlds 3 lasts
until October.
H ip -h o p D ance C lasses — V ancouver-C lark Parks
and R ecreatio n is h o stin g fam ily frien d ly hip -h o p
d an ce c lasse s for ages 5 to 18. V ari­
o u s le sso n s te ac h rh y th m , te c h ­
nique, co o rd in a tio n , ag ility , co m b i­
nations and team w o rk th ro u g h ur­
b an -d an ce m oves. For m ore in fo r­
m ation,call 360-696-8236.
T r ip p in ' th ro u g h T o w n — Take a trip
through tim e to find the hottest po­
etry. hip-hop and soul influencing
Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm.
$7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave.
O p en M Ic N ight — Every W ednesday
night at 7 p.m ., the Proper Eats Market
and C afé, 8638 N. Lom bard St., hosts
an open-m ic night.
B eyonce E x p erie n ce — Hot T op 40
icon Beyonce com es to the Rose G arden Arena.
Saturday, Sept. 8 at 7:30 p.m. “The Beyonce Experi­
ence” w orld tour also includes her all-fem ale band
and a high-tech stage.