August 29. 2007 Page B6 R e v ie w News and reviews on new motor vehicles 2007 Lincoln MKZAWD Zephyr Yesterday ~ MKZ Today m K athleen C akr In an unusual twist, Lincoln has renam ed one o f its vehicles after just one year on the market. In order to more closely align its vehicles with a new nam ing structure, Lin­ coln has renam ed last year's Z ephyr sedan the 2(X)7 M KZ Most noticeable is the M K Z's exclusive new engine. U nder the hood is a larger, m ore pow erful 3.5- liter V6. The bigger engine m akes 263 horsepow er, 42 m ore than last year's 3.0-1 iter V6. It also develops more torque (249 pound-feet this year) and is available with either front-wheel or all-wheel drive. Handsom e, classy and nicely turned out, Lincoln's first all-new sedan since the Jaguar-based, rear- wheel-drive LS is well suited to compete with "near-luxury" imports and attract more affluent buyers to Lincoln-M ercury show room s, and the renam ed 2