Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 22, 2007, Page 9, Image 9

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    A u g u st 22, 2 0 0 7
Page B 3
Bebop Jazz Master
(AP) — Max Roach, the m aster percussionist
whose rhythm ic innovations and improvisations
defined bebop jazz during a wide-ranging career
w here he collaborated with artists from Duke
Ellington to rapper Fab Five Freddy, is being
rem em ber after his death last week at the age o f 83.
Roach received his first musical break at age 16,
filling in for three nights in 1940 when Ellington's
drummer fell ill.
Roach's perform ance led him to the legendary
M inton's Playhouse in Harlem, where he joined
lum inaries Charlie Parker
and Dizzy Gillespie in the
burgeoning bebop m ove­
m ent. In 1944, R oach
jo in e d G ille s p ie an d
C olem an Hawkins in one
o f the first bebop record­
ing sessions.
W hat d is tin g u is h e d
Roach from other drum ­
m ers were his fast hands
and ability to sim u lta­
neously m aintain several rhythms. By layering
different beats and varying the meter. Roach
pushed jazz beyond the boundaries of standard 4/
4 time. His dislocated beats helped define bebop.
Roach's innovative use o f cym bals for melodic
lines, and tom -tom s and bass drums for accents,
helped elevate the percussionist from mere tim e­
keeper to featured perform er — on a par with the
trum peter and saxophonist.
"One o f the grand masters of our music." Gil lespie
once observed.
Ina 1988 essay inThe New York Times, Wynton
M arsalis wrote o f Roach: "All great instrum ental­
ists have a superiorquality o f sound, and his is one
o f the m arvels o f contem porary music. ... The
roundness and nobility o f sound on the drum s and
the clarity and precision o f the cym bals distin­
guishes Max Roach as a peerless master."
O regon S ymphony
Saturday, August 25
Arbor Lodge Park
N. Bryant St. and Delaware Ave.
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Oregon Symphony Concert
5th Annual Senseless Violence
Irving Park
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Portland, OR
Alberta Park
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P ortland, OR
Rally at A lberta Park
For Additional Inform ation
C a ll 503 247-2997 or
Email svlts(a,msn.com
I jjij
In Loving
Peggy Lee Young
Peggy Lee Y oung died peace­
fully early Sunday m orning Aug.
12, 2(X)7 in her northeast Portland
hom e at the age o f 52.
She was born Peggy Lee R ob­
erts in St. Louis, M o., the daughter
o f R iceG lenn R obertsand M ildred
Elizabeth Roberts: and joining her
sister Patricia Ann Sims and brother
Richard G lenn Roberts.
In 1958, the fam ily m oved to
A sk Deanna !
A h advice
known for
reality based
Dear Deanna!
I'm dealing w ith a room m ate w ho
has som e se rio u s issues. I have
been friends w ith her for years
and she alw ay s ap p e ared to have
her act together. N ow that we live
under one roof, I'm being exposed
to h e r b a d s p e n d in g h a b its ,
h o u se k ee p in g issu es and poor
choices in m en. All o f these things
put to g e th er are ca u sin g stress in
o u r friendship and the household.
Is there an y th in g I can do to im ­
p rove this situ atio n before e v ic t­
ing her? —Stressed Housemate;
Oklahoma City
Dear Housemate:
T he first thing you should do is
see if this arran g em en t began on
pap er instead o f a verbal prom ise.
If you have a d o cu m en t, y o u 're
safe. You need to be a friend and
help get her budget to g e th er and
p rovide g u id an ce and a schedule
for the hou seh o ld re sp o n sib ili­
ties. T h e re ’s not m uch you can
do about the loser m en she se ­
lects. A fter y o u 'v e spent tim e and
effo rt, if she still d o e s n 't have a
clu e, pack y o u r b ags, leave her in
her m isery and keep it m oving.
Dear Deanna!
M y best friend has ex p re ssed in ­
terest in my brother. T he problem
is the fact that h e 's hap p ily m a r­
ried. I m ade the m istake o f c o m ­
plaining about my sister-in -law
and how m uch I d o n 't like her. I
feel my friend has m isunderstood
me and d ev elo p ed her plan to be
w ith my bro th er. I love my sister-
in -la w an d w o u ld n e v e r hu rt
her but m y friend is pressu rin g
me to participate in her plan for an
affair. I'm w illing toen d my friend­
sh ip ov er this but I'm scared. —
Silverton, Ore., where she was raised
and educated, becom ing a nurse
and then starting her own family.
She had five daughters, the first
born was Jam i Lee A nn G onzales,
follow ed by Foxy Sonya Jo Harris,
P recious A nn R ochelle H arris,
N icole Evelyn J Scott and Alexan-
driaD arcell Lee Lathan. Ever hope­
ful for a son, P eg g y 's w ish would
not be fulfilled until 1992 when her
first grandchild Marcellus was born.
Having traveled throughout the
U. S„ the birth o f her youngest
daughter brought her to reside in
Portland, w here she earned a repu­
tation o f being a hard working, kind-
h e a r te d , h o n e s t, a n d s tro n g -
m inded single mother.
Her life exceeded her accompl i sh-
m e n ts; th e re w as n o th in g she
co u ld n 't handle. She becam e a su­
p e r v is o r se c o n d in c h a rg e at
M eyers Court Q uad, Inc., once
again proving her strength and
perseverance in life and in the love
o f her family.
A fter 17 years in charge o f health
care, her last call took her into hu­
man resources for the State o f O r­
egon as a case manager, where she
did w hat she w as known for, ex ­
ceeding expectations and touch­
ing people’s lives through truth,
love and food.
She was a hero, best friend, in­
spiration, m otivator and strength
to her family and now 17 grandchil­
D early missed, but never forgot­
ten, Peggy Lee Young was called
hom e but her daughters will carry
her nam e on.
A m em orial service was held
Tuesday, Aug. 2 1 at Heaven Bound
D eliverance C enter in northeast
P ortland. S ervices en tru sted to
Terry Fam ily Funeral Home.
Easy Home Loans
Dear Janis:
Y o u ’re m aking the rig h t d ecision
by choosing fam ily and also d em ­
o n stratin g good m orals. If y o u r
frien d is that low dow n to have an
affair then you need to d istan ce
y o u rse lf befo re you b eco m e as
triflin g as she is. She d id n ’t m is­
u n derstand you but in stead she
sees the good life y o u r b ro th er
g ives his w ife. I t's in y o u r best
interest to let her know she needs
to get this silly idea o u t o f her
head o r sh e 'll lose y o u r frie n d ­
ship and w o n ’t get it back.
You need Fair to Good Credit
2 years work history. Self employed OK
Must be 2 years out o f Ch.7 bankruptcy
Dear Deanna!
I'm in ad ilem m a w ith a staff m em ­
b er that I have a frie n d sh ip w ith.
W e both started this jo b as friends
but I decid ed to take a ca reer
approach. I’ve m oved up the lad ­
d er and now I’m her boss. I'm
able to ex e rcise good ju d g m e n t
and d eleg ate du ties and resp o n ­
sib ilities in a very fair m anner.
S h e 's causing p ro b lem s because
she gives o th ers the im p ressio n
she has favoritism . If th is c o n tin ­
ues, I have to d isc ip lin e her or
term in ate her. How do I handle
th is ? —Anonymous; On-Line
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Are you currently in an
adjustable rate mortgage?
Dear Anonymous:
A s long as you play the gam e fair
you w o n 't have any p ro b lem s.
Y our friend and sta ff m em b er
needs to u n d erstan d you both
have a jo b and she can be fired or
d iscip lin ed like any o n e else. T he
only thing you need to d o is stick
to the rules, rem o v e frien d sh ip
d u rin g b usiness hours and handle
y o u r busin ess as a lead er and
boss. T hen again , if y o u 're not
m ature or b usiness savvy enough
to h a n d le th is , p e r h a p s y o u
should be fired instead.
Is your rate increasing?
Are you behind in your
m ortgage payments?
It's never too soon to think
about refinancing.
You may have more options
then you think.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write A sk Deanna! Email:
askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega lllvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
w M'M'. askdeanna. com.
Deanna! can be heard every Sun­
day on KTYM AM 1460 at 3:00pm
in h>s Angeles. CA.
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