Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 22, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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«•Çortlanb •» I's m u T y V l^ r^ M
August 22, 2007
Rockin ’ Soul
Hall and Oates to play Portland
by S arah B lount
T he P ortland O bserver
D on’t call it a com eback when
Darryl Hall and John O ates perform
in Portland next week.
Sure, the A rlene Schnitzer C on­
cert Hall will b echalk full o f nostal­
gic energy for songs o f the 1970s
like “S he's G one” and “Sara Smile,”
but the duo has been constantly at
work since breaking onto the scene.
“W e’ve never pretended to re­
tire," O ates told The Portland O b­
server. " It's a to u rth a t n everends.”
O ates met Hall as a fellow m usi­
cian and student at Tem ple U niver­
sity in the 1960s.
T h e ir firs t su c c e ss w as on
Philly’s R& B stations.
Their 1973 release "A bandoned
L uncheonette” featuring “S h e’s
Gone” did wel I on col lege radio. But
in what O ates calls a w eird quirk of
fate, their first T op-40 hit “Sara
Sm ile" broke out on a Toledo, Ohio
R&B station.
“ R&B radio paved the way to
our success,” O ates noted. “And I
think that over the years we were
one o f the first bands, especially
being white, that crossed over.”
The musical era o f the 1960s was
a tim e when artists crossed racial
lines and genres.
“W hen you look at 1960s play­
bills you have Curtis M ayfeild. Jimi
H endrix, the Rolling Stones, and
Staple Singers - all on the same
bill,” O ates said. "People were dig­
ging music, opening their ears to
different sounds and styles.”
In the mid 1970s, he said, radio
began to spin o ff other stations that
aired exclusive genres.
"T hat encouraged fragm enta­
Ha// and Oates play Portland on Wednesday, Aug. 29 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall.
tion and segregation," he noted.
At one point Hall and O ates’ co in ed in the 1960s w hen g roups soul; if it’s music that reaches the sensibility," he said.
Hall and O ates will perform
sound was labeled as “ Blue Eyed like T he R ig h teo u s B rothers b e­ soul and touches the listener, then
W ednesday, Aug. 29 at 7:30 p.m. at
Soul," a description o f R&B as per­ gan to r e fle c t th e e x p re s s iv e it is soulful."
O ates said he and Hall created the A rlene Schnitzer C oncert Hall.
M otow n sound.
form ed by w hite artists.
F o r m o re in f o r m a tio n , v is it
“ I d o n 't think soul is dom ain of their own label: “rockin’ soul."
O ates said he d o e s n 't a p p re c i­
“ It’s R&B with rock and folk ticketm aster.com .
ate such the term , w hich w as eye color," he said. “ Everyone has
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Jay-Z is World’s Richest Rapper
ifjo x th m h © b s t r u e r
(A P ) — Ja y -Z w in s all a ro u n d , say s
Forbes.com . He's got Beyonce on his arm
and more m illions than 50 Cent and Diddy.
T he rap icon, aka Shawn C arter, is No. I on
the site's list o f "Hip-Hop Cash K ings,” based
solely on 2006 income. He banked an estim ated
$34 m illion, Forbes.com said Thursday.
Jay-Z, president and C E O o fD ef Jam Record­
ings, released his I Ith studio album ,"K ingdom
Com e," which sold around 2 mil lion copies. Jay-
Z, 37, is also part ow ner o f the New Jersey Nets
and has endorsem ent deals with Budweiser,
H ew lett-Packard and General Motors.
C urtis "50 C en t” Jackson ranks second with
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September 14, 2007
If M l » M U R
^ 7
The Melody Ballroom
615 SE Alder St.
Portland, OR
4Pm —
Featuring Blind Pig Recording Artist,
John Nemeth w/the Oregon Blues All-Stars
Special Guests: The Norman Sylvester Band.
Terry Robb and The Tv Curtis Band
j Tickets: $45 each/availablc at all
y j f l I tickets West outlets and online at
O v7. I
KMHD.fmorat 503.49l.727l
an estim ated $32 million. T he 31 -year-old rap­
per-businessm an oversees his G -U nit record
label, clothing line, ring tones and other enter­
prises, and has sold more than 11 m illion al­
bums. His latest record, "Curtis," is due out
Blues Dinner
by Melody Ballroom
Jay Z regularly appears at business meetings.
Sept. 11.
I )iddy (real name: Sean C o m b s) placed third
with an estim ated $28 million. A fashion plate,
he has a clothing line. Sean John, and heads Bad
Boy W orldw ide Entertainm ent and its record
label. Diddy. 37, is also host o f M TV 's "M aking
the Band" series.