Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 22, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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August 22. 2007
Rock ‘n Roll
Blood Drive
Every two seconds som e­
one in America needs blood,
yet only five percent of Am eri­
cans donates, according to the
American Red Cross.
One group that is in dire
need is African Americans.
For example, sickle-cell dis­
ease affects more than 80,000
people in the U.S., with 98
percent o f the patients black.
Sickle cell patients can re­
quire frequent blood transfu­
sions throughout their lives.
The local com m unity is en­
couraged to make a differ­
ence in giving the gift of life by
donating blood on Saturday,
Aug. 25, from 7:30 a.m. to 1
p.m. during a Rock "n Roll up
Your Sleeves blood drive at
the Red Cross Portland Donor
Center, 3131 N. Vancouver
For more information or to
photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
make an appointment, call 503- American Red Cross workers Shelley Perry (from left), Charletta Malone and Raymond Paschal reach out to the community at a health care event at Irving Park. Local
284-4040 or visit givelife.org. residents are encouraged to participate this Saturday in a Rock ‘n Roll blood drive at the Red Cross Portland Donor Center, 3131 N. Vancouver Ave.
Fading Tribute to War Dead
con tin u ed
graffiti and asked to stop. Hiss was
h a lfw a y th ro u g h tw o n a m e s,
D ic k e n s an d L aW are, so she
washed out D ickens' name, rewrote
it across the street and returned
later to fill in the outline o f LaW are.
T he project has also been met
with significant support. Hiss said
about 85 people have helped out so
fro m M etro
church, but this is fine," Larkins said.
The couple has been approached
with some resistance, most recently
by city park w orkers at Irving Park
at Northeast Seventh and Fremont.
They w ere told the nam es were
Native Plant Gardening
Com m unityG arden,4619N . Michi­
gan Ave., on Thursday. Aug. 23
from 9 a.m. to noon.
A rea residents are invited to join
Portland C om m unity G ardens
and Ecum enical M inistries o f O r­
egon will plant and m aintain the
native-habitat area at the Patton
far, som e ju s t sto p p in g long
enough to write a nam e or two,
others returning again and again.
Photos, accounts of progress
and more inform ation about the
U.S. servicem en and w om en can
be found on the Iraq Names Project
w ebsite, iraqnam esproject.w ord
p ress.com .
the group to learn about native
plants o f the Pacific Northwest
and learn how to design and m ain­
tain a drought-tolerant garden.
Inform ation at 503-823-1612 or
com gardens@ ci.portland.or.us.
diversity "Print
Participate in Democracy Zote
Brothers Await Adoption
W ide, irresistible sm iles and
laughing brown eyes are windows
i nto the warm personal ities of Bobby
and A nthony, a dynam ic duo!
T hese brothers are am ong ap­
proxim ately 300 Oregon children
available for adoption through the
state, generally because o f abuse
and neglect.
Energetic and spry, Bobby and
A n th o n y can be found racing
scooters, playing basketball or just
horsing around outside. They also
like listening to music or spending
tim e with friends.
Assertive and social. Bobby is a
natural bom leader. Anthony can be
a little shy, and is usually content to
follow his older brother’s lead.
Both young men require enrich­
ment, new experiences and role­
modeling so they can develop skills
and self-confidence. It is neces­
sary that they have a variety of
organized, physical outlets for their
Bobby and Anthony, ages 11 and 9
Bobby and Anthony need the
em otional support and security of
a fam ily who loves them and can
keep them safe.
For more inform ation on the
availability o f these brothers for
adoption or on how to becom e a
foster or adoptive parent, contact
the Special Needs Adoption C oali­
tion at 503-542-2392 or the D epart­
ment o f Human Services at I -800-
/it turn war ballot by mail or drop i f o ff at any designated vote»
drvpstte. C all J 966-673 9693 to fin d a location near you.
© bserU er
H a v e you seen me?
Missing and Exploited Children
Abby Blagg
Age: 6 Photo Progression Age: 8
Current Age: 12
Date Missing: Nov. 13,2001
Missing From: Grand Junction, CO
Abbv and her mother were last seen in their home on Nov.
12, 2001. Abby’s mother was located deceased in June
2002 but Abby is still missing.
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As it quickly becomes more
and more an electronic world,
The Portland Observer endeav­
ors to meet the needs o f our
readers and advertisers by
going online. With the capa­
bility o f the Internet, the
Portland Observer now
reaches a broader audience,
and thus sets your business in
fro n t o f a new generation.
Kynande Bennett
Age: 4
Photo Progressed to Current Age 8
Date Missing Sept. 29.2<X)2
Missing From: Whiteville. NC
Kvnande was last seen at the Kmart department store in
Whiteville, North Carolina, in thecompanyofhermother.
If you have any information please contact:
The National Center for Missing anil Exploited Children
1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678)
w w w .p o r t l a n d o b s e r v e r .c o m
this public service announcement provided
by the Portland Observer Newspaper.
Free College
Success Course
Mt. Hood Com m unity College is
offering a special course, HD l(M)
College Success, to help new stu­
dents make the most o f theircollege
The course introduces students
to strategies for success, including
library o rien tatio n , ed u catio n al
planning, self-m anagem ent and
working with others in a coopera­
tive environm ent. It also provides
students an opportunity Io get a c ­
quainted with other students and
Classes are available evenings,
w eekends and before tall term. An
extra bonus is a grand prize draw ing
to he held at the New Student O ri­
entation Day luncheon on Sept. 18.
Students who attend the orienta­
tion and sign up for HD 100 have a
chance to win a full w aiver for w in­
ter 2(X)8.
For more in fo rm atio n , call 503-
4 9 1 -7 4 3 2 or reg ister o n lin e at
m hcc.edu.