fflicJJnrtlanh (Obscruer ' Ü ú 'e r s itif in th e ‘W o rkp la ce PageAS August 15, 2007 Diabetes: Closert0a Cure continued from Front local participants who demon­ strated greater knowledge of their diabetes risk factors and preventative measures. The AAHC packed a Tre­ mont Street apartment building's community room last month with people who became interested in healthy soul-food cooking through the exercise program. AAHC president C orliss McKeever described the ses­ sion as "a free educational semi­ nar that was not heard of seven years ago: first of all in this community, second of all people having an interest in it, so that's the kind of community norm that we’ve changed around nu­ trition.” Interest in basic cooking methods is rising as more and more people receive dietary re­ strictions from their doctors, according to Jarod Sleet, the Concordia New Seasons Mar­ ket cooking demonstration man­ ager who wowed people there with his ability to sauté greens and bake apples. “Being an African American, diabetes has always been an issue for me,” Sleet says. “There was a time when we had to call everyone we know just to fill the room, and now there are w aiting lis ts,” McKeever adds. "To have the community moving from not doing anything about it (healthy lifestyles) to being very preven­ tion-focused is a major piece of progress.” Kaiser also tries to affect be­ havior with a health guide for f To have the community moving from not doing anything about it (healthy lifestyles) to being very prevention-focused is a major piece o f progress. - Corliss McKeever, AAHC president I */«- - • «J*. ' «k. photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver A nondescript building on Northeast Seventh and Hancock reads “Fresenius Medical Care ” but is actually Northeast Dialysis Services, a medical facility owned by Diversified Specialty Institutes, which has four dialysis centers in the Portland area, two in northeast. Advertise with diversity Zzz The 2007 Skidmore Prize CALL FOR CANDIDATES a 1,1 ^ J o r t l a u b (O b se rv e r Call 503-288-0033 ads@portl jndob sen er.com The S kidm ore Prize h o n o rs o u tsta n d in g young adults (age 35 and under) w ho devote th eir full­ tim e w ork to n o n -p ro fit org an izatio n s w ith in the P ortland co m m unity. The purp o se is to recognize an d encourage th eir lo n g -term c o m m itm e n t and to inspire others. W inners will be selected from the follow ing categories: A nim als, The A rts, C o m m u n ity , The E n v iro n m e n t, H ealth , Schools, Social W elfare, and Youth. The Skidm ore Prize strives to represent an d celebrate the diversity of the P ortland M etro com m unity. African Americans including a "Soul Food Makeover" section, diabetes classes targeting people of color and currently a bill­ board for the farmers market on Interstate Avenue picturing a crate of cabbages and saying "Rethink Fast Food.” Kaiser’s website now recog­ nizes the existence of health disparities as “a tragic problem in the United States — a prob­ lem that needlessly kills thou­ sands of people every year.” In studying Kaiser’s more than 16,000diabetics diagnosed in the past decade, the on-site research center has the advan­ tage of a larger, more varied profile. Researchers there are veri­ fying that the majority of newly diagnosed diabetics heed their doctor’s advice to lose weight. A significant proportion also m anaged to m aintain their weight at a level that has been shown to control the symptoms of diabetes. The results suggest to re­ searchers the efficacy of free nutrition and exercise programs, to which diabetic Kaiser mem­ bers are automatically referred upon diagnosis. Many doctors previously thought “it would be nice” if diabetics were able to lose weight. With hope rising for a Iifesty le cure to diabetes, barriers to the implementation of viable exer­ cise and nutrition programs re­ main. Young people, men and people of color are al 1 less likely to lose weight after a diabetes diagnosis in the Kaiser program. Kaiser researchers are set to recommend that the agency continue to build up its diabetes programming, especially for at- risk groups. The local black population has a particular stake in find­ ing a solution to thisexpanding epidemic. African Americans in M ultnomah County are 2.4 times more likely to have dia­ betes as C aucasians, com ­ pared to 1.8 times nationwide. Even though diabetes-preven­ tion programs have proven ef­ fective, they can fail to receive adequate financial support. With a grant expiring next 4 promotional picture for Kaiser Permanente "s diabetes-support group targets people of color. month for exercise programs, the AAHC is organizing a ben­ efit walk this Saturday in Dawson Park. The AAHC also must com­ pete indirectly for financial sup­ port with Kaiser and other healthcare providers, which re­ ceive diabetes research money through the National Institute of Health. "We all have to enter the race to develop programs that work, because there’s a limited pool of funding,” McKeever says. A competitive atmosphere re- \ We 're all trying to do the same thing. I f you can prevent people from gaining weight, you can prevent people from getting diabetes, even if you have a predisposition. - Njeri Karanja, Kaiser nutritionist mains even though agencies have shared the knowledge of how to combat type-2 diabetes for many years. “There’s never enough fund­ ing for these kinds of programs, especially on the public-health level,” says Njeri Karanja, a nutritionist from Kenya who is working on other Kaiser studies that link obesity to diabetes. So far Kaiser has been much more successful in studying the effects with at least eight such studies in progress. "They’re all looking at differ­ ent angles, but we’re all trying to do the same thing,” says Karanja. “If you can prevent people from gaining weight, you Dinner and a Movie - continued from Front off. “ I wanted som ething our com m unity could relate to. Something fam ily-oriented,” Stoudamire said. “ It’s a good summer flic.” Another park that could gain from a bad reputation is Alberta Park. “ I hear Alberta (Park) is not utilized because it brings real thuggish crowds. I object to that. There are sisters and brothers in that neighborhood that would enjoy something like this,” Stoudamire said. He said a long term project for outdoor movies is still in the pilot phase, which is why he has presented packages to sponsors can prevent people from getting diabetes, even if you have a predisposition.” K aiser researcher T eresa Hillier headed a 2001 study that linked obesity to the early onset of this most common form of diabetes. She knew then that more lifestyle programs were necessary, and she has long ar­ gued that such personal adjust­ ments can be the most effective mechanism at a patient’s dis­ posal. “We need to find effective ways to help people lose weight in theirdaily lives,” Hillier said. “Finding ways to do this is more than a medical issue. Reducing obesity in America will take hard work and cooperation among everyone — parents and family members, health care provid­ ers, counselors, schools, employ­ ers and local, state and federal public-health agencies.” But back in the forgotten build­ ing on Northeast Seventh Av­ enue. Johnson cannot continue to wait for a wide-scale effort to combat diabetes. “Right now they’rejust trying to make it as comfortable as possible,” he says. “I just really want to get well and get out of here.” f^ a tu r a fe at different commitment levels ranging from $75 to$ 1,000plus. He offers sponsors tabling op­ portunities and advertising in the event schedule and on screen before the movie; even shot outs from the D.J. “ It’s all tax deductible,” he adds coolly. Stoudamire hopes to estab­ lish a rhythm now and book several Fridays and Saturdays o f next summer with no com ­ plications. The six parks he hopes to utilize are Irvington, Peninsula, Fernhill, Overlook, Alberta and of course U niver­ sity. With the help of the commu­ nity, M arquise Stoudam ire’s aspiration may transform into his neighborhoods’ inspiration. Recipients of the 2007 Skidm ore Prize will receive a $4,000 personal grant and plaque at the awards luncheon in N ovem ber, and will be featured w ith their organization in the W illam ette W eek’s annual G ivelG uide. Deadline: Midnight, September 4, 2007 For additional eligibility criteria an d to n o m in ate som eone for the 2007 S kidm ore Prize, go to: wweek.com/skidmoreprize Don’t miss tke Oregon S tate Fair! M /. 've aAAeA over 5 0 programs, contests, anA Q L 9 Momentum events for 2 0 0 7 . See Lucka Libra wrestling, Aog agility competitions, 880, competitions anA more. Try out tke climbing ’ wall or skate park in tka new Sports, Haaltk &. Recreation area. y AUGUST r-OKÍBOtt sun Or slow Aown wttk wine tastings in tka garAen. AnA Aon’t worry, all b e tir -SEPTEM B ER ) IN of your favorite attractions are still kere. Whatever your passion, you’ll ftnA it at tke SALEM Gates open tkis year at 10 a.m. ORfCOMSTATfFAIR.ORG I I Oregon S tate Fair! I i