il’r|J n r t lattò tOhsvrner ‘ Page A2 in the 'W o rk p la c e August 15, 2007 Another Toy Recall Issued For toys with magnets or lead paint o f federal standard. The 2 1/2-inch. I -inch high car looks I ike a m ilita ry from China. W ith about 80percent o f jeep. Lead is toxic i f ingested by young (A P )~ T o y -m a k in g giant Mattel Inc. issued recalls Tuesday lo r about 9 m illio n Chinese-made toys that contain magnets children can sw allow or w hich could have lead paint. The recall includes 7.3 m illio n play sets, including Polly Pocket dolls and Batman action figures, and 253,001) die cast cars that con­ tain lead paint. Tuesday's recall was the latest blow to the toy industry, w hich has had a string o f recalled products toys sold worldwide made in China, toy sellers are worried shoppers w ill shy away from their products. It was also the second recall in v o lv in g lead paint fo r Mattel in tw o weeks. Earlier this month, con­ sumers were warned about 1.5 m il­ lion Chinese-made toys that con­ tain lead paint. Toys recalled Tuesday include 253,000 "Sarge"cars from the movie "Cars," because the surface paint could contain lead levels in excess children. A lso recalled Tuesday were 345,000 Batman and "One Piece" action figures, 683,(MX) Barbie and Tanner play sets and 1 m illio n Doggie Day Care play sets. T w o weeks ago, Mattel's Fisher- Price division announced the w orld­ wide recall o f 1.5 m illio n Chinese- made preschool toys featuring char­ acters such as Dora the Explorer, Big B ird and Elmo. ____________ THE_____________ SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part IS. Chiropractic And Prevention: Life doesn't have to be a series o f emergencies anymore : It seems that I am always system cannot w ork properly ei­ sick. I do what m y doctor ther. People who have regular C h i­ n it i f anything my colds and ropractic checkups report that they tlu attacks are getting worse. get few er colds and influenza. They keep the stress o ff their nervous What do you think? : Constant colds and in flu ­ systems. Keeping irrita tio n o ff the enza indicate that the im ­ nervous system also helps you morning backache and head­ mune system (and the body avoid in general) is h ighly stressed. D id aches and allows you to cope w ith 2 A you know that recently leading scientists have discovered that the entire immune system is an out-grow th o f the nervous sys­ tem? I f you nervous system is stressed and irritated, the immune stress b e tte r. A n d y o u ’ d be amazed at the energy you have w ith p re v e n tiv e C h iro p ra c tic checkups. I f yo u ’ d like to trade in your colds fo r a bounce in your step, call us fo r an appointment today. It could be the healthiest call you have ever made. Isn’ t time you stepped up to Chiropractic? Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2121 Lloyd Center Mall, Portland Oregon 97212 P hone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver Alberta Street's Community Energy Project hosts a free lead-testing event. Running the testing machines last Friday were Sarah Gourde, lead programs coordinator for the Portland Development Commission and James Pasmore of ThermoFisher Scientific. Coordinated Lead Testing Underway Watch Your Child Grow at Portrait Innovations. Community responds to a broadening recall by R aymond R endi . eman T he P ortland O bserver 8 years provided free blood testing. The coordinated testing efforts were a city first to be continued by the co a litio n in other venues. O rig in a lly seen as a lim ited problem o f certain Chinese imports, the potential fo r lead poisoning is now feared in hundreds o f items that continue to be everyday items. “ W e fin d lead in toys, water, household items, soil, and most o f all in our homes,” said Sarah Gourde, lead programs coordinator fo r the Portland Development Commission. “ The prim ary cause o f lead poisoning in children is dust from lead-based paint and lead con­ taminated soil. O ur goal in perform ing these tests is to make people aware o f the risks o f lead exposure and to let them know PDC has a grant program in place to assist low-incom e homeowners w ith lead remediation." These lead-testing groups w ill be among the discovered. “ Lead is one o f those things that people think is something from the past, but that co u ld n't be further more than 60 e xh ib its at next m o n th 's Green Sprouts fe stiva l at Peninsula Park in north P ortland, sched­ uled Saturday, Sept. 22, fro m 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. A steady stream o f people entered the C om m unity Energy Project's b u ild in g on A lberta Street last F ri­ day fo r free lead screening o f toys, je w e lry, pottery and other small items w hile the Josiah H ill III C lin ic Portrait Package Special Package Includes: Only One 10 X 13 Two-8 x 10 s Four-5 X 7’s Four-3 X 5’s $995 32 Wallets Longtime Wrestling Coach Honored PLUS 6 Free Personalized Portrait Cards 4 0 C ard Designs! All grown up* N o sitting fees or charges PORTRAIT from the truth," says Perry Cabot, aC om m unity Energy Project organizer. Health experts in attendance pointed out that lead is sometimes used as a base metal in je w e lry, in the glaze o f pottery, as a stabilizer in vin yl and many other Acid Age 9 The Streets o f Tanasbourne 221') N W Allic Avenue. Suite 1460 Hillsboro, OR 97124 • 503.645.9900 « In n o v a tio n s Studio Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 pan. We’ve totally re-invented the studio experience. Appointment* Highly Rnb «mt S9.9A IVinraii Package S|ievi.»l w w i fo w ritt pose per family or group during each promotional period pha*e ( Mier not valid for business purpose», individual adult soil'd ts or nnaccomp lin ed minors. < Wer subject to change at any time Gym named for Peninsula’s everyday hero by R aymond R endi . em an T he P ortland O bserver T o honor Roy Pittman fo r over 35 years o f com m itm ent coaching Portland's youth, Portland Parks & Recreation renamed the eastern gym photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Wrestling coach Roy Pittman joins his daughter Stephanie Pittman and granddaughter Harranie Chavers at a ceremony renaming a gymnasium in his honor at the Peninsula Park Community Center. at Peninsula Park C om m unity Cen­ ter as the “ Roy A l len Pittman Wres- tlingG ym nasium ." The dedication ceremony was held Aug. 7 as part o f an annual National N ight Out celebration. “ Coach P ittm an continues to serve as a leader and a m e n to r to youth in o u r c o m m u n ity ,” said Deborah H arris, Peninsula Park recreation coordinator. “ T hrough his in s tru c tio n , d is c ip lin e and m e n to rin g , his w re s tlin g clu b members learn to be both good athletes and good in d iv id u a ls ." M any people spoke to how Pittman has influenced generations o f young athletes to succeed in ih e ird a ily lives, in addition Io wres­ tlin g competitions. C hildren o f all ages have come from across the stale to learn wres­ tlin g techniques from Pittm an. Through the discipline and hard w ork the sport demands, he sees wrestling as a good way to develop the skills todeal w ith the challenges o f everyday life. " I take young hoys and turn them into gentlemen, and now a lot I o f them are positive contributing members o f the com m unity, w ith jobs and taking care o f their kids,” Pittman says, "W ith wresting, you don’ t have to have any special skills like w ith some other sports. It ju st takes discipline, direction and de­ term ination." In a d d ition to his vo lu n te e r w o rk at P e n in s u la P ark and th ro u g h o u t P o rtla n d , P ittm a n served as an O ly m p ic w re stlin g G o ld Coach, the highest c e r tifi­ cation in U.S. w restling. H e's also a m em ber o f the Oregon W res­ tlin g H a ll o f Fame. Pittman sees lots o f other people doing things just as impressive in the neighborhood. "There are a lot o f positive people in north and northeast Portland, and all we have to do is look fo r them because they're there," he says. “ H opefully it's an inspiration for people in the community to know that it can be done.” He encourages parents to sign their kids up fo r the fall program starting Sept. 17 by ta ilin g 503-823- .3620.