August 15. 2007 Page B4 Bringing People Skills to Designs Janie Boy! Veteran designer and long­ time Portland resident Janie Boyl has joined the Neil Kelly design, building and remodeling com­ pany. Boyl is accredited by the National Council for Interior Design Qualification and her design work has earned national awards and recognition in in­ dustry publications. She is dedicated to helping clients express their personal style, set goals and priorities, and solve space planning is­ sues. “I enjoy looking at a whole house, then tailoring the de­ sign to optimize both comfort and efficiency,” she said. Boyl has more than 30 years’ experience in commercial and residential interior design and facilities management. She earned a bachelor’s degree in Interior Architecture from the University of Oregon and has been a leader in a wide range of design and planning projects prior to joining Neil Kelly. She has served as facili­ ties planning m anager for Nike, Inc., senior interior designer and construction manager for Prendergast & Associates, senior interior design m anager for GBD Architects and has operated her own interior planning and design firms over the years, with commercial and resi­ dential assignm ents in the Northwest and Indonesia. University of Phoenix continued from B2 kind nationally to report on the ability of U.S. colleges and uni­ versities to award graduate de­ grees to Black, Hispanic, Asian American and American Indian students. Diverse Issues in Higher Edu­ cation, formerly Black Issues in Higher Education, is the nation's only news magazine dedicated exclusively to diversity issues in higher education. University of Phoenix is one — y— " dì ATA D j B u s in e s s D iv e rs ity of a handful of institutions of higher learning - public or private - completely devoted to providing access to higher education for working stu­ dents. More than 40 percent of University of Phoenix's en­ rollment consists of students from underrepresented racial or ethnic communities who are successfully completing their education and graduat­ ing with associate's, bachelor's and master's degrees. Tri Met bus operator Charles Pulling says if you like to drive and want to have a fun and rewardingjob, Tri Met is a great place to work. Job Search Leads to TriMet Agency wants to hire 300 more operators Minority Business Opportunity Committee In s titu te , In c. Do you own or operate a minority-owned business? Want to market your business to hundreds o f companies? Do you want a forum to connect with minority-owned businesses? There is still time and space available for YOU at the 2007 Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week Tradeshow and Lucheon! MED Week Tradeshow - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Awards Luncheon -11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. October 3, 2007 Oregon Convention Center Charles Pulling was riding on a bus during a job search when he passed a TriMet office. He liked the idea of working with the community and enjoys driv­ ing, so he decided to apply to become a bus operator. Two years later, Pulling is part of an effort to hire 300 more operators by the end next year. Because of rising retirement rates and more operators needed to operate new MAX lines ex­ tending into Clackamas County, TriMet is actively recruiting for new operators. Pulling, a two-year operator, is helping out with the recruit­ ment at various events through­ out the Portland-metro area. He wishes these events were avail­ able when he applied. Talking one-on-one with an operator and learning more about the job makes the process much easier. “TriMet has affected my life in so many ways,” Pulling said. "I am able to help my family as well as see my kids more often. I also get the opportunity to advance in TriMet and move up in the ranks.” Pulling encourages people to go to the TriM et recruiting events, talk to operators and fill out applications. “If you like to drive, and want to have a fun, exciting and re­ warding job, TriMet is a great place to work. You also get to be part of our diverse commu­ nity. It’s a great opportunity.” TriMet is sponsoring recruit­ ing events at various locations. Dates and times can be found posted around the metro area, or go online at Portland Welcomes New Professionals continued from Metro perception that Oregon is not a welcoming state for people of color.” Currently, Portland’s African- American community is less than seven percent; in Oregon it’s less than two percent, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Many people of color, local or not, may be the sole person of color at their place of employment. “There isn’t anything like Say Hey, except may be a college cam­ pus w here you have a multicultural center where all of the community is invited,” said Nakashima. The people who attend Say Hey! NW also bring diversity in their professions. They include community leaders and corporate sponsors. Portland Mayor Tom Potter has even paid a visit. Special attention is given to attendees who moved to Oregon less than 18 months ago. They are honored in the Say Hey pro­ gram book and formally intro­ duced to the crowd. For more information or to be specially included in Say Hey’s next free networking event, con­ ta c t V ick i N a k a sh im a at nakashimav@ ^ U n iv e rs ity of Vi W Phoenix Oregon Cam pus Immediate Openings for Part-Time Faculty Available Sponsorship opportunities include: Host Sponsor Table Sponsor Reception Sponsor We need your professional expertise to teach in the education, accounting, finance, human services, criminal justice, and psychology fields. Opportuni­ ties available throughout the Portland-Metro and Salem areas. Exhibitor Booth Silver Sponsor Gold Sponsor Bronze Sponsor Call one of the contacts or visit our website to purchase on-line. Don't wait - space is limited Cinna'Mon Williams 503-802-8533 ( Le An ne Brown 503-962-2213 ( Send resume to: Requirements: Shane Corsetti University of Phoenix 13221 SW 68th Pkwy #500 Tigard, OR 97223 • Master’s degree in closely related field (doctorate preferred). • Must have a minimum of five years current, practical experience in the related field. • Some disciplines require proper licensing or certification. Advertise w ith diversity in ¿rin JJnrthm h (D hsevuev