August 8. 2007 Œl’1 IJnrtlanb ÖDhserncr Pasc B3 O J says ‘If I Did It’ Full of Errors Have you seen me? Flaws blamed on ghost writer O.J. Simpson says his hypotheti­ cal account o f killing his ex-w ife in his aborted m em oir "If 1 Did It" was invented by aghost w riter and filled with errors that he refused to cor­ rect for fear o f appearing to be guilty o f the crim e. Simpson related his involvement in the book, w hich was scrapped shortly before its release date last year am id a torrent of public out­ rage, in a rare, hour long Internet interview. A fter a long legal fight, rights to the book passed to the fam ily o f murder victim Ron Goldman, a friend of Nicole Brown Sim pson who was slain along with Sim pson's ex-w ife at her Los A ngeles hom e in June 1994. Sim pson was acquitted o f crim i­ nal charges at the end o f a sensa­ tional m urder trial in 1995 but was found liable for the deaths o f his 0 . J. S im p s o n ta lk s with o n e o f h is d e f e n s e a tto r n e y s during h is 2 0 0 1 'road r a g e ' trial in M iam i-D ade C o u n ty court. form er spouse and G oldm an two years later in a civil case brought by the victims' estates. G o ld m a n 's f a th e r , F re d G oldm an, w ho originally opposed the book, said last w eek he w ants it published becau se he view s it as "an indictm ent o f a w ife-beater, o f a m u rd erer, w ritten in his ow n w o rd s." Judith Regan, the publisher who originally brokered the book deal, has said she considered the book Sim pson's confession. S im pson said the book was co m p o sed by a g h o st au th o r, and that he relu ctan tly ag reed to in ­ c lu d e a c h a p te r c o n ta in in g a "n ig h t-o f-th e-crim e” acco u n t as told by him only after the p u b ­ lishers prom ised to c lea rly label it as hy p o th etical. "Because I didn't do i t . ... 1 will not justify the evidence they had. It didn't work then," he said. "We got to that chapter, and I said. Hey, I ca n ’t participate in that.'" "I read what he w rote, and I saw all o f these m ajor holes, all of these im possible things," Simpson re­ called. He gave few specific ex ­ am ples o f the discrepancies he found but said he declined to cor­ rect any o f them. "All o f these other parts o f the book I would correct, but I told myself, 'If I correct this, there are going to be people out there that say, 'Oh. look how accurate this is,' Right?" Sim pson said he never thought the book would get published and consented to it mostly because he needed the money. Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered-Missing CAROLINEDEWl JEF Family Abduction Abductor: Nancy Hayes Current Age: 10 Date Missing: July 29,2007 Missing From: Lincolnshire. IL Caroline itn .v last seen in the company o f her non­ custodial mother Nancy Hayes Whoopi Looks Ahead to ‘The View’ Says she’s going to be ‘me’ (A P) — W hoopi G oldberg will bring no celebrity feuds w ith her w hen she jo in s "The V iew ," at least none that she's aw are of. "W ho know s?" she told T he A s s o c ia te d P re ss. " A n y b o d y co u ld s a y ' 1 don't like her.' T hat's O K . I ju st w on't co m e to your hom e." T h at a lre ad y sets G o ld b e rg apart from her predecessor. "The V iew ," putting R osie O 'D onnell in its rearview m irror, officially in tr o d u c e d G o ld b e r g to th e show 's audience as its m o d era­ tor last w eek. S h e’ll start full tim e W hoopi G oldberg the day after L abor Day. G o ld b e r g , 5 1 , g iv e s "T h e V iew " a g e n u in e ly b ig nam e an d d istin c t p e rs o n a lity in h er o w n rig h t. S h e 's a m o n g th e se le c t few p e rfo rm e rs to w in an O s c a r, E m m y , T o n y an d G ra m m y aw ard . S he's no stran g er to political c o n t r o v e r s y . G o ld b e r g w a s d um ped from a S lim -F ast ad v e r­ tisin g ca m p a ig n in 2 0 0 4 after m ak in g a speech m ocking the Bush ad m in istratio n at a political ra lly , at o n e p o in t u sin g th e p resident's su rnam e as a sexual referen c e. G o ld b erg said she's looking fo rw ard to talking ab o u t w hat's g o in g on d u rin g w hat prom ises to be an in terestin g y ea r ahead. She'll be the m oderator, m eaning it w ill g en erally be h er jo b to steer the discussion and keep the show ru n n in g on tim e. "I ju st figure I'm g o in g to be m e," she said. "They know w ho I am and know w hat I do, so n o b o d y w ill be su rp rised if I d isag ree strongly but not m eanly. I'll n ever be m ean. It's ju st not in me." B arbara W alters, the sh o w ’s creato r, said G o ld b erg brought a f o r m i d a b le c o m b in a t io n o f sm arts and skills as an e n te r­ tainer, and also adds d iversity to the program . "T he V iew " has been w ithout a reg u lar black cast m em b er since S tar Jones R eynolds left under storm y circu m stan ces last su m ­ m er. CHRISTIAN FERGUSON Non-Family Abduction CurrentAge: 13 (Age Progression to age 13) Date Missing: June 11.2003 Missing From: Saint Louis, MO Christian was last seen sitting in a relative’s vehicle when it was stolen. The vehicle lias since been recovered. Christian's whereabouts remain unknown. Christian suffers from severe medical problems requiring daily medication, and physi­ cal disabilities. If you have atty information please contact: The National Centerfor Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST ( 1-800-843-5678) this public service announcement provided by the Portland Observer Newspaper. Lead Paint Brings Another Toy Recall (A P) — C hina said it w ould work with the United States to im prove product safety am id a massive U.S. recall Thursday of plastic preschool toys m ade by a Chinese vendor, including the popular Big Bird. Elmo, Dora and D iego charac­ ters. T oy-m aker Fisher-Price announced that it was recalling alm ost I m illion o f the toys, the latest in a string o f Chinese product safety scandals. Fisher-Price and the com m ission issued state­ m ents saying parents should keep suspect toys aw ay from children and contact the com pany. The recall follow s another high-profile move from toy m aker RC2 Corp., which in June volun­ tarily recalled 1.5 m illion wooden railroad toys and set parts from its T hom as & Friends W ooden Railway product line. T he com pany said that the surface paint on certain toys and parts m ade in C hina between January 2005 and April 2 0 0 6 contain lead, affect­ ing 26 com ponents and 23 retailers. O w ners o f a recalled toy can exchange it for a voucher for another product o f the same value. T o see pictures o f the recalled toys, visit service.m . For m ore inform ation, call Fisher- Price to ys s u b je c t to recall in clu d e th e p o p u la r Big Bird. Elm o, Dora a n d D iego Mattel's recall hot line at 8 0 0 -9 16-4498. ch a ra cte rs, b e c a u s e th eir p a in t c o n ta in s e x c e s s iv e a m o u n ts o f lead. (AP p h o to ) «MMWMRM September Trial Date for R. Kelly R. Kelly is s c h e d u le d to g o o n trial S e p t. 1 7 , m o re th a n five y e a rs a fte r th e R&B sin g e r w a s first c h a rg ed with child pornography. (AP P hoto) Easy Home Loans 100% financing Available No Closing Cost Loans Down Payment Assistance Programs You need Fair to Good Credit 2 years work history. Self employed OK Must be 2 years out o f Ch.7 bankruptcy Call AI Lester 503 257-2745 (AP) — R. Kelly will g o o n trial Sept. 17 in Chicago, more than live years after he was charged with child pornogra­ phy. The date was set last week after a lengthy meeting am ong the judge, the lead prosecutor, the R&B singer and his lawyers. Kelly, who was born Robert Sylvester Kelly, has pleaded not guilty to 14 counts o f child pornography. He was charged in 2002 and is accused o f alleg­ edly engaging in videotaped sex acts with an underage girl. Kelly's attorneys haven't conceded that he is on the tape, saying his likeness may have been com puter generated. They have also tried to raise doubts about the identity and age of the girl. The case has been hit with delay after delay. Since being charged. Kelly has had six best-selling albums and three nationwide tours. The 40-year-old singer has said he’ll survive his legal tribulations. "I'm going through my own struggle ...and you're either gonna fold or you're going to stand," Kelly told The A sso­ ciated Press in 2(X)5, "and I believe in standing." State Fam i’ Providing Insurance and Financial Services iu n i M suaaxcI y ...............y Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper A ge, We moved to our new location at: 9 7 13 SAV. Capitol Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 You Can Get: Honesty, Experience, Superb Training, and Patience from a "Twice-as-Good” Brother A-ZEBRA Realty Inc • Since 1992 George Hendrix, MBA, Ed. D. ABR, CIPS, CRB. GRI Broker/Owner 503-281-9900 ttan Any Property Anywhere