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W A 98684 North of South America Two artists from the north of South America present their work this month at Onda Arte Latina/Cross Currents Gallery, 2215 N.E. Alberta St. M auricio Arcesio, born in C olom ­ bia, displays his organic imagery from travels and studies around the world, and Rita Urdaneta, originally from Venezuela, brings her strong design sensibility to luminous oil paintings. Both have recently moved to the area and this is their first Portland gallery show. A h ig h ly e x p e rim e n ta l a rtist, Arcesio has produced a wide range of paintings, draw ings and prints us­ ing diverse media - charcoal, pastels, oils, acrylics and pencil on surfaces such as veneers, hand-textured and etched gatorboards. specialty papers such as kozo papers and Japanese tree bark, papyrus and other textured materials. Urdaneta studied painting and re­ ceived her degree in graphic design in Venezuela and then continued her stud­ ies in Toronto, Canada. Her oil paint­ ings on canvas have been displayed in private shows, and she is developing a distinctive abstract style. Frida Kahlo: Her Life and Art A rt h is to ria n H ayden Herrera will discuss the life and art of Frida Kahlo, one of M exico’s most famous female artists, during a lecture at the Portland Art Museum on Sun­ day, Aug. 12 at 2 pm. Along with her husband Di­ ego Rivera. Kahlo helped de­ fine M exican art during the 20th century. Her work, in­ cluding the many self-portraits she created, com bined influ- Frida Kahlo ences from indigenous M exi­ can cu ltu re w ith an often surreal and sym bolic style, which drew from her complex life. Kahlo had a tumultuous mar­ riage with Rivera (they were married twice), suffered from polio as a child, and survived a severe car accident. She was also a well-known supporter of communism. Herrera wrote narration for the docum entary film entitled "Portrait of an Artist: Frida Kahlo," which won the prize for Best Biographical Film at the M ontreal Film Festival. She has also published several books on Kahlo. Admission is $5 for art mu­ seum members and $10 for non-m em bers. T ick ets can be purchased at Museum box o f fic e s o r at p o rtla n d a rt Faulty Throttle Blamed for Air Crash Participate in Democracy V'ote Election Ballots On Way People o f color find a political fit (AP) — A lever to control engine speed was in the wrong position and probably a major cause of Brazil's disastrous air accident last month. An Airbus A32O operated by Brazilian carrier TAM Linhas Aereas barreled off the wet runw ay upon lan d in g at Congonhas airport in Sao Paulo July 17, crashed into a cargo terminal and burst into flames. All 187 people aboard and at least 12 more on the ground were killed. Data from the flight recorder suggests that the thrust lever for one of the turbines was in the "accelerate" position when it should have been switched to idle, Folha de Sao Paulo news­ paper reported. The newspaper said a pilot error was likely but didn't rule out a failure of the aircraft's computer. If confirmed, the report could Bomb Outside Sears cast doubt on speculation that a slippery runway may have been a major cause of the accident. Aviation authorities were criti­ cized for opening a recently re­ paved runway without grooves that allow rainwater to drain more quickly and help avoid skidding. Drug Raid Agents Killed ( A P ) - T w o federal agents w ho took part in a raid that discovered $205 m illio n in cash in a M exico C ity mansion were found beaten and shot to death last week in southern M exico. Military examine the site o f an explosion in Oaxaca City. Mexico. The bodies were found in Guerrero state, where they were gathering intelligence on drug traffickers, the Public Safety Department said. Both officers took part in the seizure o f more than 19 tons o f a chemical intended fo r methamphetamine cartels in M exico. They were also in the team o f agents who raided Ye Gon's mansion where authori­ ties in March found more than $205 m illio n in cash (A P ) -- A small leftist g u errilla group claimed responsibility fo r a homemade bomb that exploded outside a Sears store and another left outside a U .S.-ow ned bank in The bomb caused no injuries, but dam­ aged an entrance to the Sears store, w hich isoperated in M exico by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. A sim ilar bomb was deactivated southern M exico. The statement by the People's R evolu­ outside the entrance o f a nearby Banamex bank branch, o ffic ia ls said. Banamex is tionary A rm y , or EPR. said the action was intended "to hit the interests o f Mexican owned by C itig ro u p Inc. The EPR look responsibility for bombing three gas pipe lines in central M exico ¡nearly and foreign o lig a rch y." It was posted on Aug. I , hours after the blast, on a web site that serves as clearing­ To contact Œl’r |Jo rtla n b (Ohserner Call 5O3-288-OO33 house fo r Latin Am erican leftist and guer­ rilla groups. EPR statements w ith sim ilar July. In 2004, an EPR splinter group placed small bombs outside banks and an o ffic e o f T clm ex, Slim 's telephone company. language and style have been posted there Oaxaca has suffered more than a year o f p o litica l unrest w ith numerous protests by in the past. anti-governm ent groups. i hidden in closets, the news release said. The seizures led to last month's arrest o f Chinese- M exican businessman Zhenli Ye Gon by U.S. Drug Enforcement A d m inistration agents in a suburban W ashington restaurant. He is accused in the U nited States and M e xico o f supplying pseudoephedrine to M exican cartels who then used the drug to make methamphetamine. Guerrero, w hich includes the resorts cities o f Zihuatanejoand Acapulco, has suffered from a wave o f violence including decapitations, shootings and grenade explosions that authorities attribute to w ar­ ring d ru g -tra ffickin g gangs. I