vww.portlandobserver.com Committed to Cultural Diversity Expecting Glory Days Again M etro The Boston Celtics look up after major trade fo r Kevin Garnett 1 Tlortlanb (Obscruer August 8, 2007 Toy Warning Lead paint makes the popular Big Bird, Elmo and Diego toys dangerous See story, page B3 See Sports, page B6 o m m u n ity C a l e n d a r Say Hey, NW! Thursday, Aug. 9, from 5:30 p.m. toSp.m ., Partners in D iversity host the netw orking meet and greet to w elcom e new profes­ sionals o f color to the business com m u­ nity, to be held at Tw o W orld Trade C enter-plaza level, 121 S.W. Salm on St. Call 503-516-3505 for more inform ation about the event. Estate Planning Made Easy Saturday, Aug. 11 ,fro m 9 a.m .to 11 a.m.. East Portland Com m unity Center, 740 S.E. 106 Ave. (Course-244682, Classnvom- 2), will host the free com m unity w ork­ shop providing practical advice to safe­ guard your assets. Registration available by calling 503-823-3454 o r visiting portlandparks.org. Providence Bridge Pedal The one chance a year to bicycle across all 10 o f P ortland's bridges, from the Sellw ood to St. Johns Bridge, kicks off Saturday, Aug. I L V isitprovidence.org/ bridgpedal or cal 1503-281-9198 for more details. Creole Jambalaya Dinner Saturday, Aug. 11. the Martin Luther King, Jr. Loaves & Fishes Center, 5325 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd... will host a delicious authentic Creole Jambalaya Din­ ner. Meals are available for take out. Call David Lomax at 503-988-5211 to order. The Hubble Hubbub Monday, Aug. 13, at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., the Mt. Hood CC Planetarium Sky T heater explores the m ysteries discovered by the H ubble Telescope. T his is the last sched­ uled show ing for the season. A dm ission is $ l. Explore the Possibilities Tuesday, Aug. 14, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the Boys and Girls Aid Society, 018 SW Boundary Court, hosts an informa­ tional session to assist prospective adop­ tive families, foster parents and mentors. C a ll 5 0 3 -5 4 2 -2 3 9 2 or v isit boysandgirlsaid.org for more information. photo by Alternative Therapies Clinic Opens With house repaired, staff concentrates on the public’s mind BY R VYMOND R e NDLEMAN Ice Cream Social W ednesday, Aug. 15, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m ., H olladay Park Plaza. 1300N .E. 16 Ave., invites seniors to attend a free ice­ cream social featuring jazz and delicious icecream . R aymond R endi . eyian /T he P ortland O bserv er North Portland Wellness Center co-founder Lili Scott (left) oversees the finishing touches on their clinic on North Vancouver Avenue, just south of Alberta Street. The house at 4922 N. Vancouver was in a serious state of disrepair when it was purchased two years ago. T he P ortland O bserver M any people thought that acupunc­ turist A nnabelle Snow was crazy for buy­ ing a dilapidated house on V ancouver A venue. She told everyone that a youthful spirit would carry through the dream o f having an alternativeclinic in north Portland. But when two years had to pass before the clin ic's grand opening. Snow started to agree slightly with her critics. "N ow I think that we have been a little crazy, seeing how long it's taken us to get W ednesday, Aug. 15, the Benson class o f 1996 reunion will be at the Kennedy M cM enam ins from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call Shawn Lew is at 971-219-7871. An exciting calendar o f events is planned for the month o f A ugust, at In O ther W ords W om en's Books and Resources, 8 N .E . K illin g s w o rth S t. V isit inotherw ords.org or call 503-232-6003. Elders in Action A dvocate volunteers are needed to as­ sist seniors in finding solutions to cur­ rent issues. T raining classes start in S ep­ te m b e r. F o r m o re d e ta ils , v is it eldersinaction.org orcall 503-235-5474. Tax Help in Rockwood A VITA tax aide for low -incom e families will begin toassist clients at the Rockwood Com m unity office, 18709 S.E. Stark St. C lients are seen by appointm ent only. A ppointm ents will be made on W ednes- d ay sonlyfront I p.m. to 5 p.m., by calling 503-816-1530. Neighborhood Farm Stand Locally grown vegetables and bouquets o f fresh flow ers will be available to the public, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every S un­ day, at the R edeem er Lutheran Church. N.E. 20th and Killingsworth St. The stand supports local refugees and imm igrant farmers. Relationship Transformation Peace-M aking, a local group based on photo by n and con­ Washington Park Shuttle Sum m er service isevery 15 m inutes from 10 a.m -7 p.m. with more than 10 stops including the O regon Zoo and the Japa­ nese G arden. The shuttle runs daily through Labor Day. R egularT ri-M et fare applies. on pane US For classroom, exercise facility In Other Words scious aw areness, hosts a sem inar that includes inform ation how to have better relationships both personally and pro­ fessionally. For more inform ation, call 503-228-7156. continued Community College to Lease MLK Site Benson 1996 Reunion non-v 66363 this place running," she says. Despite all the unforeseen difficulties in restoring a neglected early-20th-cen- tury building and converting it. the clinic is now fully operational, ready to offer various forms of naturopathic and Chi- M \ rk YV \ siii \<, io \ / T iii P ortlamj O bskrytr Helping the Community Margaree Anderson (right) shows her appreciation as Karen Coleman and a dozen other volunteers put the finishing touches on a new paint job for her Vernon neighborhood home. Saturday's annual Paint-A-Thon was a community service project by the Northeast Workforce Center. Anderson is a 75-year-old widow with an extremely limited income. I I Portland C om m u n ity C ollege has an ­ nounced it will m ove into the new ly renovated Heritage Building at 3934 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd. this S ep ­ tem ber. PCC will occupy approxim ately 3.250 square feet on the low er level for a class­ room and exercise facility. The college plans to begin offering classes this fall, including ballroom and Latin dancing, p h o to g r a p h y , S p a n is h . I ta lia n , sustainability practices for businesses and stretching classes for runners. "W e are pleased to p articip ate in this ex citin g new P D C -sponsorcd d e v e lo p ­ ment on M artin L uther King Junior B ou­ lev ard ," said T onya B ooker. PCC d irec- to r o f C om m u n ity Education. "O u r lease at the b u ild in g will give us unique and d ed icated space to of fer m ore co m m u ­ nity ed u catio n classes in the n eig h b o r­ hood o f o u r stu d en ts in north and n o rth ­ east P o rtlan d ." T he H eritage B uilding co n tain s a p ­ p roxim ately 12.600 square feet o f office space. 8 .100 square feet o f retail and restau ran t space, and 3.100 square feet o f o ffice and service space. F orm erly know n as the W eim er W areh o u se, the tw o-story building w as co n stru cted in the early 1900s, but sat vacant for d e ­ ca d es. Research Into Action, a social m arket­ ing and evaluation research firm, was one o f the first tenants to move into the reno­ vated building. T he com pany specializes in evaluation research and market assess­ ment design ami analysis services in the fields o f energy efficiency, renew able en ­ ergy and natural resource m anagem ent. Il continued on page RS