August 8, 2007 PageAÒ F ood T h e m is s io n o f t h e ‘ F o o d S e c t io n ’ is t o p r o v id e o u r r e a d e r s w i t h g r e a t t a s t in g h e a lt h y r e c ip e s a n d u s e f u l h o u s e h o ld in f o r m a t io n . T h e P o r t la n d O b s e r v e r r e s p e c t f u lly re q u e s ts a l l c o m m e n t s a n d / o r f a m i l y r e c ip e s y o u w o u ld li k e t o s h a re w i t h u s . A d d r e s s e m a ils t o f o o d s @ p o r t la n d o b s e r v e r . c o m Ingredients / ur/.s looking fo r Honey Spice- Rubbed Pork Tenderloin something new to try on the grill and stumbled onto this recipe. It tastes great! • • • • • • • l/4-cup Catalina dressing, divided I-large pork tenderloin (I-lb.) I tsp. ehili powder I tsp. dry mustard IZ2-tsp. paprika 1/4-tsp. dried thyme leaves 1 Tbs. honey Directions 1. Brush 2 Tbs. of Catalina dressing over pork. Mix dry ingredients together and rub onto pork. Let stand 10 minutes or refrigerate up to 24 hours in marinate. Preheat grill to medium heat. Place pork on grill and cover. Grill 30 minutes, turning occasionally. 2. Mix remaining 2 Tbs. dressing and honey together. Brush some of the honey mixture over pork. Continue grilling 15 to 30 minutes, turning and brushing with honey mixture until pork is cooked throughout. Cover with foil, let stand seven to 10 minutes prior to slicing. Cheesy Italian Chicken Mac SAFEWAY Ö Ingredients for life.. Enjoy this quick, delicious main dish fo r dinner or lunch! RANCHERS Ingredients • 1 pkg. macaroni & cheese • 1-lb. boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into chunks • 1 tsp. dried oregano leaves • 1 can(14oz.)Italian-stylestew ed tomatoes, undrained • 1 pkg. (lO oz.) frozen green beans • 1/2-cup mozzarci la cheese Directions 1. Prepare macaroni and cheese as directed on package. Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Top Round London Broil 2. Meanwhile, spray large nonstick skillet with cooking spray. Add chicken and oregano, cook and stir on medium heat five minutes. Stir in tomatoes with their liquid and beans. 3. Cook 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked thoroughly and mixture is heated throughout. 4. Combine macaroni and cheese with chicken mixture and sprinkle with cheese. Pork Top Loin Center Cut Chops Boneless. SAVE up to $2.30 lb. Signature family St» Mashed Sweet Potatoes Boneless. SAVE up to $2.50 lb. . _ _ 1 Q Q ,. p ster This beautiful side dish takes less than 10 min­ utes to pre­ pare and will impress even your mother- in-law. "V Cheesy Miracle Asparagus Fresh Foster Farms Whole Chicken Large King Crab Legs & Claws Locally grown SAVE up to 7 0 * 111. 16 to 20 size Cooked. Frozen/lhawed. SAVE up Io $5 00 lb. 0 Organics ‘ Salads Fresh Organic Strawberries 5-oz, package Selected varieties Ingredients 16-oz containerClub Price:COOea Or Conventional Stintone 2 toi $4. SAVE up to $3.79 on 2 • 1-lb. asparagus spears (about 16 . 1/4 cup Miracle Whip dressing spears), trimmed • 1/4 cup milk • 1/3 cup water • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese Organic Cantaloupe SAVE up Io $4 38 on 2 Directions 1. Place asparagus and water in 2-qt. microwaveable casserole dish; cover. Microwave on high for five to six min. or until asparagus is crisp- tender. Drain and set aside. 2. Combine remaining ingredients in microwaveable bowl. Microwave on high for 2 min. or until cheese is melted and mixture is well blended, stirring after each minute. 3. Serve over the asparagus. * Suggestions: Try steamed green beans or steamed broccoli instead of the asparagus. Just choose your favorite! L o o k t o r m o r e a n d m o r e U S D A -c e r tifie d o rg a n ic p ro d u c ts p r o d u c e d w i t h n o s y n t h e t ic p e s t ic id e s o r g e n e t ic m o d i f i c a t i o n . It's f o o d , b y n a tu re . HELP FIGHT Delicious M u s c u la r D y s tro p h y Signature Sandwiches Blueberry- Cheese Rolls only at Safeway This treat is as easy to eat as it is to prepare. Ingredients . 4 oz cream cheese • I pkg. (8 oz.) refrigerated crescent . 2 Tbs. sugar rolls • I/2-cup blueberries, divided 30-Paek Bud or Miller Directions 1. Preheat oven: 375F. Unroll dough into four rectangles. F irmly press perforations to seal. 2. Combine cream cheese and sugar, spread onto dough rectangles to within 1/2-inch of edges. Top evenly with blueberries. Bring opposite comers of rectangles together; press together to seal. Place on ungreased baking sheet. 3. Bake 11 to 13 minutes or until golden brown. * Suggestion: substitute l/2-cup red or green apples and 2 Tbs. raisins for the blueberries. • 13 v arie ties of sandw iches CLUB PRICE Forest ham , G enoa salam e. P rovolone o liv e m ix served on rustic Ita lia n bread • Paninis a v a ila b le in selected stores. I Kraft Shredded or Chunk Cheese 6 to 8-02 Selected varieties. Club Price $2 50 ea. L Selected varieties Club Price: $2.00 ea SAVE up Io 75« on 3 SAVE up to $2 18 on 2 AUGUST WED THU ft 8 9 ERI SAT SUN --------- M O N TUES 10 11 12 13 14 Pnces good thru Augni! 14 with your Safewfty Cluti Card I T elephone : ________ A ddress : ________ I ------------------------------------------------------- Club Price' $2 00 ea. SAVE up Ip $7.45 on 5 cheese, pepperon cini, garlic spread and • N ame : ______________________________ I CLUB PRICE • Try our Prim o Ita lia n o - P rim o Taglio Black I 503-288-0033 I e F i ll O u t & S e n d T o : I I Jln Portland (Obsrrutr I I Attn: Subscriptions, PO B ox 3137, Portland OR 97208 I s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r I (please include check with this subscription form) I Subscribe Club Price: $3 00 ea. SAVE up to $5 98 on 2 Or 24-Pack Coors. 12-oz cans Selected vaneties. Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $8 00 a ,7 ? 0 r coin Weekly Ad Specials. Delivered. r Gift Card Mall G r e a t g i f t s m a d e s im p le . Shop all your favorite retailers here. V is it us o n lin e to d a y . w in mwrtmm» » * toTyRtto rhuwje'»ireyl > > • ( a«il and f «N 11 wws M Bartpwwtx are praoRly (hew «M are Utort pernto.uiin Amman f «pr»* n not ft H m m A ALL LIMITS ARE PER HO USEHO LD, PER DAY or em ail subscriptions® ■I 1 this ad are available at your local Safeway stores. No »ales to dealers, restaurants or institution» Sale, m retail quantities only Quantities of some items may he limited and subject to availability Not responsible for rypo- Items fcpnces„____ & ____ ___________ ___ “ reserve the right Io correct all ** printed * erron.On ' ' " Buy One, ~ " - - pur« wtbase graph h J or pictorial errors. We Get ~ One Free f BO G O *) offers, customer must hise the the first first item item to to receive the second item free. BOGO offer, are not 1/2 pmc tales. If only 4 single nrm purchased, the regular pnrr applies Manufacturers’ coupons may be used on pun based items only - not on free item» (¿007 Safeway Store». Inc q I» » i