(Elte Page A2 Jefferson Search Illegal (A P) — The FBI violated the legislative business. The raid was part o f a 16-month C onstitution w hen agents raided U.S. Rep. W illiam Jefferson's office international bribery investigation last year and view ed legislative o f Jefferson, w ho allegedly ac­ docum ents in a corruption investi­ cepted $100,000 from a telecom ­ gation. a federal appeals court ruled munications businessman, $90,000 ofw hich was later Friday. re c o v e re d in a Jefferson argued f re e z e r in th e that the first-of-its- c o n g r e s s m a n 's kind raid tram pled W a s h in g to n congressional inde­ home. pendence. The Je ffe rso n C o n stitu tio n p ro ­ p le aded n ot hibits the executive guilty in June to branch from using charges o f solic­ its law enforcem ent iting m ore than pow ers to interfere $500,000in bribes with the lawm aking w hile using his process. U .S. R ep. W illiam J e ffe rso n office to broker The U.S. Court o f A ppeals for the D istrict o f C olum ­ business deals in Africa. "W e are confident that as this bia Circuit held that while the search itself was constitutional. FBI agents case moves forward, and when all crossed the line w hen they viewed o f the facts are known, we will pre­ every record in the office w ithout vail again and clear Congressman giving Jefferson the chance to ar- Jefferson's name," defense attor- gue that some docum ents involved ney Robert Trout said Friday. The Portland Chapter of the L.I.N.K.S. August 8, 2007 ^Jortlanh ©hseruer Famed Civil Rights Lawyer Dies at 100 Had pride in his black heritage (AP) —O liver W. H ill.a c iv il rights law yer w ho was at the front o f the legal effort that de­ segregated public schools, has died at age 100 in Richmond, Va. In 1954, Hill was part o f a series o f lawsuits against racially segregated public schools that became the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Brown v. Board o f E d u c a tio n d e c is io n , w h ic h changed A m erica’s society by setting the foundation for inte­ grated education. "H e was am ong the vanguard in seeking equal opportunity for all individuals, and he was stead­ fast in his com m itm ent to effect change. He will be m issed,” said L. Douglas W ilder, who in 1989 becam e the nation’s first elected black governor and was a confi­ dant o f H ill’s. In 1940, Hill won hisfirstcivil Oliver W. Hill lived a full cen tu ry, m u c h o f it s p e n t a s a n a d v o c a te fo r civil rights. rights case in Virginia, one that re­ quired equal pay for black and while teachers. Eight years later, he was the first blackelected to Richm ond’s City C ouncil since R econstruction. A law suit argued by Hill in 1951 on b eh alf o f students protesting deplorable conditions at their high school for blacks in Farm ville be­ cam e one o f five cases decided un­ der Brown. T hose battles to end the J i m Crow era w ere dangerous ones for Hill and other civil rights leaders. Hill once received so many threats that he and his wife, Berensenia, w ould not allow their son to answ er the telephone. N or did his battle for civil rights bring him wealth. “W e got very few fees for any o f this," he said in a 1992 interview in The R ichm ond News Leader. Hill neverlost sight o f the im por­ tance o f the 1954 court ru I i ng. Wi th- out it, he said in an interview in the Richm ond T im es-D ispatch this year, “ I doubt (the Rev. M artin Luther) King w ould have gotten to first base.” Hill was bom May 1,1907. While his parents w orked. Hill stayed with a fam ily that he says instilled in him pride in his black heritage. “C o n seq u en tly , from c h ild ­ hood I developed personal es­ teem and expected w hite folks to treat m e like they did one another in such settings,” Hill w rote in his autobiography. Later, his fam ily m oved to W ashington, w here he graduated from high school and graduated second in his class from H ow ard U niversity’s law school in 1933. The top law graduate that year w as h is frie n d T h u rg o o d Marshall. M arshall and Hill w ere part o f the N A A C P Legal D efense and Education Fund team that fought the d eseg reg atio n case to the Suprem e Court. They rem ained close friends after M arshall be­ cam e the co u rt’s first black ju s ­ tice. & Il!r|Jiirtlattb © hseruer Newspaper ‘Community School Supply Drive' Seeking the community s support in the ongoing effort to provide local children with much needed school supplies for the upcoming school year. Donation Drop Site: The Portland Observer Newspaper 4747MLKBlvd. M onday-Friday 9 am - 5 pin Oregon Bridges Inspected after Disaster Oregon bridges are being in­ spected for im m inent dangers in the wake o f last w eek’s deadly collapse o f a freeway bridge across the M ississippi River in M inne­ apolis, Minn. The state is also undergoing a $1.3 billion, 10-year state-funded project to fix 365 state bridges found in m ost need o f repair. M ore is e a rm a rk e d to c h e c k c ity an d county-ow ned bridges. (A P) - A 19-year-old handy­ man for a Black M uslim splinter group in O akland, Calif, has co n ­ fessed and will be charged with m urder in the shooting death o f an A frican-A m erican journalist who was investigating the group's ft- join Roy jay President and CEO ol the African American Chamber oi Commerce Saturday, Aug. 18th at 9:00 AM in Dawson Park (a t N. Vancouver & Stanton) 5K W alk and 1.5 mile loop! Music, food, & fun! $20 registration, children under 6 free Discounts available for teams of IO or more! Contact the AAHC to register at 503.413.1850 or www.aahc-portland.org ££A¿-H2010 r Siskiyou Parte Slart/Fmmh R»e!*t And Fthi’ic Approach«« to Community A PnoorW” Atneoo Hoetth CopRMo WC -------- - f - l 5 Mil» Loop z ® R i NE Thompson nances, the assistant police chief said M onday. D evaughndre Broussard, 19, was one o f seven people arrested in Friday's raids on Your Black Muslim Bakery and nearby houses. The raids on the bakery organiza­ tion, founded nearly 40 years ago with a mission toem pow erO akland's poor, capped o ff a yearlong inves­ tigation into an alleged series of violent crim es police said w ere co n ­ nected to the group. C hauncey Bailey, 57, w as a long­ tim e reporter for the O akland T ri­ bune before becom ing editor o f the D ev a u g h n d re B ro u ssa rd Post, a w eekly new spaper geared tow ard the Bay A rea black com m u­ nity, earlier this year. W itn e sse s said he w as a m ­ bushed Thursday morning in dow n­ town O akland by a man w earing a mask who shot Bailey multiple times and then fled. O v er the w eek en d , co m m u n ity lead ers g ath ered to m ourn B ailey, w h o se fu n eral is sc h ed u led for W ed n esd ay , an d to call fo r an en d to v io le n ce in the city . S even h o m ic id e s w ere rep o rted in O a k ­ land sin ce B ailey 's k illin g T h u rs­ day m o rning. M M M K M M M Obama to Vibe: Rap creates own reality A Healthy CokKkVLizpuLty S ta rts W ith yoiz! IN/NE Morns ] and other codes. Federal T ransportation A dm in­ istration figures from 2006 show that o f O regon's 7,238 bridges, 635, or 11.66 percent, w ere structurally deficient. M any w ere built som e 50 years ago with an expected life o f about 50 years. A bout a quarter o f the state's bridges are older than that. T he A ssociated Press contrib­ uted to this report. Arrest Made in Journalist Murder Case Health Coalition, Inc. < Dave Thom pson said Thursday. He said m any o f the bridges with problem s were built using a steel and reinforced concrete system. "The w ay we built bridges then is not the way w e w ould build bridges today," he said. He said transportation depart­ m ents have been w arning for years that trillions o f dollars o f updates are needed nationally to bring older bridges up to seism ic, construction MWMHMHMNMI Wellness Within ¿ 5 3 REACH Walk NF Fremont A 2003 draft report by the Oregon D epartm ent o f T ransportation co n ­ cluded that with accelerated crack ­ ing and w eight restrictio n s," 13 per­ cent o f O regon's bridges are at or near the end o f their useful life." Som e bridges on Interstate 5 in the Roseburg and Eugene areas and on Interstate 84 are weight-restricted because o f cracks and other prob­ lem s but are being fixed beginning this sum m er, O D O T spokesm an KAISER PERMANENTE NEW s e a s o n s ! m a r x it ] FIT »IrtHT M 0*TH W B «f ( A P) — - B arack O b am a is now o ffic ia lly h ot — he's on the co v e r o f V ibe m agazine. In a p ro file for the 14th an n iv er­ sary issue o f the m usic and lifestyle g lo ssy , the D em o cratic p re sid e n ­ tial ca n d id a te clarifies his view s on rap. T h o u g h he had a h ig h -p ro file m eeting w ith rap star L u d acris las, fall, he w as also q u o ted in A pril as say in g that rap p ers w ere "d e g ra d ­ ing th e ir sisters. T h at d o e sn 't in ­ spire m e." O b am a to ld V ibe that he w as m isquoted — he w as talking about the c u ltu re as a w hole, not rap p ers in p articu lar. "I stand by exactly w hat I said, w hich was that the degrading c o m ­ m ents about w omen that (radio host Don) Imus said is language that we hear not ju st on the radio, not ju s, in m usic. W e o urselves perpetuate that, and we all have to take respon­ sibility for that." Bu, the Illin o is se n ato r also d id n 't let rap p ers o ff the hook. "T h ere's no doubt that h ip -h o p cu ltu re m oves o u r yo u n g people p o w erfu lly . A nd som e o f it is no, ju s t a reflectio n o f reality ," he told the m ag azin e. "It also cre ate s re ­ ality . I th in k th at if a ll o u r k id s see is a g lo rifica tio n o f m aterialism an d blin g and casu al sex and kids are n ev er seeing th e m se lv es re ­ flected as h ittin g the b o o k s and b eing resp o n sib le and d elay in g g ra tific a tio n , then they are g e t­ ting an u n rea listic p ic tu re o f w hat the w orld is like." S till, O b am a seem ed u n w illin g to use rau n ch y rap as a rally in g cry in his c a m p a ig n : "M y p rio rity as a U .S. se n ato r is d ea lin g w ith D em o cra tic p re sid e n tia l h o p e fu l S e n . B a ra ck O bam a, D-lll, is th e first p o litica l figure to g ra c e th e c o v e r o f Vibe m a g a zin e . (AP p h o to ) p o v erty and ed u catio n al o p p o r­ tu n ity and ad eq u ate h ealth care. If I'm ig n o rin g those issues and spen d in g all my tim e w orry in g ab o u t rap lyrics, then I'm w asting my tim e." So why put a p o litician on the co v e r o f a m ag azin e that had 50 C ent fro n tin g last m o n th 's issue? "B ecause for the first tim e since V IB E w as Iaunched in 1993, a p o - litical figure has burst on the scene and fired up yo u n g peo p le in a m ajo r w a y ,” V ibe ed ito r in c h ie f D anyel Sm ith said by e-m ail. "B e­ cau se reg a rd le ss o f w ho w ins the elec tio n , the se n ato r w ill have in sp ired m any new v o ters to the p o lls. B ecause O b am a is frank, b rillian t, v ib ran t, and no, cy n ical — all th in g s that m ake him a p e r­ fect VI BE co v er." i