August 8, 2007 ®*’e ^Jnrtlanb (Obscruer Älä I M II K M IM Great food and entertainment wilt draw crowds this weekend to the Bite of Oregon festival, downtown at Waterfront Park. Bite Take a Out of Oregon Restaurants set to star in culinary and entertainment event Come eat your way across Oregon! The Bite o f Oregon festival held this weekend celebrates O regon's culinary bounties in a party at­ mosphere on the banks o f the W illam ette R iver at Tom M cC a ll W aterfront Park. The annual festival draws participation from doz­ ens o f statewide restaurants, w ith fo u r stages o f entertainment, the Iron C h e f Oregon com petition, an entire pa vilio n o f Oregon’ s finest wines, Oregon craft beers and the state's top chefs dem onstrating a vast array o f cuisines. Plus, there w ill be more than 40 Oregon attractions and a late-evening firew orks show on Friday evening. O f course, the m ain a ttra ctio n w ill be O re g o n 's d e licio u s chow , fro m fresh O regon Dungeness crab cakes, sm oked rib s, corn on the cob, hog w ild w in g s, tra d itio n a l G yros and ho m e -style mac and cheese to b e rry co b b ler, savory poached pears and much more. A lso on tap are specialty beverages - close to I (X) items on the menu this year - represented by w ineries from H ix x l R iver to J ack son vi I le and up and down the W illam ette. Rogue and Umpqua valleys. The B ite m ain stage w ill feature contem porary national and in te rn a tio n a l talent along w ith to p ­ dra w in g regional acts. The PGE F ountain Stage w ill Iron Chef Oregon winner Daniel Mondok is set to defend his title again this year. showcase diverse and sophisticated re gional ta l­ ent. The C afé Stage w ill feature acoustic duos, presenting shorts sets o f m usical refreshm ent d u rin g the afternoons - ju s t lik e w hat you m ig h t fin d at y o u r local coffee shop. The S Y S C O Oregon C h e f Stage celebrates the best o f Oregon food and w in e , fe a tu rin g Oregon c h e f dem onstrations d u r­ ing the en tire fe s tiv a l. Gates open fo r Bite o f Oregon on Friday, A ug 10. from 11 a m. to 11 p .m ; Saturday, Aug 11,2007 from 11 a m. to 11 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 12 from lO a.m .to H p.m. Adm ission is $7, children 12 and under free. V is it w w w fo r more inform ation and special promotions. page C3