page C2 August 8, 2007 W F o r tia n i» Karen M aria C a p o & I a * Jazz Blue -- Tony Starlight’s Supper Club, 3728 N.E. Sandy Blvd., will host Karen M ariaCapo& Le Jazz Blue, on Wednes­ day, Aug. 8, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. GLIDE & • Loveness W esa--Portland’sinternational star and one o f A frica’s finest female artists will perform with her new home band The White Bantuz on Saturday, Aug. 11 at 6 p.m. at Washington Park in southwest’Portland. It's one o f a series o f free concerts by Portland Parks and Recreation. For more information, visit Stevie Wonder Sets Portland Date The Portland market is included in Stevie Wonder's upcoming U.S. tour, his first full scale concert series in more than a decade. The 5 7-year-old singer will perform Thursday, Aug. 30 at the McMenamins Edgefield Amphitheatre in Troutdale. Wonder has received 25 Grammy Awards as well the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award. Back by Popular Demand N o rm an Sylvester B and - Friday, Aug. I Oat 9:30p.m ., the Norman Sylvester Band will take the stage at the Portsmouth Club; on Saturday, Aug. 11, at 8 p.m., at Halibut’s, and on Tues­ day, Aug. l4.at8p.m.,atTillicum'sin Beaverton. For a c o m p le te sc h e d u le , v isit B elize S en sation — Andy Palacio brings his blend of indigenous Caribbean, West African rhythms to the Oregon Zoo for a sum m er concert on W ednesday, Aug. “AH Class Reunion” Sponsored by the Class of 1974 OLD SCHOOL JAM Rose Garden — Crown Royal Room **Hors d'oeuvres, door prizes, no host bar, free parking F eaturing: Andy Stokes Band Special “Guest” Appearance Saturday August 25th 2007 9:30 pm - 1:30 am 8:30pm - 10:30 pm Happy-hour TICKETS: In Advance $20.00 per person At the door $25.00 per person $45.00 per couple Sponsored by C lass o f 1 9 7 4 from : Jefferson (»rant Washington Adams Benson Tickets A vailable at: A Step Above Geneva's Shear Perfection M erae's R eflections Inquiries: E-mail: Phone 360-991-5402. Donna Hammond r ♦ 8 at 7 p.m. as part of the Wells Fargo Sum m er Concert Series. S lid e r s G r ill — S lid ers G rill, 301 I N. L om bard, fea tu re s an ec le ctic asso rtm en t o f p erfo rm ers on the m ain stage, ac co m p an ied by d e lic io u s food. Call 503-459-4488 for m ore inform ation. R e tu r n to O z — D isco v ery M useum hosts ‘Return to O z,” an exhibit that is sure to m ake you rem em ber the po p p y field s, w ick ed w itch es, fly in g m on k ey s and O h! my so m uch m ore at the W orld F o restry C e n te r th ro u g h Sept. 16. Free w ith the co st o f m useum ad m issio n . F or m ore in fo rm atio n , visit w w w .w o rld fo restry .o rg . Z oom U g a n d a — Visit the W orld Forestry C enter for the photoessay: “ 12G irls, 12Cameras: A D ay in T h e ir L iv es through T h eir E y es,” a docum entary on the lives o f 12 orphaned girls from U ganda. T he exhibit runs through Aug. 31 in the c e n te r's D iscovery M u­ seum in the Special E xhib­ its Gallery. B ody W o r ld s 3 — G et grossed out or intrigued by the dynam ic human body. Real life bodies are on dis­ play at OM S I through a pro­ cess called plastination. Started by Dr. Gunther von Hagens in 1977, the scien­ tist has been able to halt decomposition to show the living how what we do affects our body. Body Worlds 3 lasts until October. Formoreinformation, H ip -h op D a n ce C lasses — Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility, combinations and team­ work through urban dance moves. Form ore information, call 360-696-8236. B lacque B utterfly — Saturday, Aug. 25, from 8a.m. to 10 a.m.,Ohm, IstandCouch (next to Voodoo) will host poets, live music, com edy an d fun. Portland’sow nToni Hill and Miz Floes from Se­ attle will be take the stage. I rippin’through Town — Take a trip through time to find the hottest Toni Hill poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W. First Ave. O p en M ie N ight -- Every W ednesday night at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market and Cate. 8638 N. Lombard St., hosts open mic night. Live Music Every Night • H annah B ea’s, 3969 N.E. M artin L uther King Jr. Blvd., presents jazz during its ‘Sunday Brunch S erenade’ from 11 a.m .-l p.m • L iv e jaz zS u n d ay sfro m 8 :3 0 p .m .-11:30p.m. at C lyde's Prime Rib. 5474 N.E. Sandy, and at the Blue M onk. 3341 S.E. Belmont. • An open mic is held each M onday night at the Back-to-Back Café, 614 E. Burnside. • Live blues on M ondays from 9 p.m. to m idnight at Produce Row Café, 204 S.E. O ak; the Steinhaus, 2366 S.E. 82; M ississippi Studios, 939 N. M ississippi, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.; and at Jim m y M ac’s, 221 N.W . IO • B luesoffercdupW ednesdaysattheC andlclightR oom ,2032S W. Fifth; D ufTsG arage, 635 S.E. Seventh; and the Blue D iam ond, 2016 N.E. Sandy. • Jazz each W ednesday night at the Blue M onk, the Portland Art M useum , Jim m y M ac's, and Ja x 's, 26 S.W . Second. • O n Thursdays, catch the W om en in Blues R evue at T illicu n i's, 8585 S.W . B eaverton-H illsdale. • Fridays and Saturdays offer live m usic around the m etro area including Halibuts, 2525 N.E. A lberta St.; M ississippi Studios: L V 's, 3530 N. V ancouver Ave.; X V 's, 15 S.W. Second; Out o f the Blues, 2050 N.W . V aughn: M anila Express. 123OS.E. M ain; Steinhaus; One Stop Records, 615 N.E. K illingsw orth; and the U -licious Sm okehouse, 4057 N. Interstate.