Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 08, 2007, Page 12, Image 12

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August 8, 2007
“Pacman” to Enter Ring
(AP) - Suspended Ten­
nessee Titans cornerback
Adam “Pacman” Jones is
stepping into the ring and
giving pro wrestling a whirl.
“I am a big fan of wres­
tling, so I wanted to give it a
try," Jones said Monday. “1
respect wrestling and I'm
not coming in like it’s just a
show. I want to prove that I
am the greatest team-sport
NFL contracts prohibit
non-football activities that
could cause injury. Jones’
agent, Michael Huyghue,
said last week he had talked
with the Titans about Jones’
wrestling plans.
Jones was suspended in
April for the 2007 season by
Adam “Pacman" Jones
NFL commissioner Roger
Goodell for repeated con­
duct violations.
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Barry Bonds One Homer Away
(A P) - W ith Barry Bonds need-
in g ju sto n eh o m eru n to break Hank
A aron’s mark o f 755, the chase for
the record has returned to San Fran­
cisco w here the sold-out stadium
was filled M onday and with the
fans who love Bonds most.
A fter hitting the record-tying
shot Saturday night in San Diego
and tak in g o ff S unday, Bonds
headed hom e needing only one
more big swing.
Bonds’ godfather, W illie Mays,
was in attendance and talked with
Bonds in the clubhouse. The fans
in the stands, M cC ovey C ove,
nearby bars and throughout the
city w ere excited.
Fans cam e prepared with gloves,
nets and anything else that would
Barry Bonds has tied Hank Aaron 's homerun record. (AP photo)
Local Umpire Heads to Cooperstown
Free trip
will bring
knowledge back
by R aymond R eni , i . eman
T he P ortland O bserver
W illiam G addis, a longtim e vol­
unteer um pire for Little League
gam es in Portland, is being re­
w a rd e d w ith a fre e trip to
Cooperstow n, N.Y., where he will
help officiate the Youth Baseball
Hall o f Fame.
A union carpenter by profession,
Gaddis has made time to umpire doz­
ens of local gam es each summer for
12 years, ever since his son looked
like he might get into baseball.
But starting this week. Gaddis
begins to call several gam es a day
for the highest levels o f Little
L e a g u e in th e n a tio n w h ile
Cooperstow n D ream Park pays his
room and board.
In addition to attending a pro­
fessional um pire training camp, he
is looking forw ard to seeing the
Hall of Fame com plete with Tony
Gwynn, a San Diego Padre who was
inducted last month.
William Gaddis
“I’m looking to share some o f the
East Coast and W est Coast skills,
but mostly I'm getting a chance to
see so many people,” he says. “The
only thing I got to do is show up at
the airport Thursday and get on the
G addis thinks that he has had a
positive influence on many players
over the years.
" I ’ll be calling balls and strikes,
and all the kids in the stands will
be say in g , ‘T ig h t,’ he says. “ I
love the en th u siasm that I can
bring to the g am e.”
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Portland Little League umpire William Gaddis makes a call in
Boston Celtics Expect Glory Days Again
• Automobile accident injuries
• Chronic headache and joint pain
• Workers Compensation injuries
R )
help them retrieve a ball that could
be worth up about $500,000, ac­
cording to experts.
B o n d s w as g re e te d w ith a
stan d in g ovatio n w hen he took
the field and a trib u te to his 755th
h o m er w as played on the cen ter-
field scoreboard. It en d ed w ith a
m e ssa g e fro m b o x in g le g en d
M u h a m m a d A li an d h is son,
A saa d .
“W e w ant to congratulate you
on hitting 755 home runs, it’s been
a great m ilestone,” Asaad said in
the video message, with his father
sitting by his side. “W e’ve both
been great fans o f yours through­
out your career. We ju st want to
wish you good luck on your road to
history. D o n ’t stop."
(A P )—The Boston Celtics moved
last week to return the franchise to
its glory years by acquiring 10-
tim es A ll-Star Kevin G arnett from
the M innesota Tim berw olves.
G arnett is an athletic pow er for­
ward still searching for his first NBA
title after spending his first 12 years
th e
le a g u e
w ith
th e
"This is probably my best op­
portunity o f w inning a (cham pion­
ship) ring," G arnett told reporters.
The C eltics will ship to the
T im b e rw o lv e s fo rw a rd s Al
Jefferson, Ryan G om es, G erald
G reen, center T heo Ratliff, guard
Sebastian T elfair and tw o first-
round draft picks.
At 6 -fo o t-1 1,253 pounds, the 3 1 -
year-old G arnett is one o f only five
players in NBA history to am ass at
least I9,000points, It).(XX)rebounds
and 4.000 assists.
G arn ett, the 2004 league M VP.
o riginally balked at getting traded
to B oston, a y o u th fu l team that
finished w ith the seco n d -w o rst
record in the N BA last season at
Kevin Garnett smiles at a news
conference in Boston. (APphoto)
But he said the Celtics' draft-day
acquisition o f 32-year-old seven-
tim es A ll-Star guard Ray Allen
helped change his mind.
A lso on Boston's roster is 29-
year-old forward Paul Pierce, a five-
times All-Star.
W hile Boston shipped to M in­
nesota most o f its youth, G arnett,
Allen and Pierce wearing the same
uniform is a dangerous com bina­
The three athletes have a long
history together — and noted at a
press conference that they met more
than a decade ago, when they were
all high school players.
S Ä itl
diversity the, Ä7 ,
In Loving Memory
Rebecca L. Minner
(The )Jprtkinò (Obstruer
As it quickly becomes more
and more o f an electronic
world, The Portland Observer
endeavors to meet the needs o f
our readers and advertisers by
going online. With the capa­
bility o f the Internet, the
Portland Observer now
reaches a broader audience,
and thus sets your business in
front o f a new generation.
w w w .p o r t l a n d o b s e r v e r .c o m
Funeral services will be held
Friday, Aug. lOat 11 a.m. at Allen
Tem ple Church. 4236 N.E. Eighth
Ave., for R ebecca L. M inner who
died Aug. 2, 2007. Pastor LeRoy
Haynes will be officiating.
She was born March 10 . 1960 in
Inglewood, Calif.
S urvivors include her sons,
M arco Smith and DiVante Jones;
sisters Belinda Minner. Elizabeth
T aylorand Anita M inner; Delbert
Childs. Lee Roy M inner, Angie
M inner. Patrick M inner, Ezekiel
M inner and Cynthia Minner.
The tragic loss has em otion­
ally devastated the fam ily, which
is trying to raise the money for her
funeral expenses. Donations in
her memory arc welcome in care of
Cox and Cox Funeral Home.