Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 08, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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College at
MLK Site
from Metro
currently has nine em ployees and
expects to grow.
T he P ortland D evelopm ent
C om m ission acquired the H eri­
ta g e B u ild in g in 1999 and
aw ard ed d e v e lo p m e n t rig h ts
through a co m p etitiv e process
in 2001. T he p rincipal partners
are Eric W entland and Jean a
W o o lle y , w ith p a rtic ip a tio n
fro m S te v e n F o u s t, D e n n is
H adley, B arry P appenheim and
H ow ard L oucks— all long-tim e
northeast P ortland residents.
In conjunction with general
contractor Seabold C onstruction,
the developers have achieved 31
percent co n stru ctio n em p lo y ­
ment o f minority-owned, women-
ow ned and em erging small busi­
nesses, exceeding P D C ’s goal of
20 percent. In addition, nearly
3,000 hours were worked by reg­
istered apprentices.
The building join s other PDC-
initiated developm ents, renova­
tions and new construction un­
derw ay along northeast M artin
L uther King B lvd., including
Henry V, V anport Square, hous­
ing at M LK and Northeast Rosa
Parks W ay, and K ing's Crossing.
Mobile Notary Services
Portland Metro-
Call for Appointment
Page B5
œi’eIJo rth tn b (í)bseruer
August 8, 2007
P o ri land OL s e r v e r
ui O
News and reviews on
new motor vehicles
e v ie w
your 7 Series.
The 4.8-liter V8 engine is a d e­
light: quiet and unobtrusive in most
situations, but ready and w illing to
play hard when asked. It's so calm
and authoritative between 80 and
100 mph that it's alm ost m ore co m ­
fortable to drive in traffic, because
at least you’ll know it won't easily
turn into a ticket m agnet. Floor the
gas pedal ju st to feel the flow o f
acceleration as the engine rushes
tow ard it's redline. at w hich point
the sedate exhaust burgle becomes
the sound o f a serious perform ance
m achine. The V8 is loaded with the
latest materials and control tech­
nology. and it generates 360 horse­
power, with enough torque to carry
the big 7 Series to 60 mph in well
under six seconds.
W hen the road is clear, you might
find yourself coming into com ers
carrying more speed than you real­
ize, and getting on the brakes a little
harder than originally planned. This
isn't automatically a scary thing,
because the 7 Series almost never
loses its composure. Yet within this
car, with its combination of outstand­
ing dynamics and deceptive travel
speeds, there is both joy and trepida­
tion. The 7 Series demands a high
degree of self control, because you
can quickly find yourself having too
much fun. It offers extraordinary
handling with a magic carpet ride.
The 2007 BMW 750Li is silky
smooth and impressively powerful.
The layers o f technology can seem
more like a hindrance than a help,
however, and the interface between
driver and machine can be complex
and demanding. At best it's cum ber­
some. and at worst it's overw helm ­
ing. Ask yourself "do I have the 750
2007 BMW
750LI Sedan
750 IQ Required
K athleen C arr
If you'd like ac ar with ahigherIQ ,
then the 7 Series is sure to please.
There is alm ost nothing that this
car c a n 't do. T he stretch version Li.
which adds an additional 5.5-inches
overall, m akes for a great rolling
At the top o f the luxury sedan
food chain, you will find the 2007
BM W 75OLi, w hich represents the
peak o f engineering, elegance and
hospitality available in a five-pas­
senger autom obile. T he 75OLi is
one o f the m ost technologically
advanced sedans in its class; so
much so that potential buyers of­
ten su ffer tech n o lo g y o v erlo ad
during the initial encounter. W ork­
ing the m ultitude o f system s com es
closer to operating a com puter than
any m ainstream p ro duction car
before. I f you can m aster the bew il­
dering cockpit interface you will
enjoy the m ost involving full-size
sedan on the market.
T he 7 Series was the first BMW
m odel to get the revolutionary
¡Drive technology. W hile the ¡Drive
system corrals a lot o f functions,
including the audio, clim ate and
navigation, Bluetooth and BM W
A ssist system s, it has a steep learn­
ing curve and, based on our ex p e­
rience, increases driverdistraction.
On the plus side ¡Drive reduces
cabin clutter, as it’s operated via a
console-m ounted dial that interacts
with the central LCD screen.
T he 2(X)7 BM W 75OLi has the
personality and reflexes o f a much
sm aller car. T hose reflexes are a
product o f the 750's expertly tuned
suspension and steering. T o keep
the big sedan steady around co r­
ners, all m odels com e w ith Active
Roll Stabilization, which stiffens the
suspension's ant ¡roll bars to reduce
body roll. A dditionally, 750i and
750Li m odels can be equipped with
either the Sport Package (included
with our test m odel), w hich pro­
vides firm er suspension tuning, or
the A daptive Ride Package, which
uses self-leveling air springs and
adaptive shock dam ping to strike a
com prom ise betw een ride com fort
and handling acuity.
O ur test m odel o f the 75OLi in­
cluded adaptive bi-H ID head! ights,
a m oonroof, leather upholstery,
w alnut wood interior trim and 14-
way pow er front seats. Front-seat
heaters, a navigation system with
voice control, a 10-speaker CD
sound system with an MP3 player
input jack, dual-zone clim ate con­
tro l, o n e -to u c h w in d o w s an d
Bluetooth connectivity arc also
included. O ur test vehicle included
a long list o f options including
ventilated 14-way pow er rear seats
to com plem ent the extra legroom in
the back.
T he Sport Package on our test
model provided 20-inch wheels and
a three-spoke steering wheel. The
Luxury Seating Package provides a
m assaging driver seat, ventilated
front seats, a heated steering wheel
and rear sunshades. The Prem ium
Sound Package adds a 13 speaker
Logic 7 sound system with an in­
dash CD changer.
Standard safety features on all 7
Series sedans include antilock disc
brakes, stability control, a tire-pres­
sure monitor, front-seat side airbags,
full-length side curtain airbags; a
driver's knee airbag and a four-year
s u b sc rip tio n to B M W A ssist
telematics; rear-seat side airbags are
The stability control system gov­
erns several advanced braking fea­
tures, including a brake-drying fea­
ture that periodically w ipes the brake
rotors when the windshield wipers
are in use. Front and rear parking
sensors are standard, and you can
opt for the Night Vision system, which
uses an infrared camera to monitor
obstacles nearly I .(MX) feet ahead of
Alternative Therapies Clinic Opens
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The Portland Observer
Rachael Sperry & Adam H uynh proudly announce the birth o f
Emele Faye Huynh on July 22,2 0 0 7 ; 5-lb
Specifications: 8-Cyiinder, 4.8-Liter 360-hp @ 360 Ib-ft torque engine; 6-Speed
Steptronic Automatic Transmission: 17-City 25-Highway MPG; $ 94,370 MSRP
12-oz, 17.5-inches
from Metro
nese rem edies, including hydro­
therapy, detox treatm ents, chiro­
practic care, counseling, bodyw ork
and cranial sacral therapy.
W ith this m ind-num bing list of
treatm ents at the ready, the practi­
tioners now m ust tackle the hurdle
o f selling them selves to a co m m u ­
nity that thinks th e y 're a little, well,
Snow starts the process o f m en­
tally preparing people for som e­
thing different by pointing out the
ways in w hich primary care tends to
fail in m aking em otional co n n ec­
"In o u r culture, w e're so used to
going to the doctor, and the doctor
telling us w h at's w rong and what
we can take to m ake it better, and
with alternative therapy the patient
and the doctor or practitioner have
m uch more cooperation for overall
w ellness," she says.
It helps that m ost o f the C en ter's
patients are fed up with W estern
science before they ev en w alk
through the doors.
“ By the tim e people com e to us,
many o f them have already gone
through all the other avenues,"
Snow says.
In O regon, unlike som e states
like C alifornia, such alternative
A house at 4922 N. Vancouver was in a serious state a disre­
pair when it was purchased two years ago for the future home of
the North Portland Wellness Center.
\iI\ ertise with diversity in
iri'r -flo rtla n h (D bserucr
treatm ents are considered "adjunc­
tive" and receive special licensing
apart from standard methods. Some
consider this dim inishing to East­
ern medicine, but others see free­
dom in not being part o f the m ain­
stream system.
“I kind o f d o n 't mind not being
prim ary," Snow says.
She claim s that her m ethods
can treat alm ost anything, in clu d ­
ing ch ro n ic ailm ents such as d ia ­
betes and heart d isease, saying,
"acu p u n ctu re. C h in ese m edicine
and all that can really w ork, e s p e ­
cially if you catch it e arly en o u g h
and as a supplem ent to m ore sta n ­
dard p ractices."
As part o f the c e n te r's goal to
m ake the altern ativ e m ain stream ,
it hosts a free “ V itality T alk s S e­
ries" from 6 :30 p.m . to 8 p.m . on
the second W ednesday o f ev ery
m onth. Som e o f the to p ics are
p rep aratio n for back to school,
w e lln e ss/in te g ra tiv e m e d icin e,
and c o ld and flu p r e v e n tio n /
boosting the im m une system .
Knowing that many cannot a f­
ford alternative treatm ents, the cen ­
ter also hosts C om m unity W ellness
Days with $15 general-w ellness
treatm ents during specific hours
on the third Saturday o f every
month. Limited space is available
on a first-come, first-served basis.
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