August 8. 2007 Page B4 C lassifieds I B ids Accounting Supervisor Finance & Operations Supervisor Multnomah County Recruitment #9335-13 Closes 8/17/07 For full job posting please Visit our website at: or our jobs center located at 1120 SW 5th Ave., 1st floor lobby downtown Portland. Multnomah County Recruitment #9335-14 Closes 8/17/07 For full job posting please Visit our website at: or our jobs center located at 1120 SW 5th Ave.. 1st floor lobby downtown Portland. Open Meadow's STEP UP Program - School Success Advocate Oregon House Democrats Finance Director F u tu re P a c , th e c a m p a ig n com m ittee of the Oregon House Dem ocrats seeks experienced F/ T fundraiser/finance director to execute winning fundraising plan for the Novem ber 2008 election. F u n d ra is in g m anagem ent exp e rie n ce re quired . Political campaign fundraism gexperience preferred. Direct mail experience preferred. MS Office, including d a ta ta b a s e m anagem ent required. Knowledge of Oregon lobby, m ajor Dem ocratic donors, activist groups, Oregon elected officials preferred. Long hours. BA, BS or equivalent experience. Salary negotiable. Please mail resum e and cover letter to be received by August 22 to: FuturePac Attn.: M ichele P.O. Box 1754 Portland. OR 97207 APPELLATE CRIM INAL LAW The Office of Public Defense Services (O P D S ) re p re s e n ts fin a n c ia lly eligible persons in crim inal and parole appeals before the Oregon C o u rt o f A p p e a ls , th e O re go n Suprem e Court, and on occasion, the US Suprem e Court. OPDS is accepting applications for Deputy D e fe n d e r 1 p o s itio n s . T h is position is an ideal en try-level opportunity for the individual who has a strong interest in crim inal d e fe n s e , p o s s e s s e s s u p e rio r research, a na lytic, and w ritin g skills, and enjoys learning. Salary is $3,649 - $4,669/m onth + full State em ploym ent benefits. Only O regon S ta te Bar m em bers in go o d s ta n d in g o r in d iv id u a ls sittin gfo rth e July 2007 bar exam will be considered. Submit cover letter, resume. 3 references, and a writing sample (not to exceed 20 pages) by August 20, 2007 to Peter Gartlan, Chief Defender, Office of Public Defense Services. 1320 Capitol St NE. Ste 200, Salem. OR 97301. City of Portland Office of Neighborhood Involvement Grant opportunity Proposals due by 4 pm, September 12th ,2 0 0 7 The City of Portland's Office of Neighborhood Involvem ent (ONI) is s e e k in g p ro p o s a ls from c o m m u n ity-b a s e d n o n -p ro fits w ith demonstrated experience in community organizing, organizational developm ent, leadership development, and com m unications with an intentional focus on im proving the livability and sense of com m unity within com m unities of color, im m igrant and refugee com m unities for the design, developm ent and im plem entation of the D ive rsity a n d C iv ic L e a d e rs h ip O rga n izin g Project. The program developed under this grant is designed to broaden diverse participation in the civic governance of the City, build constituent identity and com m unication structures, im prove the livability and sen se o f co m m u n ity with a focu s on co m m u n itie s o f color, im m igrant and refugee com hiunities. The grant Request for Proposals may be obtained from the City of Portland office of Neighborhood involvem ent w ebsite at: h ttp :/ / w w w . p o r t la n d o n lin e .c o m / s h a r e d / c fm / image. cfm ?id = 164258 General inform ation on the Diversity Leadership Program is at: /oni P rop o sa ls sh a ll be received at th e O ffice o f N eigh borh oo d Involvem ent, 1221 SW 4th Ave, Room 110, Portland, Oregon 97204 until 4 pm, W ednesday, Septem ber 12th, 2007. Direct any questions regarding this solicitation to: Jeri W illiam s, Office of N e ig h b o rh o o d In v o lv e m e n t at 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -5 8 2 7 o r e m a il ¡eri.william w w w ■poitlandonline.emn.'omf'purchasine Drivers: 0 R /W A Year Round! CDL-A lyr. Flatbed Exp. R esum e to jo b s @ o p e n m eadow .org. Ref position 2007- 20. EOE. P ro g ra m a S T E P U P d e O p e n M eadow - Advocate Educacional O p e n M e a d o w c o m p a n a con Portsmouth Middle School. Apoya transición a escuela secundaria. Sea responsible para instrucion a c a d é m ic a y a c tiv id a d e s con fa m ilia . P re fe r im o s c o le g io , e x p e rie n c ia con ju v e n tu d en p e lig r o , in te r p e r s o n a l & organisional aptitudes y B i-lingual (Espanol/lngles). 20 h o ra s / s e m a n a . $ 1 7 / h o ra . Em piesa 9/4/07. C V a jo b s @ o p e n m e a d o w .o rg . P osidon 2007-20. EOE. Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon P o rtla n d is in te r n a tio n a lly recognized for its quality of life, d istinctive neigh borhood s, and robust transit system Playing a key ro le in k e e p in g P o rtla n d , Oregon, one of A m e rica 's m ost liv a b le c itie s is th e P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n 's m ission. PDC is the City's urban renew a l a ge n cy, ch a rg e d w ith brin g in g to g e th e r re so urces to achieve Portland's vision. W e're c u rre n tly lo o k in g fo r q u a lifie d ind ivid ua ls to co m p lem en t our w o rk fo rc e fo r th e f o llo w in g positions: • Programmer Analyst II • Development Manager- South Park Blocks • Associate Project-Program Coordinator-Housing • Senior Project Program Coordinator-Housing • Senior Administrative Specialist-Housing • Senior Project Coordinator- Economic Development W e o ffe r a g e n e ro u s h o s t o f benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and p rod uctive place to w ork. PDC values diversity in its w ork force a nd is c o m m itte d to E q u a l E m p lo ym e n t O p p o rtu n ity and Affirm ative Action. A non-m andatory pre-proposal m eeting will be held to receive questions regarding this request for proposal on: W ednesday, August 22nd, 2 0 0 7 ,1 0 :0 0 am to Noon at City Hall, 1221 SW 4th Ave., Lovejoy Room. Apply online at w w w Portland Developm ent Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 The selection of grantees for this RFP is done OUTSIDE of the Portland C ity C o d e 5 .3 3 , 5 .3 4 , and 5 .6 8 . T h is is a g ra n t adm inistered by the Office of Neighborhood Involvem ent, not the City's Purchasing Bureau. Advertisciwith diversity in lT|'' |J n r t l a n b (Dbfccrtu'v 'C ity M - 3 * Good Benefits Open M eadow partnership with P o rts m o u th M id d le S c h o o l. S u p p o rt a ca d e m ic s u c c e s s & transition to HS. Responsible for a c a d e m ic tu to rin g , fa m ily e n g a g e m e n t & e n ric h m e n t a c tiv itie s . BA p re fe rre d , e xp e rie n ce w ith a t-ris k youth , inte rp erson a l & orga n iza tion al skills required. Bi-lingual (English/Spanish) a plus. 20hrs/w k. $17 hr. Start 9/4/07. Attorney contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and tor valuable information on how to do busmeu with the City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: For Todd: 5 0 3 -5 8 1 -7 8 2 3 x202 ? C o n stru ction /C a p ita l Division Manager. Metropolitan Recreation - E x p o s itio n C o m m is s io n . $ 6 2 ,4 0 0 - $ 9 3 ,6 0 0 a n n u a lly. D e a d lin e : 8 /1 6 /0 7 . P la n s , im p le m e n ts and m a n a g e s all a s p e c ts of c a p ita l a nd construction projects for all MERC facilities. This opportunity Is open to First Opportunity Target Area residents (C o lu m b ia B o u le v a rd on th e north: 42nd Avenue on the east; th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e sou th , and N orth C h a u tau q u a Boulevard on the w est), whose to ta l annua l Incom e d o e s not exceed $25,000 as an individual, o r $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12 months. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t a nd re q u ire d ap p lica tion m aterials, v isit our website at jobs or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland. AA/EEO Employer A th le tic Advisor, Part-tim e with Benefits ($10.80 - $12.00 per hour) Energetic individual needed for Athletic Advisor position available in a residential/vocational training program serving young adults 16- 24 years old. Two years recreation e xp e rie n ce and a high sch ool diplom a needed. CPR and first aid certification required. Must posses or be able to obtain a valid CDL with air break and passenger en d o rse m e n t as w ell as w ater safety certification. Com petitive s a la ry and b e n e fits p a c k a g e available. Please mail resum e and cover letter of interest to: Springdale Job Corps Center Attn: Human Resources 31224 E. Historic Colum bia River Hwy Troutdale, OR 97060 All responses must be received no later than August 17, 2007. Equal Opportunity Employer B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204 503-823-6855 STAR M ETRO o f P o r tla n d PARK Star Park is lookingfor individuals with excellent custom er service skills and a positive attitude to join o u r te a m o f p a rk in g f a c ilit y o p e ra to rs . P o s itio n s in clu d e : Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with O p p ortunity for a d v a n c e m e n t. No e x p e rie n c e necessary, m ust be dependable. 8.50+/hr, m edical, dental, 401k w /m atch, sick & vacation pay. 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 97205 Fernhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a C. N. A. for evening shift and night shift. Fernhill is a deficiency free facility a n d w e a re p ro u d o f o u r w onderful staff. If you would like to w ork for a quality organization, please call Shelly-Callman Rogers, RN, D N S at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7 or com e by for a tour and application a t 5737 NE 3 7 th A v e n u e , Portland, OR 97211 Fernhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency free skilled nursing facility in a q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE P o rtla n d . W e a re p re s e n tly searching for a LPN for our Night shift. If you a re In te re s te d in learning more about us and our wonderful staff, please call Shelly Calim an-Rogers, DNS, RN or Mary Beth at (503) 288-5967. Fernhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a part time Dietary Aide/C ook fo r evening hours. W e are a nursing fa c ility lo ca te d in a c h a rm in g neighborhood in NE Portland. This p o s itio n w o u ld be a g re a t o p p o rtu n ity fo r a s tu d e n t o r som eone loo kin g fo r part tim e e v e n in g h o u rs . If yo u a re interested In this position, please call Mary Beth at 503-288-5967 or stop by for an appointm ent at 5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland, OR 97211 W a rn e r P a c ific C o lle g e , a Christian Liberal Arts college, is s e e k in g a Graduate Admissions Recruiter. Excellent benefits and w orking com m unity. If Interested, e -m a il re su m e to : s m a c k e y @ w a r n e r p a c lflc .e d u o r v is it : w w w .w a rn e rp a c ific.e d u . Follow the link to Hum an Resources. Legal Notices Need to publish a court docum ent or notice? Need an affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-mail your notice for a free price quote! Fax: 503-288-0015 PEDIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER Children's Com m unity Clinic (CCC) a non-profit pediatric clinic seeks a full-time Nurse Practitioner (NP). Q u a lific a tio n s : G re a t C AN DO attitude and team spirit, RN/NP license w /prescriptive privileges, M asters Degree (M SN), CPR, 1-2 y e a rs N P e x p e rie n c e , 1 y e a r p e d ia tric e xp e rie n ce required . Prefer national NP certification, CPNP, & n on -p rofit experience. Health, dental vision. Fax cvr letter & resum e to (503) 284-9162. e-mail: L ife W orks N O R T H W E S T LifeW orks NW re c o g n iz e s th a t d iv e r s it y s tre n g th e n s our w o rk fo rc e and e m p o w e rs our c o m m u n ity , a n d th e re fo re encourages wom en and men of all cultural backgrounds and ages to apply. Chemical Dependency Counselor (2 p o s it io n s / F u I l-t im e / A lb in a ) P ro v id e s in d iv id u a l & g ro u p c o u n s e lin g , a s s e s s m e n ts , progress notes & UA’s for adult client's with CD issues prim arily w ith in th e A fric a n A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity . Req C A D C (o r eligible): prior exp providing CD s e rv ic e s : u n d e rs ta n d in g / k n o w le d g e o f th e A fric a n Am erican com m unity: com puter literacy. Case Manager (Full or Part-Tim e/ Albina) Responds to client needs a t s c h o o l & in c lie n t h o m e s s e rv in g as a m e n to r fo r m ale African Am erican teens. Req BA in human services field: prior exp w o rk in g w ith g a n g in flu e n ce d youth m ental health/addictions issues. Understanding o f African Am erican com m unity, ab ility to work independently with flexing hours. Interested applicants m ay e-m ail resum es to hr@ lifew orksnw .org, mail to: LifeW orks NW, 14600 NW C o rn e ll Rd, P o rtla n d , OR 97229 Attn: Hum an Resources or fax to: 503-690-9605. Visit our w eb site at w w w .lifew orksnw .org. Equal Opportunity Em ployer 1- The Portland Observer EMPLOYMENT OREGON CORRECTIONS ENTERPRISES (OCE) Custom Wood Production Manager We are seeking an Innovative, energetic, and experienced Production Manager and leader to oversee the efficient productivity of a commercial custom woodworking operation with annual revenue of approximately $4M. The successful applicant will lead a 3-person team and will train, mentor, direct, and supervise approximately 90 inmates at the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem. Salary is $4,500 -$ 6 ,750/month. For more Information on how to apply, visit and look for OCE. Production M anager or call (5 0 3 ) 378-2677 ext. 2 68 1. H ouse & H ome B usiness F or S ale ! Senior Af rican American couple wants to sell their fabulous overlook terrace house and home business to a business-minded person or couple. "Our house is city and county certified to operate as a Bed and Breakfast, and an adult care facility. At present we're offering accommodations to B&B guests seeking extended stays of a month or more. We are the only African American B&B in Oregon. Our guests have come from across the country, and from over-seas. Our asking price includes all appliances and furniture. It's ready fo r occupancy. If interested in purchas­ ing this successful business venture and house, contact us at: on the web at or phone (503) 287-3937 Asking price: $950,(XX) I ¿ ítlfl IP ÍH U , These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional Job Information are available at: a, local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: ww The S tate of Oregon offers employees com petitive salaries and comprehensive benefits th a t includes employer paid health insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership In the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP); and opportunities to A, S participate in the Oregon Savings Growth T- ■ » ■ - £ Plans The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to he equal opportunity employers. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (ODOT) OOOT People drive Oregons Department of Transportation, if great benefits, a professional work environment job innovation, and career growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT. ACCOUNTING/FINANCIAL • Contract Coordinator Salary: $3.672 - $5,365/month Announcement #OCDT7139 Salem ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL • Executive Assistant Salary: $2.119 - $3.044/month Announcement »OCDT7O49 Salem ENGINEERING/ENVIRONMENTAL • Permit Specialist Salary: $2.839 - $4,263/month Announcement #OCDT7429 Portland OREGON DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES • Project Inspector ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES • Principal Executlve/Manager D State Agency Child Welfare Information System Business Team Manager MANAGEMENT/PROFESSIONAL • Area 5 Manager (Lane County Manager) Announcement 4LEHS7460 Salem Salary: $4,482 $6.928/month Close Date August 13.2007 CHILDREN, ADULTS & FAMILIES • Principal Executlve/Manager D State Family Pre-SSl/SSDI Program Manager Announcement RLEHS7476 Salem Salary $3.870 • $5.996/month Close Date: August 15,2007 w w w . 0 r e g o Salary: $2.457 - $3.679/month Announcement »OCDT6264B Beaverton Salary: $56.460 $87,348/year Announcement #OCOT7137A Springfield 0 0 0 7 ... Building Careen. Bridging the Future Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www for a complete copy or call 503-986-4030 (TTY 503-986-3854) to request by mail. OOOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Announcements will pe made available In alternate format upon request: (503) 3786202, TTY 1800-9938898 o b s .o r g