Dream Comes True Alternative therapies clinic opens on Vancouver Avenue See story, Metro section On Top of His Game P ortland Little L eague umpire officiates at Youth Baseball Hall o f Fame See story in Sports, page B5 & îSar nf R ncpc’ ‘City of Roses Volume XXXVII, N um ber 31 .Week in The Review Grateful after Surgery ABC “G ood M o rn in g A m erica” an ­ chor R o b in R o b e rts say s m essag es of su p p o rt fro m her fans helped her get through breast ca n ce r surgery last Friday. "T h a n k s for all the p ray e rs — I ow e you big tim e!” R oberts said. S ee s to r y , p ag e A3. 4 U.S. Soldiers Killed F our m ore U .S. so ld iers w ere k illed in ro ad sid e bo m b in g s in the B a g h d ad are a, in c lu d in g three in a single strike, the m ili­ tary said T u esd ay , raisin g to at least 19 the n um ber o f A m erican troop deaths in the first w eek o f A u g u st. Civil Rights Lawyer Dies O liverW . H ill,a civil rights law ­ yer w ho was at the front o f the legal effort that d e s e g r e g a te d public schools, has died at age 100. In 1954. Hill was part o f a series o f lawsuits against racially segregated public schools. See sto ry , page A2. Established in 1970 w w w .p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • August 8, 2007 Health Coalition in Critical Need Hundreds sign up for benefit walk by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver A strong show o f support for an annual walk to benefit the health o f local African Am ericans represents the best hope for m aking sure local residents continue to have access to health and fitness program s in the area. T he A frican A m erican Health C o a litio n ’s “ W e lln e s s W ith in R E A C H ” walk on Saturday, Aug. 18 at 8 a.m. in north P ortland's Dawson Park, com esjust six weeks before the organization possibly loses support for its popular exer­ cise program . A grant that gives A A H C free access to Portland Parks and R ec­ reation exercise equipm ent expires on Sept. 30. T he benefits o f the program were recently profiled in the Portland O bserver in a M etro-cover story about G arland Brow n, a fitness trainer at the M att D ishm an C om ­ m unity C enter and a M ultnom ah County "Public H ealth H ero.” W ith the help o f dedicated indi­ viduals like Brow n, the A A H C ’s fitness efforts have started to show m easurable benefits. M any P o rtlan d -area A frican Am ericans bore witness to using fitness in a successful battle against diabetes and cardiovascular dis­ eases that plague the com m unity. M uch o f the support for the AAHC com es from o f the federal Racial and Ethnic A pproaches to C om m unity Health (R E A C H ) pro­ gram which aims toelim inate health disparities by 2 0 10. The program is injeopardy o f facing the budget axe from the C enters for D isease C on­ trol and Prevention. “That program is at risk, and people need to support it,” says Corliss M cKeever, A A HC presi­ dent. “T h at’s why the w alk is cru­ cial, because w e’re trying to d e­ velop the w alk to the level that can sustain the physical-activity pro­ gram, so w hether we have a federal, local grant or anything else, we can at least offer the free exercise.” A lr e a d y , h u n d red s of Portlanders, including Roy Jay, president o f the African Cham ber ofC om m erce, areexpected to walk PHOTO BY continued y ^ on page A5 R aymond R endi eman /T ih P ortland O bserver Allyson Knapper signs up for the African-American Health Coalition s “ Wellness Within REACH walk with the help o f John Barnett, operations manager for the coalition. Coal Miners Trapped Rescuers brought in heavy drill­ ing equipm ent Tuesday to try to reach six coal miners trapped more than 1,5(X) feet below the surface in Utah, an effort that one o f the m ine's ow ners said would take at least three days. 0 J Forfeits Game Money R e la tiv e s o f m urder victim Ron G oldm an won a court o r­ der on T uesday s e iz in g an y m oney O .J. Sim pson earns for lending his nam e and likeness to a football video gam e with a fictional team called the A ssassins and a knife- w ielding m ascot. S ee r e la te d sto ry , page B3. Amtrak Running Again A m trak train s resu m ed running its C a scad es ro u te M onday b e­ tw een E ugene and V ancouver, B.C. T he service w as interrupted F riday after an insp ectio n o f the ra ilc a rs fo u n d c ra c k s in the su spension system o f a p a s se n ­ g er car. Ford Expands Recall F ord M otor C o. said F riday it is recallin g 3.6 m illion p assen g er cars, trucks, sport u tility v e ­ hicles and vans, built from 1992- 2007, to ad dress co n cern s about a cru ise con tro l sw itch that has led to prev io u s recalls based on rep orts o f fires. PHOTO BY R AYMONI) R e NDI I A IA N /T h I P o R 11 AND O ltS I KA I K John Archer checks his fishing line on the Eastbank Esplanade. The longtime Portland resident remembers when the riverbank where Interstate 5 now abuts once had a thriving community o f houseboats and shanties. Esplanade Opens Fishing Spots Catch slow, but river cleanups give hope by R aymond R endleman T he P ortland O bserver With the redevelopment o f the W illamette R iver's eastside, anglers are slow ly return­ ing to the coveted spots w here h alf a century ago they caught piles o f salm on and stur­ geon. T hese choice fish, how ever, have been even slow er to return than the people who are trying to reel them in. By July o f last year, O reg o n 's D epart­ ment o f Fish and W ildlife counted some I 36,000 salmon traveling up the W illamette, but about 14,(XX) few er have m ade the pas­ sage during this y ear’s first seven months. A nglers on the W illam ette mostly catch bass and catfish these days, and O DFW recom m ends that healthy adults eat no more than eight ounces o f these species due to the chem icals that they retain from bottom- feeding. M any o f them blam e poor w ater quality for the small hauls. This summ er, the city began tunneling a 22-foot-w ide sewer, to be com pleted in 2011, in an effort to prevent w astew ater overflow during heavy rains. "O nce they get the sewer rebuilt, it'll be five years before the fish com e back," says John Archer, who fishes the Wi I lamette when he has a day o ff from his job with Downtown Clean and Safe. Seeing others who are willing to eat bass and catfish. A rcher is content to fish these chem ical-laden species just for the sport of it until he encounters the m ore-prized variet­ ies. High num bers o f quality fish will return with any luck, but river-w aterquality is only “Once they get the sewer rebuilt, it'll be five years before the fish come back. ” -JohnArcher, one o f many factors affecting the run. ac­ cording to Kevleen Melcher, an O DFW bi­ ologist who specializes in W illamette fish habitats. Melcher cites strenuous oceanic condi­ tions as another possible cause of this low point in the typically cyclical populations, ruling out the possibility that hatchery fish haven't been able to adjust to higher tem ­ peratures in the wild. “G en erally , if the run is affected by the tem p eratu re, there are m ortalities before the falls. W e 're out there looking for them and we h a v e n 't found hard ly any, so fish are con v ertin g to h atch eries fairly w ell, but there a re n 't quite as m any this y ear," she says. "I d o n 't know q u ite w h a t's been the cau se o f th at." Downtown Clean and Safe w continued y ^ on page AS