www.portlandobserver.com August I. 2007 Due Process M etro NAACP sees premature punishment fo r NFL star Îlîl ^lo rtlan h O bserv er See Sports, page lift /nom im i nity C a le n d a r 5th Avenue Street Fair Urged for Vick ______________________________________ SECTION Raising the Wall at Humboldt Gardens Thursday, Aug. 2, from 5p.m . to 10p.m., the Fifth Avenue Street Fair takes place be­ tween Burnside and Glisan Street, dow n­ town. The public is invited to celebrate the completion o f a segment o f the ne w Tri Met Max line on the Portland Mall. Providence Bridge Pedal The one chance a year to bicycle across all 10 o f Portland’s bridges, from the Sellw ood to St. Johns Bridge, kicks off Saturday, Aug. 11. T he m ail-in registra­ tion deadline is W ednesday, Aug. 4. Visit providence.org/bridgpedal or call 503- 281-9198. Score One for Safety Saturday, Aug. 4, PGE Park, dow ntow n, will host this family fun event filled with prizes, safety tips, special guest and base­ ball. The gates open at 5:30 p.m ., first pitch at 7:05 p.m. Tickets available at ticketm aster.com . For group tickets call 503-553-5555. Teen Swim Parties Portland Parks is teaming up with Jammin 95.5 to bring the Teen Sw im Parties to neighborhood pools throughout the city through Thursday, Aug. 9. For more in­ form ation, visit portlandparks.org. Haitian Project Garage Sale Friday, Aug. 3, and Saturday, Aug. 4, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Sunday, Aug. 5, from 9 a.m. to noon, the M adeleine Parish Hall, 3123 N.E. 24 Ave., will host agarage sale to support and educate the children in Port Au Prince, Haiti. Summertime Rummage Sale S aturday, A ug. 4, from 9 a.m . to 5 p.m ., an d S unday, A ug. 5, from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m ., the B read and R oses C en ter, 819 N. K illin g sw o rth St., host a rum m age sale to raise funds fo r the F reedom S o cia list Party. Say Hey, NW! Thursday, Aug. 9, from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m., Partners in D iversity host the networking m eet and greet to w elcom e new profes­ sionals o f color to the business com m u­ nity, event to be held at T w o W orld T rade C enter-plaza level, 121 S.W . Salm on St. Call 503-516-3505. P hoto T he H ousing A u th o rity o f P ortland g ath ered w ith the co m m u n ity last w eek to c e l e b r a t e th e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f H um boldt G ardens, a five-acre, $35 m il­ lion resid en tial p ro ject to rep lace Iris C o u rt, a 6 0 -y e a r-o ld hou sin g p ro ject in the H um boldt n eig h b o rh o o d o f north P o rtlan d . H u m b o ld t G ard en s is p attern ed after N ew C o lu m b ia, a m uch b ig g e r hou sin g effo rt that m ark ed P o rtla n d ’s first foray into federal g ran t m oney in v e ste d by the U .S. D ep artm en t o f H ousing and U rban D ev elo p m en t to rev italize aging and stru ctu rally u n so u n d urban c o m ­ m unities. By A ugust 2008, fo rm er resid e n ts o f I r is C o u r t a n d n e w r e n te r s a n d Donated cans may be tainted The Hubble Hubbub M onday, Aug. 13, at 7 p.m. and 8 p.m., the M HCC Planetarium Sky Theater, explores the m ysteries discovered by the Hubble Telescope. This is the last scheduled show ing for the season. A dm ission is $ 1. Benson 1996 Reunion W ednesday, Aug. 15, the Benson class o f 1996 reunion will be at the Kennedy School M cM enam ins from 7 p.m. to 1 1 p.m. For more inform ation, call ReShawn Lewis at 971-219-7871. Tax Help in Rockwood V IT A tax aide for low-income famil ics wi 11 begin to assist clients at the Rockwood C om m unity office, 18709 S.E. Stark. C li­ ents are seen by appointm ent only. A p­ pointm ents will be m ade on W ednesdays onlyfrom I p.m. to 5 p .m „ b y calling 503- 816-1530. Neighborhood Farm Stand Relationship Transformation Washington Park Shuttle S u m m er service is every 15 m inutes from 10 a .m .- 7 p.m . w ith m ore than 10 sto p s including the O reg o n Z oo and the Ja p an ese G arden. T he shuttle runs d aily through L abor Day. R egular Tri- M et fare applies. I h o m eo w n ers will m ake the m ove to H um boldt G ard en s, w hich by that tim e w ill be a tree-lin ed neigh b o rh o o d with 130 ap artm en t units, 21 o w n er-o c cu ­ pied hom es, green spaces, com m ercial sp aces and a co m m u n ity center. Chili Warning S atu rd ay , A ug. 11, the M artin L uther K ing, Jr. L oaves & F ishes C enter, 5325 N .E. M artin L uther K ing Jr. B lvd., will h o st a d e lic io u s a u th e n tic C re o le Ja m b alay a D inner. M eals are available fo r take out. C all D avid L om ax at 503- 988-5211. Peace-M aking, a local group based on non-violen, com m unication and co n ­ scious aw areness, hosts a sem inar that includes inform ation on how to have better relationships both personally and professionally. For more inform ation, call 503-228-7256. S arah B l o in t /T hk P ortland O bserver Food Bank Creole Jambalaya Dinner Locally grow n vegetables and bouquets o f fresh flow ers will be available to the public, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every S un­ day, at the Redeem er Lutheran Church, NE 20th and K illingsw orth. The stand supports local refugees and im m igrant farmers. by The first wall at Humboldt Gardens is raised in a ceremony drawing Housing Authority of Portland commissioner Lee Moore (from left). James Faison of Faison Construction, former Iris Court resident Pete Luca and his son Anthony Denero, future Humboldt Gardens homebuyer Leslie Esinga, HAP commissioner Jeff Bachrach, Portland City Commissioner Erik Sten, Bob Walsh of Walsh Construction and architect Michael Willis. Local high school and college graduate Shara Brazzle (right) shares her experience on the basketball court and as an ambassador with Campus Crusade for Christ with campers in Brazil. Local Athlete in Crusade for Christ Portland native Shara Brazzle was a m em ber o f the nine-player A thletes in Action Cam pus Crusade for Christ bas­ ketball team that com peted in Brazil this summer. Prior Io their South A m erican d epar­ ture, the team underw ent training cam p in Xenia. O hio on June 18 at the AI A s W orld T raining and Resource C enter to learn how to apply biblical principles to sports. O nce in Brazil the squad played gam es against Brazilian club team s and against the Brazilian under-20 w om en's national team. Theirrecord w as6-1, which included w inning the cham pionship o f a Brazilian tournam ent. The AIA group also helped run AIA Brazil Sports Cam ps, put on basketball clinics, and helped the AIA Brazilian staff prepare for the Pan-Am erican G am es in R iode Janeiro, Brazil. Athletes in Action, the sports ministry of Cam pus Cnisade for Christ, regularly use the unique platform of sport to help people around the world with questions of faith. W hile involved with the team Brazzle. a graduate o f Cascade College where she played on the w om en's basketball team, was able to use her love of basketball to share her Christian faith with opponents and fans alike. "I loved visiting another country and doing tw o things that I enjoy: playing basketball and serving God," said Brazzle who also graduated from Jefferson High School in north Portland. A thletes in Action has been sending m en’s and w o m en 's team s o f this nature for alm ost three decades. The O regon Food Bank, w hich has distributed three C astleberry canned food products through its m em ber net­ work agencies, is asking anyone who received M orton House Chili (15 oz. cans) from an em ergency food pantry or other hunger-relief program to re­ turn the product im m ediately to the same agency or program front which they received it. C astleberry Food o f Augusta, Ga.. announced a nationw ide recall last week o f canned food products due to possible botulism contam ination. As a precautionary m easure. O r­ egon Food Bank is also asking recipi­ ents to return M orton House Beef Stew (20 oz. c a n ) and C ast leberry Beef Stew (24 oz. c a n ). which are not currently on the recall list hut are being investigated by the U.S. D epartm ent o f Agriculture and the Food and D nig A dm inistra­ tion. "Food safety is alw ays our top co n ­ cern, and we work hard to ensure the safety o f the food we distribute," said Rachel Bristol, C E O of Oregon Food Bank. "At this tim e, we have not heard any reports o f illness due to these products in the area we serve Oregon and southw est W ashington. But we take this recall very seriously. "W e ask anyone who has received fix'd from one o f our m em ber agencies to check their cupboards.'' Bristol em ­ phasized. "If you have these products -M o rto n H ouse Chili ( I5 o z.), Morton House Stew (20 o z.) or Cast leberry Beef Stew (24 oz.) on your shelves, return the product im m ediately to the non­ profit program or agency from which you received it.” Oregon Health officials are also urg­ ing consum ers to check their c u p ­ boards for any o f 90 different canned food items recalled in the w ake o f the continued on page R5