August I. 2007 Page B6 S ports P o r tla n d to H o s t Due Process Urged for Vick M e x ic a n L e g e n d s NAACP sees premature punishment Form er players from M exico's m ost popular clubs, Chivas de Guadalajara and Club Am erica will collide at PGE Park on Friday. Aug. 10. at 7 in the “S uperC lassic o f Legends” The international exhibition will be played with players who have recently retired from both teams, including several form er M exican National Team m em bers. A m ong those representing C hivas will be Ramon Ramirez, w ho has over 100 appearances with the M exican N a­ tio n a l T ea m , an d m id fie ld e r Alberto Coyote, w ho played on the international stage for M exico from 1994-2001. The Club Am erica Legends w ill feature form er M exican National Team midfielders G onzalo Farfan, who earned 34 cam ps w ith M exico from 1994-2001. and IsaacTerrazas. who played for M exico in the 1998 W orld C up in France. Tickets, starting at $ 10 are avail­ able at the PGE Park box office, are a T ic k e tm a ste r o u tle ts, by phone at 503-224-4400 or onl ine at ticketm . G ates open at 4 p.m. for a pre-gam e tournam ent cham pionship match. ' U -J-icictm SMOKEHOUSE ¿•/•ccializinp in $>nokci> 5 ‘C>‘C>Q ¿M fiits t ’ Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lunch $5.95. ‘Dinner $9.95 up Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Ox Tails & More Beer and Wine Available Open ! 1:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday L iv e Blues Fridays Call for details 7pnt to Klpni 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 “A series of vibrations. What does it matter, the source of the catalyst?” Wayne Shorter A su b stan ce th a t in itia te s or a c c e le ra te s a c h e m ic a l reactio n w ith o u t its e lf bein g a ffe c te d New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7 M artin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG. I Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.(X) (With Other Services) Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UP HOLS TER V CEEA NI NG Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows (Willi Other Services) G eorgia NAACP P re s id e n t E dw ard D u b o s e (left), A tla n ta NAACP P re s id e n t R.L. W hite a n d e x e c u tiv e b o a rd m e m b e r Dr. M a rth a P lo w d en a t a n e w s c o n fe r e n c e in A tla n ta . (AP p h o to ) coach's playbook. The A tla n ta F a lc o n s quarterback's elite five-m em ber le­ gal team doesn't expect it to be easy, and his career could be in jeopardy. Businesses have been quick to recoil. Nike suspended its lucrative contract with Vick and Reebok stopped sales o f his No. 7 jersey. In addition, two trading car com pa­ nies w ithdrew V ick items. O n the o th e r hand, G eo rg ia N A A C P President Edw ard Dubose thanked Vick for his com m unity service and the m oney and excite­ ment he has brought to G eorgia as a Falcon. D ubose said Vick is being prosecuted in the court o f public opinion before he has had a chance to defend himself. "W e're not condoning bad be­ havior, but Michael Vick is innocent until proven guilty,” Dubose said. Influential Football Coach Dies Creator of enduring innovations (A P ) - B ill W a ls h , th e g ro u n d b re ak in g fo o tb all co ach w ho w on th ree S u p er B ow ls and p erfec ted the in g en io u s schem es that b ecam e know n as the W est C o a st o ffe n se d u rin g a H all o f F am e ca re e r w ith the San F ran ­ cisco 4 9ers, has died o f leukem ia. He w as 75. He spent ju st 10 seasons on the San Francisco sideline, but he left an indelible mark on the United States' most popular sport, build­ ing the once-w oebegone 49ers into the m ost successful team o f the 1980s with his innovative tech­ niques. T he soft-spoken native C alifor­ S a n F rancisco 4 9 e r s c o a c h Bill W a lsh is h o is te d o n th e s h o u l­ nian also produced a legion o f d e r s o f h is te a m a fte r th e y d e fe a te d th e M iam i D olp h in s 3 8 - 1 6 coaching disciples that's still grow ­ in S u p e r B ow l XIX, Jan. 2 0 , 1 9 8 5 . (AP p h o to ) ing today. "T he essence o f Bill W alsh was o f chalk, he w ould becom e a w hirl­ individuals.” th a t he w as an e x tra o rd in a ry wind o f w isdom. He taught all o f us W alsh cre ate d the M in o rity teacher." NFL com m issioner Roger not only about football but also C oaching Fellow ship program in G oodell said in a statem ent. " If you about life and how it takes team ­ 1987, helping m inority coaches to gave him a blackboard and a piece work for any o f us to succeed as get a foothold in a previously lily- white profession. M arvin Lewis and Tyrone W illingham are am ong the coaches w ho w ent through the pro­ gram , later adopted as a league­ w ide initiative. W alsh also is widely credited with inventing orpopularizing many o f the m odem basics o f coaching, from the lam inated sheets o f plays held by coaches on alm ost every sideline, to the practice o f scripting the first 15 offensive plays o f a game. The long-suffering 49ers went 2- 14 before W alsh ’s arrival. They re­ peated the record in his first sea­ son. W alsh doubted his abilities to turn around such a m iserable situ­ ation— but earlier in 1979, the 49ers drafted quarterback Joe M ontana from Notre Dame. W alsh tu rn ed o v e r the startin g jo b to M o n tan a in 19 80, w hen the 4 9 ers im p ro v ed to 6 -1 0 — and im p ro b ab ly , San F ra n cisc o w on its first c h a m p io n sh ip in 1981, and ch a m p io n sh ip s fo llo w ed in the p ostseasons o f 1984 and 1988. W alsh left the 49ers with a pro­ found case o f burnout after his third Super Bowl victory in January 1989, though he later regretted not coaching longer. $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) Heavily Soiled Area: (AP) - N A ACP leaders urged public restraint M onday in judging M ichael Vick before he has his day in court. R.L. W hite, president o f the A t­ lanta chapter o f the National A sso­ ciation for the A dvancem ent o f C olored People, said the Atlanta Falcons quarterback has been vili­ fied by anim al rights groups, talk radio and the news m edia and pre­ m aturely punished by his team and corporate sponsors. “If Mr. V ick is guilty, he should pay for his crim e, but to treat him as he is being treated now is also a crim e,” W hite said at a news con­ ference. "B e restrained in your pre­ mature judgm ent until the legal pro­ cess is com pleted.” On M onday, Tony Taylor, a co ­ d efen d an t in the case, pleaded guilty in V irginia to federal dog­ fighting conspiracy charges in a plea agreem ent with prosecutors. But Vick has pleaded not guilty and for now looks like he will spend the next four m onths defending h im self instead o f m astering an ew $79.(X) $59.(X) $ 1 0 9 -$ 1 3 9 $35 - $49 $5.00 See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 Blazer Preseason Games Scheduled The Portland Trail Blazers has u n v eiled th eir N B A p reseaso n schedule, which tips o ff W ednes­ day, O ct. 10, at the Rose G arden against the Los A ngeles Clippers. On Oct. 19, the Blazers face off against Sacram ento in Portland. On Oct. 24, theT rail Blazers host d iv i­ sional rival Seattle in a m atchup that will feature the top tw o picks in this y e a r's NBA Draft, Portland s G reg O den and S eattle's Kevin Durant. Oden Olympics Unlikely The Blazers will once again bring a hom e gam e to others fans around the state, capping their se v en -g am e p re se a so n at the D eschutes County Fair & Expo C enterin the B end-R edm ond area on Oct. 26. with a gam e against the D enver Nuggets. Tickets for Portland's three pre­ season gam es at the Rose G arden are now on , T icketsW est outlets or by calling 503-797-9600. Your Care Our First Priority Dr, Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician (A P ) — G reg O den is lean in g to w ard sk ip p in g U .S. tra in in g cam p n ex t m o n th , p o ssib ly e n d ­ ing his ch an ces o f play in g in the 2008 O lym pics. T he No. I N BA d raft pick had a to n sille cto m y Ju ly 14 and w as fo rced to m iss the A m erican s' m inicam p last w eekend in Las V e­ gas. H e has an in v itatio n to jo in the team w hen it reco n v en es for train in g cam p on A ug. 15, but said F riday he p ro b ab ly w o u ld n 't be there. O den w as in v ited to p ractice w ith the A m erican s last su m m er but c o u ld n ’t play b ecau se o f his b ro k en w rist. U SA B ask etb all m a n a g in g d ir e c to r Je rry C o lan g e lo said he is u n lik ely to G reg O den be a ca n d id ate for the ro ster in B eijing w ith o u t p lay in g e ith e r o f the tw o p rev io u s sum m ers. Easy Home Loans We are located at 1 (X)% financing Available No Closing Cost Loans Down Payment Assistance Programs 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandy Bird.) You need Fair to (rood Credit 2 years work history. Self employed OK Must be 2 years out o f Ch.7 bankruptcy • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503)228-6140 I Call Al Lester 503 257-2745