Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 01, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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    il?e JJnrtlanh ©bseruer
August I. 2007
Page B5
Portland GL s e r v e r Tkuto R .e v ie w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2007 Kia
Sportage 4X4
The Thinking
Persons 4X4
by K athleen
C arr
Behold, the Sportage is back,
having undergone a vast makeover.
It has the sam e nam e, but perhaps
th a t's th e o n ly s im ila r ity to
y e ste ry e a r's m odel. T he new
Sportage has a com pletely new and
refined interior and exterior design,
and a good supply o f standard and
optional features. It also has a few
nice, thoughtful, if sm all, consider­
ations that could allow the small to
well infiltrate the m arketplace.
D esigned with both young-at-
heart and value-conscious custom ­
ers in mind, Sportage places a heavy
em phasis on safety. Its long list of
standard safety features includes:
six standard airbags (tw o advanced
fro n t a irb a g s , tw o fro n t-s e a t-
m ounted side airbags, and tw o full-
length side-curtain airbags); four-
wheel disc brakes with antilock brake
system (ABS); traction control sys­
tem (TCS); alum inum trim assist
grips, and electronic stability con­
trol (ESC).
For even better perform ance, a
pow erful V6 engine is available,
mated to a four-speed S portm atic1M
transm ission. T he lightw eight,
compact, DOHC24-valveall-alumi-
S p e c ific a tio n s: 2 . 7-Liter 2 4-V alve 6-Cyliner, 1 7 3 h p @ 1 7 8 Ib-ft to rq u e E ngine; 4 - S p e e d A u to m a tic T ra n sm issio n E lectronic Control
O n-D em and 4 -W h e el Drive; 19-C ity 23-H ighw ay MPG; $ 2 2 ,7 7 5 M SR P
num 2.7-liter engine generates 173
horsepow er and 178 pound-feet o f
torque. The vehicle perform ed well
in all driving scenarios. It's not the
quickest SUV on the market, but it's
far from sluggish. A nd w hile the
Sportage doesn't provide any lime-
w arp sensations, the SUV , while
categorized as a truck, accelerated
w ithout hesitation as if it were per­
form ing w ith c a r-lik e sm ooth,
steady advances.
Kia's four-w heel drive system
is a single-range offering. It's elec­
tronically controlled with a push­
button function on the console. It's
designed for all-w eather, all-sea-
son traction and prim arily offered
for on-road situations, not treach­
ero u s o ff-ro ad co n d itio n s. T he
Sportage does have 7.7 inches of
clearance and good traction, so o ff­
road trail driving should certainly
not be discounted. W hile on the
road, the Sportage offers a com fort­
able, com m anding and surprisingly
quiet ride.
E q u ally im p re ssiv e , the
S portage’s interior and exterior d e­
sign has a m odem contour o f near
luxury status. The outside o f the
vehicle has nicely shaped panel
corners and the headlights, roof
rails and rear spoiler are sturdy yet
provide a sleek appearance. It's as
if the vehicle was molded after ad-
vancing into strong headwinds.
The interior has the same
"feel." T he console and other in­
strum entation are w ell-positioned
and handsom e. The console looks
sim ple, yet stylish and surprisingly
upscale considering the vehicle's
value-for-cost considerations. The
Sportage com fortably seats five and
the front and rear leg and headroom
is surprisingly spacious.
A dditionally, the Spoilage's
liftgate glass can be opened w ith­
out opening the tailgate. A handy
storage com partm ent and tray are
available under the rear cargo area.
Additional storage is available with
K ia’s ‘D rop & F old’ rear seating
system .
Speaking o f cost, the Sportage
EX model has a base price of $ 2 1,400,
an appealing am ount considering
the vehicle's standard options that,
in part, include:, pow er w indows
and locks, heated outside mirrors,
A M /FM /cassette/C D /M P3 audio
system with six speakers, cruise
c o n tro l, a ir c o n d itio n in g an d
sunroof. T he EX m odel's luxury
package ($ 1,300) includes the afore­
m entioned leather seating, heated
front seats, autom atic headlam ps
and autom atic dim m ing inside m ir­
ror and with a Homelink security
W ith every option av ailab le,
the S p o rtag e's price is still w ell
under $ 2 4,000. It's a p rice point
that should give the new S portage
b est-v alu e co n sid eratio n in the
sm all SU V m arket. L ike all K ia
m odels, the S portage is co v ered
by a c o m p re h e n siv e w arra n ty
p rogram , w hich o ffers u n p rec­
ed e n te d c o n s u m e r p ro te c tio n .
Included in the p ack ag e are a 10-
y e a r o r 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 -m ile lim ite d
p o w ertrain w arran ty ; a fiv e-y ea r
o r6 0 ,0 0 0 -m ile lim ited basic w ar­
ranty; and a fiv e-y ear o r 100,000-
m ile anti-perforation w arranty. A
five-year/60,000-m ile roadside as­
sistan ce plan is also part o f the
c o m p re h e n siv e c o v e ra g e p r o ­
gram . If y o u 're on a m o d est b u d ­
get but d o n 't w ant to g iv e up
com fort or co n v en ien ce, the 2007
Kia S portage is d efin itely w orth
co n sid erin g .
Anchor in Early Stage of Cancer Food Bank
(A P) — ABC “G ood M orning A m erica” anchor
Robin Roberts has been diagnosed with breast
cancer and will be undergoing surgery Friday.
Roberts, 46, told viewers about her cancer on
T uesday m orning’s show.
“ I am so blessed that I found this in the early
stages, and the prognosis is so prom ising that my
doctor expects me to be flying planes and hanging
on to subm arines in the middle o f the A tlantic and
scaling the M ayan pyram ids in no tim e,” she said.
Roberts, who is co-anchor o f "G ood M orning
A m erica” with Diane Saw yer, said she exam ined
herself and found a lum p on her breast the same day
she had done a report on form er “G M A” m oviecritic
Joel Siegel, who died ofcolon cancer last month. The
netw ork w ouldn't say w hich breast was affected.
Roberts, who is single, said there is no history in
her fam ily o f breast cancer.
She has been a contributor to A B C ’s m orning
program since 1995 and was the new sreader before
being nam ed in May 2005 as one o f the show ’s
Form er A BC news anchor Peter Jennings an­
nounced on “W orld N ew s T onight" in April 2005
that he had lung cancer. He never appeared on the
air again and died four m onths later.
Chili Warning
con tin u ed
botulism cases. C astleberry's has
posted a com plete list o f the re­
called products, including some
dog foods, on its W ebsite.
S w a l l o w i n g e v e n tin y
tra c e s o f b o tu lin u m ca n be
le th al, w h ich is w hy any q u e s ­
tio n a b le c a n n e d fo o d sh o u ld
n ot be o p e n e d .
Symptoms o f botulism include
double or blurred vision, drop­
ping eyelids, slurred speech, dif­
ficulty sw allow ing and muscle
w eakness.
R obin R o b e rts rep o rtin g live for ABC.
Star Jones tells of
gastric bypass surgery
J o n e s R ey n o ld s
people might think o f m e."
she continues. “ I was afraid
to be v u ln e ra b le , an d
asham ed at not being able
to get m yself under control
w ithout this procedure.”
Keeping her decision pri­
vate made her a hypocrite,
she says, because she had
been so outspoken about
her firing as co -h o st o f
A B C 's "The View” last year.
Reynolds, who w eighed
307 pounds at her heaviest,
say s h er “o u t-o f-c o n tro l
bchavior- bcgan around hcr
40th birthday in 2002. Feeling lonely, she turned to
food for com fort and gained 75 pounds over the course
o f 17 months.
“ I used to look in the mirror and take pride in my
figure, but that was when I was legitim ately a full-
figured w om an." she says. “ I'd gradually gone from
full-figured to morbidly obese."
Sisters Await Adoption
K rystal is happiest w hen on
stage. Paige is introspective, but
will happily accom pany her sister
on her musical adventures. Both
girls are creative, fun-loving and
very endearing.
T hese children are one o f ap­
proxim ately 300 O regon children
available for adoption through the
state, generally because of abuse
and neglect.
W h e th e r i t ’s sin g in g in the
school band or performing Karaoke,
Krystal enthusiastically show cases
her talents for others. Paige is blos­
som ing in leaps and bounds. A rtis­
R achael S p e rry & A dam H u y h n proudly announce the birth of
Emele Faye Huyhn on July 23,2007; 5-lb
12-oz. 17.5-inches
Augustana Lutheran Church
Invites you to Sum m er in the City, our annual
celebration o f diversity with food, music,
crafts, book sale, featuring jazz greats M arilyn
Keller, Ron Steen, George M itchell. Kevin
Deitz, and special guests!
Join us Sunday, August 5,4:00-7:00 p.m.
Rev. W. J.Mark. Knutson, Pastor
’" » i
Sunday Worship at 8:30 & 11a.m ., 12:45 & 6 p.m.
Dramatic Weight Loss Explained
(A P) — Star Jones Reynolds skirted ques­
tions about her dram atic w eight loss for years,
saying only that she had undergone a medical
intervention. That intervention, it turns out,
was gastric bypass surgery.
Reynolds, 45, says she was “ intentionally
e v a siv e ” w hen p eo p le asked how s h e ’d
dropped 160 pounds in three years. She had
gastric bypass surgery in A ugust 2003.
She w rites about her w eight loss in a first-
person essay in the Septem ber issue o f G lam ­ „
our m agazine, on new sstands Aug. 7.
“E verything about me was already so public
(m ostly my ow n doing — talk about du m b !), so o f
course everyone w anted to know what I had done."
she writes. “ I was also terrified som eone would have
a tragic result after em ulating me w ithout making an
inform ed decision with her doctor.”
“ Bu, the com plete truth is, I was scared o f what
fro m M etro
tically inclined, she is becom ing
much more successful in school.
In their early years, Krystal had
to take on responsibilities beyond
her years. Paige is striving to be­
com e more focused and expressive
with her feelings. Counseling, posi­
tive boundaries and stability are
making a world o f difference in the Krystal a n d Paige, a g e s 1 2 a n d 8
For more inform ation on the
lives o f these sisters.
Krystal and Paige are precious availability o f these children, or on
sisters whose gifts and capabilities how to becom e a foster or adoptive
significantly outw eigh their ch al­ parent, contact the Special Needs
lenges. An adoptive fam ily will be Adoption Coalition at 503-542-2392
thrilled to welcom e Krystal and or Departm ent o f Human Services
at I -8OO-33I-O5O3
Paige home.
7/ */;
LeRoy W illiams
Nov. 23 1933 - July 23. 2007
Services f o r LeR oy W illiams
will he held Friday, Aug. 3 at 10
a. m. at C ox Funeral Home, 2736
N.E. Rodney Ave.
Mr. W illiam s was born in
Goldsboro, N. C. He m oved to
Baltimore, Md. andjoined the U.
S. Navy in 1950. A tier four years
o f serving his country, he joined
the U. S. A rm y in 1954. After
retiring from military service in
1955, he m oved to Portland and
worked at various other jobs.
During his years in Portland
he met and m arried Patricia Ann
Mitchell. Both had children from
previous m arriages, which they
successfully blended intoaclose-
knit family, som ething o f which
LeRoy was forever proud.
More than a few friends, as
well as his children, com m ented
that LeRoy could "curse you with
the best of them," but would be
sitting chatting with them over a
beer five m inutes later. They also
knew he would stand by them in
adversity and always be a trusted
friend. LeRoy had wisdom b e­
yond his years, many relatives
joked about him having nine lives.
Due to failing health in 2001,
LeRoy moved to Dallas, Texas in
2003 to be closer to his daughter
and grandchildren. He passed
away at Tem ple Veterans H ospi­
tal in Tem ple, Texas He may be
gone, but he certainly isn't forgot­
ten - and never will be. He was
Iron, an era when a handshake or
his word was a bond, and his
friendship was everlasting.
T erry
• Funerals
• Cremations
• Memorial Services
• Pre-arrangements
2337 N. W illiam s Ave.
Portland. OR 97227
Portland’s Newest
Funeral Home Serving
the Metropolitan Area.
Available 24 hours a day
D is c o u n t
On pre-arranged or at the time
o f need arrangements during
the month o f August when
you bring this advertisement
to your appointment.
T and C auto sales
Tim Wilson
In my continual efforts to offer you reliable
used cars, 1 am now based out of Beaverton
Toyota. Now I can also assist you in the
purchase of your next new or used Toyota.
So call first - then come see me.
Special Financing is Available!
“I f I Don't Have It In Slock. I Will Get It For You!’’