Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, August 01, 2007, Page 10, Image 10

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Page B4
August I, 2007
Fur contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business w ith the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
C lassifieds / B ids
Request for Bids
Manual Vegetation Maintenance
M etro is requesting bids for M anual Vegetation M aintenance for
the Science and Stew ardship Division of M etro's Regional Parks
and G reenspaces D epartm ent. Bids are due to be received
(postmarks not accepted) no later than 3:00 p.m., Thursday, August
16, 2007 at M e t r o R e g io n a l C e n t e r . 600 NE Grand. Portland,
OR 97232, Attention: R a c h e l F o x . Bids will be publicly opened
at 3:00 p.m. in the Gales Creek Room (Room 274) and read at
that tim e in room.
The contract contem plated consists of cutting, spraying and other
general vegetation m aintenance on sites in the greater Portland
m etropolitan area and outlying com m unities. The objective of
treatm ents listed above is to release planted and other desirable
vegetation from com petition from unw anted w eeds and grass or
to prepare sites for future work.
Contractor shall leave planted and naturally occurring native
vegetation uncut and undam aged unless otherw ise directed.
Project sites m ay include the follow ing areas: roadsides, steep
slopes, tight spacing of desired vegetation and planted m aterial,
or other conditions. Contractor will be responsible for treating
these areas.
The term of the contract is anticipated to be August 23, 2007
through June 30, 2009.
This Request for Bid may be exam ined at M etro Regional Center
in the Regional Parks and G reenspaces Departm ent, 600 NE
Grand Ave, Portland, OR 97232, and is available on-line at http:/
/w w w .m etro- region.org/pssp.cfm ?ProgServlD = 2 2. All known
holders of these docum ents will be on the Proposal Holder list
and will receive any addenda issued.
M etro and its co n tra cto rs will not d isc rim in a te a ga in st any
person(s), em ployee or applicant for em ploym ent based on race,
creed, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion,
physical handicap, political affiliation or m artial status. M etro
fully com plies with Title VI o f the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and
related statutes and regulations in all program s and activities.
For m ore inform ation, or to obtain a Title VI Com plaint Form, see
w w w .m etro-region.org or call (503) 797-1536.
M etro may accept or reject any or all bids, in w hole or in part, or
w aive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such action
is deem ed in the public interest.
The Legislative Assembly, acting by and through the
Legislative Administration Committee, is issuing a
Request for Proposals for Quality Assurance Services
for the Oregon State Capitol Restoration Project
The Legislative Adm inistration C om m ittee (hereinafter called
"C om m ittee"), see ks qualified firm s or in d ivid u a ls to subm it
proposals for providing independent quality assurance consulting
services for the Oregon State Capitol Restoration project.
Copies of the RFP may be obtained on or after July 27, 2007 by
contacting Legislative Adm inistration, Room 140-A, 900 Court
Street NE, Salem , Oregon, phone 503-986-1848, or electronically
on the Oregon State ORPIN w eb site at https://orpin.oregon.gov.
The Oregon State Capitol Restoration Project includes a com plete
renovation of th e interior of th e House and Senate w ings o f the
Capitol, originally constructed in the 1970s. Quality assurance
services will begin in S eptem ber 2007 and continue through
Decem ber 2008, and will include m onitoring and reporting on the
project budget, schedule, design, stakeholder satisfaction, and
the m anagem ent of project risks.
Proposers m ay ask questions about this RFP and the Capitol
Restoration Project through the date of and at the m andatory pre­
proposal m eeting. Questions m ay also be asked in w riting via
e m a il to D a ve H e n d e rs o n , L e g is la tiv e A d m in is tra to r,
dave.a.henderson@ state.or.us.
The m andatory pre-proposal m eeting will be held on August 10 at
2:00 pm at the Oregon State Capitol, 900 Court Street NE, Salem ,
Oregon. Inform ation about th e specific room for the m eeting will
be available at the Capitol's Inform ation Kiosk.
Proposals will be evaluated, scored and ranked on com pleteness,
quality of content and responsiveness to th e criteria established
in th e p rop osa l d o cu m e n ts . Fa ilu re to p ro vid e all re quired
inform ation m ay result in elim ination from furth er consideration.
Follow ing the required interviews, the evaluation com m ittee will
prepare a written sum m ary and justification of th e final rank order
of the proposals and a contract offer will be m ade to the selected
Com m ittee reserves the right to reject any and/or all proposals
not in com pliance with the subm ittal instructions and procedures,
to reject any a nd /or all proposals upon a find ing that it is in the
public interest to do so and to decline to enter into any contract as
a result of this process.
Six (6) copies of each subm ittal m ust be received no later than
3:00 p.m. PDT, Friday, August 2 4 ,2 0 0 7 , at the address below:
Vicki Bram m eier
Legislative Adm inistration Com m ittee
900 Court Street, Room 140-A
Salem , Oregon 97301
phone 503-986-1212
Subsidized units may be available at this time.
If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants
may be placed on a w aiting list. G uardian M anagem ent LLC is
com m itted to “EQUAL HOUSING O PPO R TU N ITY”
M cM innville, Oregon 9 7 1 2 8
( 5 0 3 ) 4 7 2 -1 1 5 6
TDD# 1 ( 8 0 0 ) 7 3 5 -2 9 0 0
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
Portland State University
Bid Package #2
All Trades except for Demoltion, Concrete & Rebar
Sub Bids Due: August 9, 2007 at 2:00 p.m.
Regional Parks & Greenspaces
Science and Stewardship Division
2 0 1 SW Agee Street
C itv o f P o r tla n d
Shattuck Hall Renovation
Villa West Apartments
w w w ■portiandonlinf.eom.dmf’purchasInE
1120 SW Firth Ave. Room 754). Portland OR 972(H
425 NW 10th Avenue, Suite 200-A, Portland, OR 97209
Phone (503) 546-6180; Fax (503) 546-6181
CCB #164711
The Port of Portland Is a regional governm ent operating airports,
m arine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland
m etropolitan area, to fulfill its m ission of providing com petitive
cargo and passenger access to world m arkets w hile enhancing
the region’s quality o f life.
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids
from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small
business enterprises.
To view current jo b openings and to access the application form ,
visit the Port's w ebsite at w w w .portofportland.com or call (503)
(Full-tim e, $ 1 0 -$ 1 2 /h o u r , DOE (1 .0
Portland Development
FTE) pd sic k a n d vac; h e a lth ins
The Urban Renewal Agency for the
Weatherization Workshop Coordinator
partially paid)
P o rtla n d is in te r n a tio n a lly
recognized for its quality of life,
d istin ctive neighborhoods, and
robust transit system . Playing a
k e y ro le In k e e p in g P o rtla n d ,
Oregon, one of A m e rica ’s m ost
liv a b le c itie s is th e P o rtla n d
D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n ’s
m ission. PDC is the C ity’s urban
re n e w a l a gency, ch a rge d w ith
b rin g in g to g e th e r re so urces to
achieve Portland's vision. W e ’re
c u rre n tly lo o k in g fo r q u a lifie d
in d ivid u a ls to co m p lem en t our
w o rk fo rc e fo r th e fo llo w in g
T h e W e a th e riza tio n W o rksh o p
C oord ina tor will be responsible
for conducting approxim ately 80
“do it yourself" workshops to over
8 5 0 P o rtla n d a re a re s id e n ts
annually. The position includes
som e trainin g and supervision of
v o lu n te e rs and in te rn s , liftin g
35lbs repeatedly, and good driving
r e c o rd / v e h ic le
n e c e s s a ry .
B ilingual/B icultural in Spanish,
Vie tna m e se, Chinese, Russian,
p re fe rre d . F u ll lis tin g and
a p p lic a tio n
m a te ria ls
a t:
or at 422 NE Alberta St, Portland).
• Senior Administrative
• L oanC loser/U nderw riter
Drivers: 0R/WA Year Round!
CDL-A lyr. Flatbed Exp.
Good Benefits
Todd: 503-581-7823 x202
Portland State
Fernhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a
C. N .A. for evening shift and night shift.
Fernhill is a deficiency free facility
a n d w e a re p ro u d o f o u r
w onderful staff. If you would like
to w ork for a quality organization,
please call Shelly-Callman Rogers,
RN, DNS at 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -5 9 6 7 or
com e by for a tour and application
a t 573 7 NE 3 7 th A v e n u e ,
Portland, OR 97211
Fernhill Estates, LLC is a deficiency
free skilled nursing facility in a
q u a in t n e ig h b o rh o o d in NE
P o rtla n d . W e a re p re s e n tly
searching for a LPN for our Night
shift. If yo u a re in te re s te d in
learning m ore about us and our
wonderful staff, please call Shelly
Calim an-Rogers, DNS, RN or Mary
Beth at (503) 288-5967.
• Development M anager-
South Park Blocks
• Associate Project-
Program Coordinator-Housing
• Senior Project Program
The Port o f Portland is an A A /E E O em p lo ye r co m m itted to
w orkforce diversity and affirm ative action.
City of Portland. Oregon
Are you looking for a jo b in the
n o n p ro fit s e c to r a n d e n jo y
w orkin g with d iverse groups of
p e o p le ? If so, yo u m a y e n jo y
working for the Com m unity Energy
P ro je c t. W o rk w ith h ig h ly
m o tiv a te d , c re a tiv e s ta ff in a
c o lla b o r a tiv e ,
fa s t-p a c e d
e n v iro n m e n t. C o n n e c t w ith
hundreds of com m unity partner
o r g a n iz a tio n s
m eet
thousands of people in Portland.
D evelop your skills as a public
s p e a k e r and g ro u p fa c ilita to r
w h ile d e liv e rin g m u lti-se n sory,
hands-on hom e w eatherization
w orkshops in the Portland area.
W e n e e d s o m e o n e w h o ca n
“meet people where they are” and
a v a ila b le
w orksh op s in eve nings and on
weekends, as well as som e during
the w eekdays.
• Application process closes at
5 pm on T u e s d a y, A u g u s t 14,
• Interview process: August 16th
through August 24th, 2007 (bring
• P o s itio n
s ta r ts
Septem ber 4th, 2007
• Senior Project Coordinator-
Economic Development
W e o ffe r a g e n e ro u s h o s t o f
benefits as part o f our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and
prod u ctive place to w ork. PDC
values diversity in its w ork force
a n d is c o m m itte d to E q u a l
E m p lo y m e n t O p p o rtu n ity and
Affirm ative Action.
Apply online at w w w .pdc.us/jobs
Portland Developm ent
Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Fernhill Estates, LLC is hiring for a
part time Dietary Aide/C ook fo r
evening hours. W e are a nursing
fa c ility lo ca te d in a c h a rm in g
neighborhood in NE Portland. This
p o s itio n w o u ld be a g re a t
o p p o rtu n ity fo r a s tu d e n t or
som eone loo kin g for part tim e
e v e n in g h o u rs . If yo u a re
interested in this position, please
call Mary Beth at 503-288-5967
or stop by for an appointfnent at
5737 NE 37th Avenue, Portland,
OR 97211
Portland State University
Facilities And Planning
Deferred Maintenance And
Small Project Manager
F a c ilitie s and P la n n in g se e ks
Deferred M aintenance (DM) and
S m a ll P ro je c ts M a n a g e r fo r
o v e rs e e in g s m a ll to m e d iu m
c o n s tru c tio n p ro je c ts . T h e
Deferred M aintenance (DM) and
S m a ll P ro je c ts M a n a g e r is
re s p o n s ib le fo r o v e rs e e in g
construction projects that create,
re p a ir, re m o d e l, m a in ta in , or
preserve the physical assets and
utility system s at Portland State
U n iv e rs ity . T h e C o n s tru c tio n
P ro je c t M a n a g e r w ill p ro v id e
tim e ly , c o s t e ffe c tiv e , a nd
p ro fe s s io n a l s e rv ic e s th a t
e n h a n c e th e in s tru c tio n a l,
research and service goals of the
U n iv e rs ity , a n d w ill m a n a g e
construction projects on cam pus
from in ce p tio n to c o m p le tio n .
S a la ry is $ 6 5 ,0 0 0 to $75,000
w ith
b e n e fits
package. This position is funded
for three years from date of hire,
and is renewable dependent on
a v a ila b le fu n d in g . For fu ll jo b
description and instructions on
h ow
a p p ly ,
v is it:
w w w .hrc.pdx.edu.
Advertise with diversity in
$1,1P n r t la n b <0 b s- c r » r r
The University o f Oregon School
o f La w (E u g e n e ) s e e k s an
expe rien ced p rofe ssio na l fo r a
n e w p a rt-tim e p o s itio n , LLM
P ro g ra m
D ire c to r, in o u r
Environm ental Law Program. The
Program Director is responsible
for the growth and m anagem ent
of th e new LLM program as well
a s le a d in g all a s p e c ts o f th e
P ro g ra m in c lu d in g s tu d e n t,
a c a d e m ic and a d m in is tra tiv e
issues. Advanced Degree (J.D. or
J.D .equivalent.)required. S ee th e
University of Oregon website http:/
/ h r .u o r e g o n .e d u / jo b s u n d e r
“A d m in is tr a t iv e J o b s ” fo r a
com plete list of jo b requirem ents,
jo b d e s c rip tio n , a p p lic a tio n
proce dure s, a p p lica tion form s,
and s u p p le m e n ta l q u e s tio n s .
P o s itio n o p e n u ntil fille d . An
E qu a l-O p p o rtu n ity, A ffirm a tive -
Action Institution Com m itted to
Cultural Diversity and Com pliance
w ith th e A m e ric a n s w ith
D is a b ilitie s A c t.
W e in v ite
a p p lic a tio n s fro m q u a lifie d
c a n d id a te s w h o s h a re o u r
com m itm ent to diversity.
Portland State University
Foreign Languages
and Literatures Office M anager
P S U s e e k s a c o lla b o r a tiv e ,
organized, self-directed individual
w ith 3 yrs. P rior o ffice exp. to
m anage its busy, m u lticu ltu ra l
fr o n t o ffic e . F o r p o s itio n
re q u ire m e n ts a nd a p p lic a tio n
procedures see w w w .hrc.pdx.edu.
PSU is an AA/EO institution and,
in keeping with the President's
d iv e rs ity in itia tiv e , w e lc o m e s
a p p lic a tio n s fro m
d iv e rs e
candidates and candidates who
support diversity.
|o b H o tlin e : 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 0 3 5
TTY: 5 0 3 - 9 8 8 - 5 1 7 0
an equal opportunity employer
ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation. If great
benefits, a professional work environment, job innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you, then come to ODOT.
• Business Systems Analyst
Salary: $2,233 - $3,335/month
Announcement A0CDT7406 Salem
■ Contractor Plans Support Specialist
These are just a few of the current job openings available with
the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing,
application forms, and additional job Information are available
at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon
offers employees competitive salaries and comprehensive
benefits that includes employer paid health insurance: paid
holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave: membership In the
Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP);
and opportunities to participate in the Oregon
Savings Growth Plans The State of Oregon and
all its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity •’ - V y j »
• Principal Executlve/Manager E
Environmental & Occupation Epidemiology
Section Manager
Announcement M.EKS7391 Portland
Salary: $4,265 - $6,598/month
Close Date: July 31,2007
• Principal Executlve/Manager F
Oregon Health Plan Actuarial Services Manager
Announcement AIEHS7405 Salem
Salary; $4,705 - $7,279/month
Close Date: July 31,2007
• Principal Executlve/Manager E
Manager of Administration & Program Development
Announcement »LEHS7423 Portland
Salary: $4.937 ■ $7.641/month
Close Date: July 31. 2007
e g o
Salary: $1,751 - $2,420/month
Announcement 40CDT7431 Salem
• Dispatcher
Salary: $2.308 ■ $3,337/month
Announcement #OCDT74O7 Salem
• Structural Designer
Salary; $3.287 - $4,932/month
Announcement #0CDT7405 Salem
• RIght-of-Way Survey Lead
Salary: $3,809 - $5,713/month
Announcement #0CDT7352 Roseburg
■ Survey Technician
Salary: $2,457 - $3,679/month
Announcement #0C0T7264B Portland
• District 7 Manager
Salary: $4,265 - $6.598/month
Announcement A0CDT7348 Roseburg or Coquille
• Area 5 Manager (Lane County Manager)
Salary: $56.460 • $87,348/annually
Announcement 40CDT7137A Springfield
Building Careers, Bridging the Future.
Detailed job announcements Include qualifications, requirements, and
instructions on how to apply for these jobs. Go to www.odotjobs.com for a
complete copy or call 503-9864030 [TTY 503-9863854) to request by
mail ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative action
employer. Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon
request: (503) 3766202, TTY 1-800993-8898.