(Tbc July 25. 2007 |J n rt lattò ffîbseruer Page B3 L aw J ustice Justice Panel Documents Prison Disparities From disproportionately high black arrests had a ratio o f 12.5, followed by New Jersey with 12.4 and C on­ necticut with 12. States with the lowest black- to-w hite ratio were Hawaii, with 1.9, G eorgia with 3.3 and M is­ sissippi with 3.5. In Iowa, blacks are im pris­ oned at a rate more than double the national average. For every 100,000 people, Iowa incarcer­ ates 309 whites and 4,200 blacks, the study said. Paul Stageberg, adm inistrator o f the Iowa Division o f Criminal and Juvenile Justice Planning, said the results are not surpris­ ing, but the causes are subject to interpretation. (AP) -- Blacks in the United imprisoning blacks at more than States are imprisoned at more 13 times the rate o f whites. than five times the rate o f whites, Such figures "reflect a failure and H ispanics are locked up at o f social and econom ic interven­ nearly double the white rate, ac­ tions to ad dress crim e e ffe c ­ cording to a new study released tively," as well as racial bias in the by a criminal justice policy group. justice system, said Marc Mauer, The report by the Sentencing the group's executive director. P ro ject, a W a sh in g to n -b a se d Vermont, New Jersey, C on­ think tank, found that states in necticut and W isconsin incar­ the M idwest and Northeast have cerated blacks at more than 10 the greatest black-to-w hite dis­ tim es the rate o f whites, the group parity in incarceration. Iowa had said, citing Justice D epartment the widest disparity in the nation. statistics from 2005. V erm ont OxyContin Makers Fined $634 Million CRIME STOPPERS (503) 823-HELP 111 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97204 Robber Hits Three Northeast Stores Gets away with cash on third try The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with Crim e Stop­ pers, is asking for your help identifying a robbery suspect caught on tape. On Saturday, July 7 at 6 :1 1 p.m., a man w alked into the Hollywood Liquor store at 3738 N.E. Sandy Blvd. and grabbed a bottle o f liquor, walked to the checkout counter and dem anded money from the cashier. The em ployee asked the sus­ pect if he had a weapon and the suspect said he did not. The em ployee grabbed the liquor from the suspect and told him to leave. The man complied. A few m inutes later, at 6:22 p.m., the same suspect walked into the Beaumont Liquor store at 3334 N.E. Killingsworth St. stating he had a gun and d e­ manded m oney from the cashier. The suspect fled out the door with the money, but a second em ployee gave chase, tackling the suspect at N ortheast 34th Avenue and Killingsworth. The em ployee recovered the money, Surveillance video shows a robbery suspect caught on tape. but the suspect got away. A couple o f hours later, at approxim ately 8:30 p.m., a man brandishing a knife robbed the cashier at the espresso bar at Nordstrom Lloyd Center. The suspect took money and fled the area. Surveillance video captured two o f the robberies on tape and investigators believe that the same person committed all three rob­ beries. It appears he shaved his b e a rd b e fo re a rriv in g at N ordstrom ’s. The suspect is described as a white male, 30-40 years o f age, 5 ’8-5’9” tall, stocky build, bald­ ing with short red hair, a full beard and mustache, possibly clean shaven now. He was wear­ ing a straw hat. a blue T-shirt and tan cargo shorts and was carry­ ing a tan or grey backpack. Woman Wanted in Portland Store Hold-Up T he Portland Police Bureau, the clerk and then left. in c o o p e ra tio n w ith C rim e She retu rn ed a short tim e S to p p e rs, is a sk in g fo r the later, and as she talked on her p u b lic ’s help in iden tify in g a cell phone, she w alked to the w om an w ho used a gun to rob c o u n ter, raised her shirt and a sm all store. exp o sed a gun tucked in her On June 5 at 11:36 p.m., the w aistband. She fled the store suspect entered the Holgate Gas o n fo o t, n o rth b o u n d a c ro s s and Grocery at 4525 S.E. 28th H olgate on S outheast 27th A v­ Ave. and made small talk with enue. She may be associated w ith a black SUV that was seen sociated w ith the skater c lo th ­ in the area p rio r to the robbery. in g b ra n d F A M O U S . S h e T he suspect is d escribed as a should be considered arm ed black fem ale, approxim ately 20 and dangerous. y e a rso ld , 5 ’ 5” tai I w ith a stocky C rim e S toppers is offering build. In a su rv eillan ce video, a cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 she is w earing a black hooded for inform ation, reported to sw e a tsh irt w ith a d istin c tiv e C rim e S toppers, that leads to logo that could possibly be a an arrest. Call C rim e S toppers backw ards “ F ,” w hich may a s­ at 503-823-H E L P (4357). State Farm* Providing Insurance and financial Services ACQUIRE Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61 710 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent jk 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97217 503 286 1103 fax 503 286 1146 erme hill h5mt)®5slatefariu com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® PROPERTIES. He said the state’s dispropor­ tionately high black arrest rates are likely linked to high poverty rates am ong blacks and lower educational achievement. In 2001, a go v ern o r's task force released a report that said 24 percent o f Iowa prison beds were occupied by black inmates even though blacks com prised ju st over 2 percent o f the state's population. The group that com piled the report made several recom m en­ dations such as reviewing fed­ eral drug laws and giving judges more discretion to decide sen­ tences rather than imposing m an­ datory minimum prison terms. Wally Tesfa Residential and Coir merciai Broker Oregon Washington 503 267 7586 cell 503 249 1903 office 503-249 6527 fax wtesfa1@ com cast net For misleading public about addiction risks (AP) - Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, and three of its ex­ ecutives have been ordered to pay a $634.5 million fine for misleading the public about the painkiller’s risk of addiction. U.S. District Judge James Jones levied the fine Friday aftera hearing that included statements by nu­ merous people who said their lives were changed forever by addiction to OxyContin, a trade name for a long-acting form of the painkiller oxycodone. Designed to be swallowed whole and digested over 12 hours, the pills can produce a heroin-1 ike high if crushed and then swallowed, snorted or injected. From 1996 to 2001, the numberof oxycodone-related deaths nation­ wide increased fivefold while the annual num berof OxyContin pre­ scriptions increased nearly 20-fold, according to a report by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. In 2002, the DEA said the drug caused 146 deaths and contributed to another 318. Purdue Pharma, its top lawyer and former president and former chief medical officer pleaded guilty in May to claiming to doctors that OxyContin was less addictive and less subject to abuse than other pain medications. Michael Friedman, who retired in June as Purdue's president, general counsel Howard Udell and former chief medical officer Paul G oldenheim each pleaded guilty to a m isdem eanor count of misbranding the drug. O f the to­ tal fine, $34.5 m illion was levied on those three. Jones placed the company on probation for five years and each of the executives on probation for three years. He also ordered the three to perform 400 hours of com­ munity service related to preven­ tion of prescription drug abuse. Thieves Hit Wealthy Neighborhoods (AP) — A team of burglars has lifted more than $7 million in jew ­ elry, rare books and cash from doz­ ens of homes in some of Los Ange­ les' wealthiest neighborhoods, slip­ ping in and out without tripping elaborate alarms or leaving so much as a fingerprint behind, authorities say. Like a plot from "Ocean’s Eleven" or “The Italian Job,” authorities say the thieves appear to be a crew of professionals. Over the past year, they have hit the homes of celebrities, sports stars and corporate tycoons, plus n o n -c e le b rity m a n sio n s in Brentwood, Beverly Hills and the “Platinum Triangle" of Bel-Air, Encino and Holmby Hills, Lt. Ray Lombardo said Thursday. And until recently, they've man­ aged to leave few clues for detec­ tives to follow. One hit at an Encino estate, how­ ever, was caught on video. Have you seen me? Missing and Exploited Children 1-800-THE-LOST Endangered Missing Abducted Multi-Million S Service K in g o f C lean A P r o fe s s io n a l J a n it o r ia l C o m p a n y P.O. Box 2 1 9 -1 1 2 • P v n lta d . OB 97225-9112 (503) 839-0752 Leon'» Barber Shop Tim R. Thomas 1319 NE Freemont St Portland, OR 97212 8 am - 8 pm Tues.-Sat Shop 503 282 2920 Owner/President We accept major credit cards ‘O u r c le a n in g lx a r e fle c tio n o f y o u ' Providing Insurance and Financial Services IN IV ItN C I Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 ?VACIA BISHOP 4 year age progression Current Age: 5 Date Missing: May 25. 2003 Missing From: Salt Lake City, Uti Photo: age 2 KIMBERLY BROWN Current Age: 14 Date Missing: June 9,2007 Missing From: Manassas. VA Les W hitw orth L.P.A. ,n d Iwkkcc/'iHf] serCires Michael E Harper Agent We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol Portland,OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 5421 S I 33r