luly 25. 2 0 0 7 Page A 6 F ood The mission of the 'Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and/or family recipes you would like to share with us. Flower Power Mini-Cupcakes Ingredients • 1- box prepared white or lemon cake mix • 1/3 cup Marigold petals • 1/3 to 1/2 cup snipped Marigold leaves • 1- box Butter Cream Frosting Recipe (listed below) • Note: Rinse petals and leaves in cold water, drain on paper towel and chill to keep fresh. Ingredients for life.. These 'blooming beauties ’ are a sweet treat! Butter Cream Frosting Directions 1. Preheat oven to 35OF. Line 1-3/4-inch muffin cup pan with paper baking cups; set aside. 2. Prepare cake mix according to package directions. Fill each cup two-thirds full with batter (scant tablespoon per cup). Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until a wooden toothpick inserted in the centers comes out clean. 3. Remove cupcakes to wire rack. Cool completely. Frost with the butter cream frosting. Top with marigold leaves and blossoms. Makes about 32 cupcakes. Ingredients • • • • D irections 1/3 cup softened butter 3 cups powdered sugar 2-6 Tbs. milk 1 tsp. vanilla extract In medium mixing bowl beat 1/3 cup softened butter until smooth. Gradually add 1 cup powdered sugar, beating well. Slowly beat in 2 tablespoons milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla. Gradually beat in 2 cups powdered sugar, adding additional milk as necessary to reach spreading consistency. If desired, tint with yellow food coloring. Makes 1-1/3 cups frosting. SAFEWAY 0 Red potatoes, green beans, broccoli, and carrots are enveloped in a ranch dressing for this Confetti Potato Salad. R A N C H E R S óftedemw. Confetti Potato Salad Ingredients Lean Ground Beef Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef New York Strip Steak 80% Lean 20% Fat. SAVE up to $1.50 lb. Bone-in. EXTREM E SAVE up to $5.00 lb VALUE Signature Family Size Mar. N Cheese • 1-1/2 pounds small round red potatoes • 1 cup fresh green beans cut into 2-inch-long pieces • 2 cups broccoli and/or cauli­ flower florets • 1/2 cup coarsely shredded carrot • 1/2 cup bottles reduced-calorie ranch salad dressing • 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper • Fat-free milk (optional) • Salt to taste D irections cook for 3 minutes. Drain; rinse with cold water. 4. In a very large bowl, combine potatoes, green beans, broccoli and/orcauliflower,and carrot. Add salad dressing, pepper and salt to taste, toss to coat. Cover and chill for 4 to 24 hours. If necessary, stir in enough milk to reach desired consistency. S erves: 8 . 3 99« 1. Cut potatoes into 1/2-inch cubes. Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Bottom Round Roast Medium Cooked Shrimp 2 -lb b ag o n ly 51 to 6 0 -c t R a n d o m w eig h t, $ 5 9 9 lb. T ail-o n F ro zen /th aw ed . SAVE up Io 7 4 9 lb . on 2 lbs Boneless SA VE up IP $ 3 1 0 lb Place potatoes in a large saucepan; add water to cover. 2. Bring to boil; reduce heat. Cover and simmer5-7 minutes orjust until tender. Drain well; cool. 3. In a small saucepan, bring about 2 cups water to boiling. Add green beans; return to boiling. Cover and RNM M M N M NM M M M M ) Chicken & Firecracker Barbecue Sauce Ingredients Hermiston Whole Seeded or Seedless Watermelon SAVE up to $4 00 ea Fresh Express Salad Blends 4-lb. Red or Green Seedless Grapes 5 to 12-oz package Selected varieties Club Price. $2 00 ea. SA VE up to $ 2 5 8 o n 2 4 - lb clam sh ell SA VE up to $ 5 .0 0 ea T o g e th e r w e 'v e ra is e d f o r P ro s ta te C a n c e r R esearch in June. Sea Sweets Just in! A rg e n tin e P e tite Sea Scallops B u tte ry a n d b ite sized P e rfe c t frie d , ro asted o r tossed in salads a n d pastas. C e rtifie d Sustainably H arvested . Yoplait Yogurt Ken's Salad Dressing or Saleway Solid While Tuna BUYONE. GETONE 4 to 6 -o z S elected varieties C lu b Price: 5 0 « ea. 1 6 -o z D ressin g Selected varieties. O r 6 -o z . Tu n a C lub Price $1 0 0 ea SAVE up IP $ 2 4 .9 0 on 1 0 Dreyer's Grand Ice Cream 1 7 5 -q t. S elected varieties SAVE up to $ 5 .9 9 o n 2 SAVE up to $ 4 0 0 on 10 • 1 /4 cup chipotle peppers in adobo sauce (see directions below) • Nonstick cooking spray • 1/3 cup finely chopped onion • 3 cloves garlic; minced • 1 cup ketchup • 3 Tbs. white wine vinegar • 3 Tbs. full-flavored molasses or sorghum • 1 Tbs. Worcestershire sauce • 6 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves Savor the 'BANG ’ o f this sizzling spicy sauce! D irections 1. For sauce, remove any stems from chipotle peppers. Place peppers and adobe sauce in a blender. Cover and blend until smooth. Set aside. 2. Lightly coat an unheated medium saucepan with nonstick cooking spray. Cook onion and garlic in saucepan until tender. Stir in chipotle pepper mixture, ketchup, vinegar, molasses, and Worcestershire sauce. Bring to boiling. R educeheatandsim m er, uncovered, about 10 minutes or until sauce is slightly thickened. 3. For a charcoal grill, grill chicken on the rack of an uncovered grill directly over medium coals for 12 -15 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink, turning once halfway through grilling and brushing with sauce during the last 5 minutes of grilling. (For a gas grill, preheat grill. Reduce to medium. Place chicken on grill rack over heat. Cover and grill as above.) Bring remaining sauce to boiling; serve remaining sauce with chicken. Makes 6 servings. Italian Market Pasta Salad Tostitos Tortilla Chips Safeway Variety Breads 30-Pack Bud or Miller 9 to 13 5 -o z S elected varieties C lub Price: $ 2 0 0 ea Selected sizes and varieties Club Price: $ 1 5 0 ea Or 24-pack Coors 12-oz cans SUPER COUPONS! ONE WEEK ONLY! O d er valid W ed n esd ay. July 2 5 th ru Tuesday. Ju ly 31 SAFEWAY $ COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! July 25 thru July 31 A simple salad o f mesclun greens, sweet grape tomatoes, blue cheese, pine nuts and pasta is better than the sum o f its parts. Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon. SAVE up Io $ 9 .0 0 SA VE up to 9 8 « on 2 SAFEWAY * COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! July 25 thru July 31 M in im u m $ 1 0 Purchase SAFEWAY S COUPON ONE WEEK ONLY! July 25 thru July 31 M ull Buy 2 ot1ur*s ■N»y rwt he avwtaMe r «0 Mo»e\ I»Heeent rants, p-»p*r) arrh and uored wW» ants I'fardl') haw tern iMSwtunn and rubs i*T«nw*). w»wh • • siAywt to rhenye imrepi Ahew pro^Med by Uw- See fan* and f ant fame»« Imm M nadrmart- are property nl then rtts^ertwe owners and are >ned ue* permmnn Amenran »«pre« A not IB itowan A U I IM U S ARE PER H O US E HO LD. PER DAY. l i e n » A p r ic e » in th i» id are » n i b b l e a t y o u r lo c a l S a fe w a y M o m . N o laic, to d e a le rs, r n t a u r a n t i o r i n r t t n u io n » Sales m r e ta il q u a n titie s o n ly . Q u a n titie s o f s o n « ite m s m a y b e lim it e d a n d s u b ie c t t o a v a tla b tb ty P p a p h n il o t p i il n n .il e rto n N o t re s p o n s ib le t o r ty p o - W e re s e rv e th e n g b t t o c o r r e c t a ll p r in t e d e r r o r s O n B u y O n e . G e t O n e Free f B O G O D o ffe r s , c u s to m e r m u s t p u rc h a s e t h e fir s t ite m t o re c e iv e th e s e c o n d ite m tree . B O G O o ffe r s are n o r 1 /2 p r is e sales I f o n ly a s in g le ite m p u rc h a s e d , th e r e g u la r p r ic e a p p lie s M a n u la e tu te r s ’ c o u p o n s m a y h e u s e d o n p u n based ite m s o n l y - n o t o n fre e ite m s . C. 2 0 0 7 S a fe w a y S to re s . In e . ! 4 ounce packaged dry mafalda, large bow tie, or campanelle pasta 6 cups mesclun or other seasonal greens 1 cup grape or cherry tomatoes, halved lengthwise 1/2 cup crumbled Gorgonzola, blue, or feta cheese crumbles (2 ounces) 3 Tbs. olive oil 3 Tbs. white wine vinegar or Balsamic vinegar Salt and freshly ground black pepper 1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted 1. if using mafalda. break into irregular pieces, 2 to 3 -inches long. Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain, rinse with cold water and drain again. 2. In a large salad bowl, combine cooked pasta, mesclun or other seasonal greens, tomatoes, and cheese. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar, tossing to coat. Season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. 3. Divide salad evenly among fourdinner plates. Sprinkle with pine nuts.