(The Page A4 IJortlanh ©bserucr O pinion luly 25. 2007 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer Failed Leadership Kills Troops No sacrifices from families of the elites w ill be horribly m aim ed and all w ill su ffer traum a. T h ey are not v ictim s o f the "enem y," but o f A m erica's ow n failed "leaders." It is im m oral to d o this to them , but there they are. by J im H ightower M eanw hile, B ush keeps say ­ L et’s be blunt. It's no longer ing that his w ar is essen tial to th e Sunni insurgents, S hiite m ili­ A m erica's ow n security and is tias o r al Q aid a bom bers killing the "challenge o f o u r g en e ra­ o u r troops in Iraq. W ashington is tion." B ut he is o b v io u sly lying k illin g them . to us. If it w ere true, all A m eri­ P resident G eo rg e W . B ush — can s w ould be en listed in the still clin g in g to his disgraced n eo ­ cause. If it w ere true, w e'd have con fan tasies - and the co n g re s­ h a lf a m illion tro o p s in Iraq, or sio n al leaders o f both parties u n ­ m ore. w illing to use their budgetary and B ut that w ould m ean that the o v ersig h t authority - are the o nes fam ilies o f the elites w ould have w h o have 150,000 A m erican m en to be called to d uty - and this is and w om en trapped in Iraq’s civil p o lit ic a lly u n a c c e p ta b le to W ashington. A s o ne B ush su p ­ w a r. T h e tro o p s are doing all they porter, Sen. Je ff Sessions, put can, yet they have been betrayed it: " W e h a v e a lim ite d n u m b e ro f by a W hite H ouse and C ongress m en and w om en w e can send to th a t has no strateg y to m ake Iraq." In other w ords, do n 't call "v ictory" possib le and is u n w ill­ on his fam ily or friends to m ake ing eith er to provide the m assive any sacrifices fo r this "essen­ tro o p stren g th it w ould take to tial" war. T hey are killing A m ericans in se cu re that country o r to bring o u r tro o p s hom e. a w ar they know they can't w in So, ou r m en and w om en are - and a w ar their fam ilies w on't lo cked in a g ruesom e shooting join. T his is a dishonorable sham gallery by U .S. politicians w ho and only W e th e P eople can apparently intend to keep them stop it. P rotest m ore. P rotest th ere for the y ea r and a h alf o r so louder. left in M r. Bush's term . H un­ Jim Hightower is a columnist d red s o f them will die, thousands and author. Smoke around your children and they could inhale equal to 102 packs of cigarettes by age 5. Candidates ‘Skate’ over Major Issues Forum was more ‘sizzle’ than steak by W illiam R eed H ow s u c c e s s fu l was T avis S m iley’s All A m erican Presi­ dential Forum toward helping black Americans determine which o f the Democratic candidates to vote for and support in the prima- ries? Few o f the establishm ent-ori­ ented blacks gathered to question the candidates took notice o f former Sen. M ike G ravel saying: “An area areas that enrages me the m ost is the w ar on drugs this country has been putting forth the last genera­ tion. W e have 2.3 million human beings in jail and 70 percent are A frican A m ericans. I hope my col­ leagues will jo in me in standing up and saying ‘W e'll do aw ay with that.’ If I'm president, I'll do away with a war on drugs that does noth­ ing but savage our inner cities and put children at risk. “W hen will we learn that the issue o f drugs is a public health issue? A ddiction is a public health issue and not acrim inal issue where w e th ro w p e o p le in ja il an d criminalize them. If there's one group o f people in this country that needs men and women to prisons. Our nation's ineffective and wasteful ‘wars on drugs’ plays a major role in this. W e must place agreaterem pha- Blacks need to stop politicians' spending o f $50 billion-a-year on what is essentially a war on us. to face up to that problem and we have had to face up to it, that is the A frican Am erican com m unity." G ravel pressed the point that the w ar on drugs is a persisting source o f devastation am ong blacks and should end imm ediately. Instead of the forum ’s attendees grinning about pictures they took with the “celebrity” candidates, more should have been discussing w hat G ravel said about the prob­ lems for African American com m u­ nities that stem from the ongoing crim inalization o f drugs. The W ar on Drugs has wrought havoc on African A m ericans - w asted lives, wrecked families and troubled chil­ dren. For those who were not paying attention. Gravel said: "W e are los­ ing an entire generation on young I and Republican politicians skate over the hum an and econom ic dev­ astation African A merican com m u­ nities are experiencing from failed drug policies and unjust laws? Blacks need to stop politicians’ spending o f $50 billion-a-year on what is essentially a w ar on us. We need to cease the insane incarcera­ tions and use that m oney for treat­ ments on our sides o f town. Som ew here tow ard the top o f the Black Agenda should be some steps to repeal m andatory sentenc­ ing laws and 'three strikes' laws that send people away for life on non­ violent and m inor felonies. The presidential popularity poll leaders got out o f town before pub­ licly declaring w hether they “stood w ith” G ravel on “doing aw ay” with the nation’s drug policies and as­ sociated practices. But before cast­ ing a prim ary vote foolishly, a ques­ tion black voters should ask o f any candidate: "If elected, w hat would you do about m andatory sentenc­ ing laws and rehabilitation pro­ gram s?” sis on rehabilitation and prevention. We must de-criininalize minor drug offenses and increase the availabil­ ity and visibility o f substance abuse treatment and prevention.” The costs o f the W ar on Drugs are incalculable, as are the adverse social, econom ic and political co n ­ sequences o f w eakened com m uni­ ties, dim inished opportunities for econom ic m obility, and extensive disenfranchisem ent. Bottom -line the forum showed that there’s not a dim es worth of difference am ong the establishment candidates: and the African A m eri­ cans in the Howard audience, as William Reed is president and well as the post-event m edia "echo cham ber,” accepted m ore sizzle chief executive officer o f Black than steak from candidates. How Press International and publisher can African A m erican analysts and o f the "Who's Who in Black Corpo­ voters continue letting D em ocratic rate America Register." RMNNHHnBMHHNMMMM ’Sicko’ Indicts Health Care Industry Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, especially our children. ize sick people and taxpayers. vices. He presents doctors and suffering from severe respiratory "Sicko" puts human faces on our other em ployees o f insurance com ­ diseases and a host o f other ail­ national healthcarecri- panies and H M O s prom oted and m ents from exposure to dust and sis. A grieving mother given bonuses based on the num ­ debris at G round Zero. M oore took by M arian W right E delman w h o se 2 -y e a r-o ld ber o f medical procedures denied them to the U.S. m ilitary base at 1 am not in the habit o f doing daughter had a high sick people. In one case, a young G uantanam o Bay, C uba, to get the movie reviews but I recommend fever, was gripped by w om an with cancer was denied same free, top-notch health care everyone see M ichael M oore’s a seizure and rushed medical treatment because she once that the U.S. military claim s it is docum entary "S ick o ” about to the nearest hospi­ had a yeast infection, w hich the providing to "enemy com batants." our health care system , which tal, but w as turned com pany claim ed was a pre-exist­ After he failed to enter the base, he took them to a H avana hospital leaves 45 m illion A m ericans unin­ away because the hospital wasn't in ing condition. Moore takes us to Britain and where they received extensive free sured, including 9 million children. her H MO's network. The mother was )( dhs The Film show s how corporate told the child had to be moved and France, which have had universal d iag n o stic tests, treatm en t and TOBACCO A N D E D U C A T IO N interests guided by profits rather that any care provided by the receiv­ health care since the 1940s. N ochild m edication for w hich they paid PROGRAM aid for by the Oregon Department of Human Servie than by an interest in preventing ing hospital would not be covered. or adult would be denied care in nominal sums. In none o f the countries Moore and curing health problem s victim- Leaving that hospital denied the child those countries because they had a vital emergency care. She slipped pre-existing condition or because visited are children denied care or into a com a and died on the way to necessary care was "tooexpensive." provided a lesser standard of care the HM O facility. There's the middle-aged couple, both professionals with health in­ O re g o n D e p a r tm e n t su ran ce, w ho w ere ban k ru p ted o f T ra n s p o rta tio n w hen th eir insurance com pany stopped providing health cover­ age after her bout with cancer and his heart attacks. They w ere forced W hen he asks patients how much for lack o f health insurance or to sell their hom e and m ove into their daughter's storage room. We they are being charged for the care money, as is too often the case in see a 22-year-old single m other and they receive, they laugh and say the United States. I hope "Sicko" pricks our co n ­ cancer survivor from Michigan who there is no charge because every­ drives to Canada and poses as the body is included in the National sciences and catalyzes a robust national debate about our broken com m on law wife o f a friend to get Health Service. crews are currently replacing two highway Interstate 5 Is under construction! France, in addition to universal health care system. The film asks free clinical care in that country. bridges outside Wilsonville, and a paving A nd we experience disoriented, healthcare, maintains a 24-hour medi­ timely questions our political lead­ Be safe, be prepared and be patient as the project between Capitol Highway and the indigent patients pushed out o f cal care service staffed by doctors ers need to answer. Oregon Department of Transportation Tualatin River will be complete this fall. If other countries can guarantee hospitals, put in taxis and dum ped, who make house calls. When is the repairs and modernizes our highways health care to all o f their citizens, last time any of us had a doctoreóm e still in their clinical gow ns, on the How can you prepare? Stay informed with and bridges. streets o f Los A ngeles’ Skid Row. toourhom e? "Sicko" explores some why can't ours? If Canada, Euro­ up-to-the-minute information about traffic M oore exposes how far some o f the myths about health care in pean nations and Cuba can take the Between Portland and Medford, drivers will and construction by visiting TripCheck.com pass through 19 active construction zones or calling 5-1-1. insurance com panies go to avoid other industrialized dem ocracies, profit m otive out o f caring for on 1-5 in 2007. In the Portland metro area, paying for medical costs and the including supposed long waits for people, why can't we? Why are there 9 million uninsured children volum inous list o f ailm ents insur­ care and underpaid doctors. O ne o f the m ost dram atic seg­ in A m erica? ance com panies call "pre-existing Marian Wright Edelman is presi­ conditions" to deny treatm ent, can­ m ents o f the film involves three first cel policies or dem and repaym ent responders to the 9/11 attacks on dent o f the Children's Defense M iM inuuurM TiTratiinfinm nacT for already received m edical ser- the W orld Trade Center who are Fund. Puts human face on crisis F ODOT IS KEEPING OREGON ON THE MOVE SLOW DOWN! BEI I ER ROADS AHEAD Œ 1 If other countries can guarantee health care to all o f their citizens, why can't ours?