Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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    luly 25. 2007
Page A2
King’s Temple Hosts Festival
K in g 'sT em p leC h ristian C en te r
is inviting the com m unity to join
them for a concert in the park.
A day o f food, music and testi-
m onials is planned W ednesday,
July 25 at Dawson Park, located
at North Stanton Street and Wil-
liams Avenue.
Participate in Democracy Zoic
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to Our
Christeen Johnson
presents a heart defibril­
lator to Melissa Knight
on behalf of First Steps
Sports Academy, the
organization that hosted
Community Health Care
in the Park on Saturday
at Irving Park in north­
east Portland. Johnson
presented the life-saving
device in honor of the
Eddie Barnett Jr. Foun­
dation, the non-profit
she founded in her 15-
year-old son's name
after he died of heart
failure during a basket­
ball game in 2005.
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Americans see Americans as Prejudiced
Biases explored
in new poll
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M ost A m ericans believe their
fellow citizens hold strong biases
against m inorities, according to a
new landm ark poll by Zogby Inter­
The survey o f 10,387 A merican
adults, one o f the m ost com prehen­
sive ever conducted on prejudice,
according to Zogby, explores atti­
tudes about race, religion, age,
sexual orientation, gender, physi­
cal appearance and politics.
W hile67 percent o f respondents
claim ed to have no preference them ­
selves between a white, black or
M iddle Eastern clerk in a conve­ expect A frican A m ericans to be
nience store, 71 percent said, most involved and 55 percent expected
Americans would seek out the white blacks w ould be involved in a drug
bust. But for non-violent crim es
Just I percent said A m ericans’ like identity theft and insurance
first choice would be to approach a fraud, m ore than h alf said that m ost
black clerk, w hile less than 0.5 per­ A m erican s w ould ex p ect these
cent said the same for an M iddle crim inals to be white.
T he poll also asked w hich politi­
Eastern clerk. And yet, ironically,
55 percent o f respondents said race cal party is responsible for the grav­
relations have im proved over the est problem s facing the world. Re­
publicans w ere blam ed 62 percent
past 10 years.
O ther results on race w here re­ for war. For other issues like preju­
spondents picked from am ong sev­ dice, poverty and corruption the
eral races show just how m uch race Republican Party was polled as the
im pro v em en ts m ay not be im ­ dem on for m ore than h alf o f the
resp o n d en ts.
H ow ever w hen it cam e to crim e,
In the event o f a shooting, 73
percent said most Americans would 42 percent blam ed D em ocrats and
23 percent blam ed Republicans.
“O ver my years o f polling. I'v e
learned that A m ericans tend to o f­
fer socially acceptable responses
when questioned on theirow n views
about race and prejudice. T h at's
why in this poll we predom inantly
asked people about 'm ost A m eri­
can s’" view s on race and preju­
dice," said Pollster John Zolby. “We
believe this provides a far more
accurate w indow into how people
really think about these issues.
A m ericans are more forthcom ing
w hen discussing the problem in the
context o f their neighbors’ lives
than in the context o f their own
T he p o ll’s m argin o f error was
p lu so r m inus one percentage point.
Doctor Cleared
in Katrina Deaths
stayed at their posts and served
people most in need,” Poe said.
If another hurricane threatened,
Pou added, she w ould stay on duty
(AP) — A grand jury in New in a hospital, but she is concerned
O rleans refused on Tuesday to in­ her case will keep other medical
dict a doctor accused o f murdering professionals from rem aining with
four seriously ill hospital patients patients during storms.
"All o f us need to rem em ber the
w ith drug injections during the
desperate afterm ath o f H urricane m agnitude o f human suffering that
Katrina, closing the books on the occurred in the city o f New O rleans
only m ercy-killing case to em erge in the w ake o f H urricane K atrina so
we can be assured that
from the storm.
i s never happens agai n
Dr. A nna Pou ac­
that no health care
know ledged adm inis­
s s io n a l s h o u ld
tering medication to the
falsely accused
patients but insisted
to judgm ent,"
she did so only to re­
lieve pain.
Regarding her feel­
Pou and tw o nurses
tow ard the attor­
were arrested last sum ­
Poe said
m er a fte r A tto rn e y
fate in
General C harles Foti
concluded they gave Dr. Anna Pou
Charges against the
"lethal co ck tails" to
four patients at the llooded-out, nurses, Lori BudoandChcri Landry,
sweltering Memorial M edical C en­ were dropped after they were co m ­
pelled to testify last month before
ter after the A ugust 2(M)5 storm.
At a n ew s co n fe re n ce, Pou the grand jury under legal guide­
fought back tears as she read a lines that kept their testim ony from
prepared statem ent. She refused to being used against them.
M any peo p le in N ew O rlean s
answ er questions about what hap­
pened at the hospital because of believed the three acted heroically
lawsuits filed by families o f three u nder p u n ish in g co n d itio n s. Last
w eek, a gro u p o f d o cto rs and
"Today’sevents are not a triumph nurses held a rally on the a n n i­
but a moment of remembrance for versary o f P ou's arrest, and h u n ­
those who lost their lives during the d red s o f peo p le tu rn ed out to
storm, and a tribute to all those who show support.
Grand Jury says
‘no’ to charges