luly 25. 2007 page C3 High Powered Jazz N icholas Payton Paula West C hristian M cB ride Mt. Hood Jazz Festival to join past, present and future One o f the most revered summer ists. Dorado Schmitt and the Django jazz tests in the Northwest, the 26th Reinhardt Festival A ll-S tars w ith Annual M l. Hood Jazz. Festival pre­ special guest H arry A lle n , head up sented by Persimmon Development a tw o-day docket that boasts some G roup, happens Friday, Aug. 3 and o f the leading figures in jazz, to­ Saturday, Aug. 4 in d o w n to w n day— celebrated bassist Christian Gresham. M cB rid e & the C hristian M cB ride W ith a diverse line-up that in ­ Band, Herbie H ancock's long-tim e cludes both scorching national guitarist Lionel Louekc, trumpeter heavyweights and local all stars, and W y n to n M a rs a lis protégé the festival aims at b ringing to ­ Nicholas Payton Quintet, acclaimed gether ja zz's past, present and fu ­ singers Paula West, the R iv e rC ity ’ s ture. It also adds a fun. affordable own Rebecca Kilgore with the PI )X V reason to bring the whole fa m ily out Jazz Quintet, as well as Patrick Lamb fo r a weekend o f liv e music and and Bobby Torres. culture. The M ain Stage, 200 N.E. Hood The nation's prem ier tribute to Ave., is located outdoors in the one o f ja zz's most respected guitar- convenient, revitalized heart o f H is­ toric D ow ntow n Gresham at the future site o f the Center fo r the Arts. In addition, the festival w ill feature northwest beers and wines as w ell as a variety o f vendors serving up everything from fresh salmon. BBQ ribs and burgers to ice cream and espresso. There w ill also be games and a ctivitie s fo r the kids (and adults). M any dow ntow n restau­ rants w ill feature live music perfor­ mances. Advanced tickets to r Friday start at $10 and Saturday at $25 w ith discounts fo r w eekend passes. C hildren under 12 are free. Tickets are available at all TickelsW est lo ­ cations. There is plenty o f free park- P atrick Lam b mg available and the venue is also easily accessible by the M A X line. For more inform ation regarding times and the many places to play, sh o p and lis te n , v is it orcall 503-661-2700.