Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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F rien d s o f th e C h ild ren F u n d ra iser - T hursday, July 26,
from 7p.m . to 10p.m., the Tin Shed, I438N.E. AlbertaSt., will
host a Friends o f the Children fundraiser featuring the Dave
M ilne Group. Friends for the C hildren provide professional
m e n to rs to v u ln e ra b le c h ild r e n in n e e d . V is it
tinshedgardencafe.com orfriendsofthechildren.com for more
luly 25. 2007
and Oh! my so much more at the W orld Forestry Center
through Sept. 16. Free with the cost o f museum admission. For
more information, visit www.worldforestry.org
Z oom U ganda — Visit the World Forestry C enterfor the photo
essay: “ 12 Girls, 12 Cameras: A Day in Their Lives through
Their Eyes,” a docum entary on the lives of 12 orphaned girls
from Uganda. The exhibit runs through Aug. 31 in the center’s
Discovery M useum in the Special Exhibits Gallery.
S lid ers ( ir ill — Sliders G rill, 3 0 1 1 N. Lom bard, will feature
M ark L cm house’s “Hill Country B lues” Show on Friday,
July 27, at 9 p.m., Saturday, July 2 8 a t9 p .m .,T a p w a te r“Jam
G rass" will take the stage. Contact 503-459-4488, for m ore
A nd T h e H orse Y ou R ode In O n -- Friday and Saturday, July
27 and July 28, at 8 p.m., the Village Ballroom -Crim son Theater,
700 N.E. Dekum Ave., presents this hilarious sketch com edy
show , adm ission cost $10. For more inform ation visit
thetragedies.com .
( )regon B rew ers Festival - The 20th Oregon Brewers Festival
kicks o ff on Thursday, July 26 at noon, running through
Sunday, July 29. This year’s festival at the downtown W ater­
front Park features 74 handcrafted lagers. For m ore inform a­
tion, visit oregonbeer.org.
Body W o rld s ,3 — G et grossed out or intrigued by the dynamic
human body. Real life bodies are on display at OM SI through
a process called plastination. Started by Dr. G unther von
Hagens in 1977, the scientist has been able to halt decom po­
sition to show the living how what we do affects our body.
Body W orlds 3 lasts until October. For more information, visit
H ip -h op D ance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recre­
ation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes forages
5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordina­
tion, agil ity, com binations and teamwork through urban dance
moves. Form ore information, call 360-696-8236.
T rip p in ' th ro u g h Tow n -- Take a trip through time to find the
hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on
W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31
N. W. First Ave.
3 L eg T o rs o a t W o n d e r B allro o m - V agabond O pera will
jo in 3 L eg T o rso for an all-ag es co n c ert a, the W o n d er
B allroom in north east P ortland on F rid ay . Ju ly 27. W ith
m usic and m ayhem , song and story, belly d an cin g and
o th e r d elig h ts, this G ypsy C ab aret ev en in g w ii, b rid g e
the old w orld and the new in unex p ected w ays. D oors at
8 p.m ., show at 9 p.m . T ic k ets are $ 1 1 in ad v an ce and
$ 1 3day o f show .
K aren M a ria C a p o & I Ja z z Blue -
T ony Starlight's SupperClub, 3728 N.E.
Sandy Blvd., will host Karen Maria
Capo & Le Jazz Blue, on W ednesday,
Aug. 8, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. Form ore
information contact 503-517-8584.
O p en M ie N ight -- Every W ednesday
night at 7 p.m.. Proper Eats Market and
Cafe, 8638 N. Lombard St., hosts open mic
F re e C o n c e rts in th e P a rk - Portland Parks and Recreation
invites fam ilies to bring their picnic baskets and enjoy the
free sum m er concerts in the park. For m ore inform ation, visit
P ortlandParks.org.
R e tu rn to O z — Discovery M useum
hosts Return to Oz, an exhibit that is
sure to make you rem em ber the poppy
fields, wicked witches, flying monkeys
B laeque B utterfly - Thursday, July 26,
Ohm, lstandC ouch(nexttoV oodoo)w ill
host poets, live music, com edy and fun.
Portland’s own Toni Hill and Miz Floes
from Seattle will be take the stage.
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