Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 25, 2007, Page 11, Image 11

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luly 25. 2007
Portland Olb s e r v e r
Page B5
e|J o rtla n b (Ohseruer
Auto Review Nim 1 1 1 rtview\ l,e" vM
2007 BMW X3 3.0si
‘Baby-Ute’ More Than Just Cute
im presses in the X3, thanks to its
The BMW X3 enters its fourth com bination o f decent low -down
year o f production flush with suc­ response and a real enthusiasm for
cess, but th ere's more com petition revs. If anything, the official 7.1-
than ever in the sm aller, more fuel- seconds0-60m ph time feels slightly
efficient SUVs. B M W 's response slow er than w hat we experienced
is a stronger engine and revised behind the w heel, passing moves
styling with more safety features, are dispatched w ith the clinical pre­
cision o f a surgeon.
standard equipm ent and options.
For tho se w ho are co m fo rta b le
U nder the o f the hood is where
at the lim it, the D ynam ic
things get interesting, with the X3
C o n tro l now in clu d es,
getting B M W 's new m agnesium
tim e in a BM W SU V ,
alloy straight-six 3.0-liter engine.
ra c tio n C o n tro l. A
Badged as 3.0si to distinguish it
d riv er ch o o se a
from the previous-generation m o­
o f w h ee l-slip
tor, the new engine turns out an
T hough this
im pressive 260-hp and 225 Ib-ft
torque and is paired with a six- tech n iq u e is goo d for startin g o ff
speed Steptronic autom atic trans­ on loose snow , it can also be
m ission, a no-cost option. Power used to turn th e X3 into ev en
reaches the road via B M W ’s xDrive m ore o f a d riv in g m achine.
T he X3 is one o f the b e s t-d riv ­
a ll-w h e e l-d riv e sy stem , w hich
sends 60 percent o f torque to the ing SU V s on the m arket, thanks to
rear wheels under normal condi­ accurate ste erin g and co m m itted
tions but can vary this proportion co rn erin g resp o n ses. T h e c h a s­
according to where the grip is avail­ sis has been soften ed slig h tly in
response to criticism o f the e a r­
As w ith other BM W m odels lier m odels, o fferin g a so m etim es
w e'v e experienced, the new motor harsh ride. T h ere is d efin itely
B y K athleen C arr
Dear Deanna!
My fam ily is giving me problem s
over money. I inherited several thou­
sand dollars and now everyone has
a sob story, cars breaking down
and household issues. M ost o f
these people have never visited me
at my hom e nor thought o f me dur­
ing the holidays. 1 have had argu­
m ents with my parents, my cousins
and everyone and 1 c a n 't take it no
more. I w ant to put my foot down
and say no to everybody that’s
begging but I'm afraid o f isolating
myself. W hat do I do? --Miserable
with Money; Omaha, Neb.
Dear Miserable:
It's am azing how friends and family
members can smell money but don't
know you when y o u 're broke. You
need to take care o f your family
first, make a donation toyourchurch
and invest w hat's left. If you have
a giving spirit after taking care o f
your priorities, then be loving and
give a few o f your close family
m em bers a savings bond with love
Ask Deanna !
An advice
known fo r
reality based
and keep it moving.
Dear Deanna!
I am tired o f the hustle and flow of
relationships. The dating gam e is
so played out and overrated that I
have exhausted my hopes o f find­
ing a husband. I cook and clean and
doall the dom estic things and w ork
full-time. It seem s that men are n 't
attracted tom e. W hat am I possibly
doing w rong and why c a n 't men
see that I'm a total package? —
Clarice; Chicago
Dear Clarice:
You need to get o ff of the “ me, me,
me" trip and start focusing on what
Hattie Smith
Sept. 29, 1 9 0 7 - J u l y 14, 2007
Hattie (Sim s) Smith was bom in W hite
Rock, T exas on Sept. 29,1907, the young­
est o f five children bom to Elizabeth (C ra­
ven) Sims and Elzie Howard Sims.
She and her brothers and sisters, Albert,
Lucille, Effie and Elizabeth, grew up in a
different p erio d o f time. Her older brother
and sisters picked cotton to m aintain their
fam ily land. Hattie was nurtured by her
grandm other Craven, w hile her m other
w orked in a factory to meet the fam ily's
needs after her father left.
H attie's education was cut short in gram m ar school and she w ent to
work with herolder cousin. Beauty Knox, who taught her the value o f hard
work, honesty and a good reputation. In addition to ironing, cooking, and
housecleaning, they opened a restaurant specializing in ham burgers,
chili, potato pies and egg custards.
It was at this tim e that Hattie had a son. Joseph Lee Daniels, and Cousin
Beauty took over the responsibility o f raising Joseph w hile Hattie
continued to run (he restaurant business.
Due to the pressures o f never-ending work and long days, H attie felt
it w as tim e to venture into a new beginning. In 1937, at 20 years o f age,
she traveled to Longview, Wash, to live with her sister. Lucille Hart.
She found em ploym ent in Longview and met and m arried Calvin
Aubrey Smith and they welcom ed their first child, Barbara Jean, in 1938.
They moved to Salem i n 1939, where Cal found work as an apprentice shoe
repairm an. Later he com pleted his apprenticeship and established his
own business. C a l's Shoe Shop in W est Salem. They had their second
daughter,C arol Lucille, in 1940.
Both o f their girls grew up in Salem and experienced many good times,
but also, some difficult times with racial discrim ination (1940-1960). Both
girls attended Salem schools and went on to attend W illam ette U niver­
sity in Salem and O regon C ollege o f Education in M onmouth before
Barbara graduated from University o f W ashington and Seattle U niver­
sity; and Carol front Colorado University and University o f Northern
H attie was loved and respected by everyone she cam e into contact
with. She loved to cook and her life in the kitchen, with the arom a ol her
fresh baked breads and pies, will be greatly missed.
Her extended family included the Freeman, Sm ith and Fisher families
in Longview, the O liver Smith, Lillian W illiam s and Orval/Ethel Payne
families in Portland and the Bud Sm ith family in Corvallis.
Funeral services were held July 18 in D enver, Colo., with burial at
Longview Memorial Park in Longview on Friday, July 20.
Specifications: 3.0-Liter 24-Valve inline 6-Cylinder 260-hp @ 225 Ib-ft torque engine: 6-Speed
StepTronic Automatic Transmission: 19-City 26-Highway MPG $44,800. MSRP
b e tte r b um p ab so rp tio n than b e ­
T he 2007 X3 3.0si m akeover is
m ore than ju s t a new badge. M ost
noticeable is the new front bum per
th at fram es a new , slig h tly larger
tw in-kidney grille, its chrom e ver­
tical slats co m p lem en te d by a
ch ro m e strip alo n g the base o f the
side windows. The new headlamp
assembly no longer includes the DOT
am ber reflector, which has been
moved to the fender to give the light
cluster a cleaner look, with the fog
lights having been moved into the
bumper and the Cold W eather pack­
age with its headlight washers now
retracting into the bumper.
For 2007, the revised interior uses
new materials that are meant to up­
grade the look and feel, and for the
most part the effort paid off. provid­
ing a very comfortable, yet more
refined ambience for the ‘ultimate
driving' experience. Upgrades in­
clude a new three-spoke steering
wheel, more finely grained dashboard
materials, a new look around the
gauge cluster with the instrument
hixxl integrated into the dash and
th e d o o r p a n e ls an d a rm re s ts
wrapped in leather.
BMW carefully positioned the
navigational system, rotating up out
of the top center of the dash, so it's
visible to driver and navigator but
nestled unobtrusively halfway down
in the recess where it stows when not
in use, however we found the navi­
gational system to still need some
fine tuning for ease o f use while
As with all B.MWs, the 2007 X3
3.0si is loaded with standard safety
features including a full array ot
airbags. The upgraded braking sys­
tem now integrates Brake Drying,
Brake Standby, Start-Off Assistant
and Brake Fade Compensation. The
adaptive brake lights signal the ur­
gency with which the driver has
pressed the brake pedal and a new
tire pressure m onitor replaces the
flat tire monitor.
Thc2(X)7 BMW X33.0si is hard to
beat for people who want B M W 's
heritage, looks, powertrain and pack­
aging, but desire the flexibility o f a
s p o rt-a c tiv ity v e h ic le . In th is
review er's opinion, this ‘baby-ute’
is more than just cute!
. R eligion
you can bring to a relationship and
form a loving partnership. Your
boast o f cooking and cleaning isn't
im pressive because there are many
services out there that will com e
and do these things. You need to
dem onstrate relationship qualities
such as trust, integrity, and loyalty
and be w illing to be part o f a team.
Men are n 't seeing you as a total
package and th ey ’ll continue to
look at you like a ribbon on a box if
you d o n ’t change your thinking.
Dear Deanna!
made the right decision by staying
aw ay from them ? —Anonymous;
On-line Reader
Dear Anonymous:
Birds o f a feather stick together and
it's to your advantage that y o u 're
not viewed as a thief or a liar. If
these are your friends, then you
need to think about doing better.
You should not lose any sleep but
be thankful your guardian angel
was watching out for you and you
avoided this drama. If these are true
friends they’ll be m ature enough to
realize they have to pay for their
actions, if not, you d o n 't need them
and should keep rolling.
I was at the mall with my friends and
they got caught stealing. Lucky for
me, I had to go to the car to get some
change when everything was hap­ Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
pening in the store. They were M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
caught on cam era and were ar­ askdeanna I @yahoo.com or 264
rested. W hen the cops got there, .S’. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1282
they tried to pull me into it but the Beverly Hills. CA 90211. Website:
A s k
cops d id n 't agree with them b e­ w w w .askdeanna.com .
cause I was outside. My friends are
now trying to get me to lie and
th ey ’ve turned against me. Have I in Los Angeles, CA.
Neighborhood Festival
A ugustana Lutheran Church,
2710 N.E. 14th Ave., near Knott
Street, celebrates "Sum m er in the
C ity," a free outdoor celebration
on Sunday, Aug. 5 from 4 p.m. to 8
The com m unity is invited to at­
tend and enjoy some great jazz
music with Ron Steen and the vo­
cals o f M arilyn Keller.
For more inform ation, call the
church at 503-288-6174.
Ron Steen
True Vine Missionary Musical
The music m inistry at True
Vine M issionary Baptist Church.
4737 N. Com m ercial Ave., pre­
sents its 4th annual O utdoor
Musical on Saturday, Aug. 4 at 3
The com m unity is invited to
join guest choirs, soloists and
groups to Make a Joyful Noise:
Psalm s 1 0 :1-2 and celebrate G o d 's
word in song.
There wi 11 be hot dogs, chi 1 i dogs
and soft drinks available for a small
For more inform ation, call Faye
W ilder-Inniss at 503-875-5144.
Flora Vaunticille Cooke
LeRoy Williams
June 3, 1931 - M a y 27, 2907
Nov. 23 1933 - July 23, 2007
F am ily an d frie n d s o f M s. F lora
V aunticille C ooke will celebrate her life
on Sunday, July 29 at M cM enam in
Kennedy School in northeast Portland
in the M artha Jordan room from 2 p.m.
to 5 p.m.
Ms. Cooke m oved to Portland more
than 30 years ago with her husband
G eorge Player. She pursued a nursing
career at G ood Sam aritan Hospital befor
joining Tri Met in 1974 as a custom er sen
representative. She retired in 1993, but rem ained
an active m em ber o f the A m algam ated Transit Union, Local 757.
As a founding board m em ber o f the Portland chapter ol the A. Philip
Randolph Institute, Ms. C ooke encouraged com m unity residents to
becom e educated voters. She treasured her right to vote.
She was an active member at Portland's Morning Star Missionary
Baptist Church for many years anil when she relum ed to her childhood
home in Sylacauga, Ala. in 1995, she reu n ited with the Pine Grove Baptist
Church where she served as a Sunday schix,l and M issionary teacher.
A fter a short illness, Ms. C ooke departed this life early Sunday
m orning. May 27,2007.
She leaves to cherish her memory: two sons. C harles (Alberta) and
Donnie o f Sylacauga; two sisters. Patricia (L io n el) Player ol Sylacauga
and Mary Price o f A tlanta: two brothers, M inuard and Ralph (M am ie)
o f Portland; seven grandchildren. 12 great-grandchildren, and a host of
other nieces, nephew s, relatives and friends.
For m ore inform ation about S u nday's special celebration, call 503-
LeRoy W illiam s is survived by his
children, lesha, Larry, Kamaui and
Y o lan d a W illia m s; ste p c h ild re n ,
Kathleen, Tina, Charles and Richard
Mitchell; grandchildren, A llazuw on,
A m ya, M arcu s, M arsel, M arshe,
Demeka, Danzel. Zachary, Isaiah and
Angelique; and one great grandchild.
He will be truly missed. We love
you dad!
L egal N otices
Need to publish a court document
or notice? Need an affidavit of
p u b lic a tio n
q u ic k ly
efficiently? Please fax or e-mail
your notice for a free price quote!
Fax: 503-288-0015
e mail:
The Portland Observer
A New Worship Experience In Northeast Portland
Tim Wilson
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