Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 2007, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page B2
luly 18. 2007
il|e Jlo rtla n ù (©bseruer
Harry Potter Madness Strikes Double
Massive lineup
of wizard-
related events
anticipated final book in her series
of seven.
Sales for "The Deathly Hallows”
are 17 percent ahead of the pre-or­
ders for the previous book released
two summers ago. The series has
bs R aymond R kndi . f man
sold more than 325 million copies
I'm P or i l and O bslrs lr
With "Harry Potter and the O r­ since the first volume, "Harry Potter
der of the Phoenix” grossing al­ and the Philosopher's Stone." was
most $45 million in a single day last quietly published in 1997.
Much of Bhximsbury's profit in
week, Harry Potter mania could be
said to be in full swing. The film 's recent years has come from the
midnight release set a record for a series, so the publisher is under
Wednesday premiere and was the pressure to find new sources of I
fifth-largest opening day in movie revenue as this major piece of its
empire draws to a close. The com ­
history' overall.
This movie madness sets the pany has capitalized on the suc­
stage for strike two: the release of cess of Harry Potter movies, com ­
"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal­ puter games and other products in
lows," author J. K. Rowling's wildly years without a new release by is-
photo by
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Harry Potter fans line up at Lloyd Cinemas last week for the midnight release o f “Harry Potter and
the Order o f the Phoenix." Many fans of the series o f books and movies dressed up for a costume
contest at the theater.
suing paperback editions or trans­ midnight. Rock and Roll Camp for P o w e ll's on H aw thorne and
Girls bands will play for a $5 sug­ Pow ell's Books at Cedar Hills
•Crossing. Books will be available at
Bloomsbury intends toextend that gested donation.
Broadway Books. 1714 N.E. precisely one minute past midnight.
strategy with a paperback edition a
Annie Blooms Book's, 7834S.W.
year from now, but in the meantime Broadway St., hosts a midnight
fans can p a rtic ip a te fully in book-release party beginning Fri­ Capitol Hwy, will celebrate the mid­
Pottermania with several events hap­ day, July 20 at 11 p.m., featuring night release beginning at 10 p.m.
pening this weekend at independent games, trivia, fortune telling, pho­ on Friday with a costume runway,
tos and sorting into Hogwarts fairground games like ring toss and
bookstores throughout Portland:
horseshoes, a trivia contest and an
In Other Words Bookstore, 8 School's four houses.
Festivities will be held on Friday area for display ing your Harry Pot­
N.E. KillingsworthSt., hosts abook-
release party Friday from 8 p.in. to at 10 p.m. at Powell's City of Books, ter art.
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B a p t is t C o n v c n n o n o f t w .
lioRTflW e st ' s Wi££iAms/A££cn S c«o£A R s«ip FunD
Dear Deanna!
I was at the m ovies and saw my
frie n d ’s fiancee w ith another
man. I understand that people
have trust and free reign in their
relationships but this w asn't nor­
mal. She was holding his hand
and acting as if they were in love.
I’ve been asked to be the best
man in their wedding and now I'm
stuck in this situation. I d o n 't
know if I should tell him she may
be cheating or should I mind my
business and bow out o f the w ed­
ding. W hat should I do? —Ex
Best Man; Paoli, PA
Dear Best Man:
lTlonDAY, rfujCY 23 • 7:00pm
V a d c o u v c r A venue F i r s t B a b t i s t C h u r c h
3138 n . V a UCOUVCR A ve • pORT£ADD, O r c ^ oh
patricklamb.com • gospelfestnorthwest.com
Diversity Works at
A .
R aymond R endi . eman /T he P ortland O bserver
Ask Deanna'.
is gone and my husband is dif­
ferent than when he was a boy­
friend. He alw ays tells me that
he gave me what I wanted and to
move on to som ething else. The
dates, gifts and spontaneous
things have disappeared and it
feels like I got a lot o f work in
return. Is this normal for a new
bride or am 1 setting my expec­
tations too high? —Sad New
Real People,
Real Advice
An advice
known for
reality based
in ourtow n that ourfam ilies w e're
fighting because o f rumors. I
d id n ’t do anything at the party
but now that my name is out there,
I cut the friends loose. T hey're
mad at me and call me a traitor.
How do I handle this because
th e y 're my friends and I miss
them ? —Anonymous; Tampa, FL
Bride; Oklahoma City, OK
Dear New Bride:
You w anted to be m arried when
you wanted to be married and
your boyfriend went,along with
your dem ands to m ake you
happy. Instead of pressuring
him, you should’ve let things
flow and allowed him to get com ­
fortable with the idea before
taking the leap. You can renew
the spark in your relationship
by taking the lead with creativ­
ity, a lot o f love and focus on
goals and the future. Keep your
husband involved and y ou'll
see him com ing around slowly
but surely.
You should go ahead and spill
the beans so that you and others
can possibly save some money. Dear Anonymous:
If you spend m oney on attire for The decision you make depends
the w edding and the bride is al­ on what you want in life. If you
ready cheating, th ey 'll be headed want to be viewed as having loose
for divorce soon. W ith true m orals, no class and a bad repu­
friendship com es loyalty and you tation, your current friends can
should do what a woman would make that happen. Your friends
do. Call your friend or take him to and lifestyle are a direct reflec­
lunch and tell him what you saw. tion of your character which will
Your conscience will be clear and affect your em ploym ent and all of
he has the opportunity to make a your relationships. I fy o u w a n ta
decision and keep it moving.
good life with decency and re­
spect keep the current friends at
Dear Deanna!
arm s length, find some new ones
My friends are out of control. I ’ m
and call it a day.
afraid to be with them because
they are getting bad reputations. Dear Deanna!
We were at a house party and I’m a new lyw ed and I feel de­
they had sex with a group of guy s. pressed now that I'm finally m ar­
The next day gossip was so bad ried. It seems as if the excitem ent
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeannal@yahoo.com or 264
S. IxtCienepa Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
w w w .askdeanna.com . A sk
Deanna! can be heard every Sun­
day on KTYMAM 1460at3:00pm
in Los Angeles, CA.
Health Care in the Park
The local community is invited
to Irving Park at Northeast Seventh
and Fremont Street on Saturday,
July 21 from noon to 5 p.m. to take
part in Community Health Care in
the Park.
Vital health screenings and infor­
mation will be provided by various
community partners. More than 50
health care practitioners will be pro­
viding vital health screenings to
community members like: dental ex-
ams, asthma screening, ear and eye
exams, prenatal care screening, im­
munizations, diabetes and high bkxxl
pressure screenings.
Theevent will also include com ­
munity speakers, music and refresh­
ments. Sponsors include a diverse
group of local and national organi­
For more information, contact
Oregon Action at 503-282-6588 or
visit oregonaction.org.
K ing «f Clean
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Publisher Charles Wash­
ington (right) and the staff
o f the Portland Observer
thank the community for
their support.
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