www.portlandobserver.eom Committed to Cultural Diversity Harry Potter Strikes Double M etro A new film and a new book brings massive lineup of wizard-related events 'rih' ^îarttanir ÖDbserucr om mu nity a le n d a r C Spanish Docs July 18. 2 0 0 7 See story, page B2 SECTION A Sultan’s Resurrection Sultan X credits his m ove to Portland for saving his life: sixteen years ago he started using crack cocaine while living in A tlanta. “ I really got introduced to the drug and started spiraling and went out o f control." he said. He thought m oving back to his hom e­ town o f G ary. Ind. to be near his m other would help him overcom e his addiction. He w as wrong. “ I went back to start life over and I got even heavier into drugs when I got there,” he said. "T hings got bad with m yself and family and it really had a big effect on everyone involved, from my m other sister, and down to my children." Now. his experience is turned into the­ atrical production set in one day. His real story is over two days, w hen som eone was com ing after Sultan at his m o th er’s hom e in Gary. Luckily Sultan w asn’t there. He feels he beat death that day. "The Resurrection o f The Sultan," w rit­ ten by his wife M onique X, has m ade him relive his struggle with crack cocaine. But for him it’s a way o f giving back to the community. "W hat the play is for is som eone who may be going through addiction. I ju st want to show that there’s alw ays hope even in the ray o f darkness." he said. “ Most people addicted to drugs d o n ’t want to adm it they have a problem but when it’s out o f control you have to sub­ mit to yourself that you want change.” T h at’s exactly what Sultan did, and by com ing to Portland he met his w ife, Monique, a woman with a journal ist back­ ground. In April, the tw o decided to co l­ laborate on this project, with her writing and Sultan in charge of production. Local artist Blacque Butterfly d id n 't bat an eye when she found out the new play she was Tax Help in Rockwood Zoo Support Party O n S aturday, July 21, from 7 p.m . to 10 p .m ., the O regon Z oo F o u n d a tio n ’s an nual fundraiser prom ises to be the social event o f the season, featuring the nocturnal an tics o f the exotic zoo resid en ts, d elicio u s food and drink, w ith a live perfo rm an ce by the B e at­ niks. V isit oreg o n zo o .o rg or call 503- 226-1561 for more inform ation and tick­ eting. Chunky Dunk PDX Sunday, July 22, from 5:15 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., the Peninsula Park Community C en­ ter and Pool, at the corner o f Rosa Parks W ay (Portland Boulevard) and North A lbina Street, will host the private pool party fo rp eo p leo f size and guest. A dm is­ sion is $5 per person. Sultan X moved to Portland after leaving a life of addiction in Atlanta. His story of recovery is portrayed in "The Resurrection o f The Sultan, ” pro­ duced by Sultan and written by his wife, Monique X. The one night only perfor­ mance is Saturday, July 21 at Portland Center for Self Im­ provement, 700 N. Killingsworth St. Northeast Neighborhood Farm Stand Locally grown vegetables and bouquets o f fresh flowers will be available to the public, from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. every S un­ day, at the Redeem er Lutheran Church, NE 20th and Killingsworth. The stand is hosted by five Portland congregations in support o f local refugees and im m igrant fanners. PHOTO BY N icole R oñal H ihiper / T he P ortland O bserver Geek Fair Saturday, July 21, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m., FreeGeek, 1731 SEI Oth Ave., will host the street fair featuring live bands, gam es and more. This free event is to celebrate seven years o f operating the com m unity technology center. Visit: freegeek.org/ geekfairfor more information. CIO Community Conversations T h u rsd ay , July 19 and T uesday July 31, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30p.m .,C IO , 2808 N E M LK Blvd. #13. will host the ’L ib ­ erty a n d J u stic e fo r AH’ national project d isc u ssio n s regarding im m igration re ­ form s, basic civil lib erties and hum an rights. F or m ore inform ation contact 5 0 3 -2 8 7 -4 1 1 7 or v is i t: in tercu ltu ra lo rg a n izin g .o rg . True life becomes theatrical play by N icoi . e R onai H ooper / T he P ortland O bserxer C urrently through Thursday, Aug. 16, the Northwest Film C enter's W hitsell Auditorium, 1219 SW Park Ave., will host the celebrated docum entary series ex­ ploring the country o f Spain through the eyes o f docum entary filmmakers. V IT A tax aide for low- i neome famil ies w i 11 begin to assist clients at the Rockw ood C om m unity office, 18709 S.E. Stark. C li­ ents are seen by appointm ent only. A p­ pointm ents will be m ade on W ednesdays only from I p.m. to 5 p .m .,b y calling 503- 816-1530. B continued on page BS Jazz at St. Johns Mock Crest Home Tour Saturday, July 28, from 10a.m. to I p.m.. R ejuvenation's and Neil Kelly Co. will sponsor the tour o f six charm ing 1920's vintage hom es in the historic M ock Crest neighborhood. Call 503-231 -7264 for more information. Native American Home Fair S atu rd ay ,Ju ly 28, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Legacy Emanuel Medical Offices, 5 0 1 N. G raham , will host a free event featuring h o m e b u y e r a ssista n c e in fo rm a tio n , raffles, and Native Am erican dance per­ form ances. For more inform ation, visit nayapdx.org orcall 503-288-8177, exten­ sion 232. Back-to-School Supply Drive Kickoff Party The com m unity is invited to enjoy live bands, treats, prizes, face painting and more, Wednesday, Aug. I,front 11 a.nt. to 2 p .m .,at 13 0 0 S W 6th Ave. (Jefferson& Columbia). For more information contact 5 0 3 -2 4 9 -9 9 3 3 o r visit sc h o o lh o u se supplies.org. Eliminating Racism Thursday, Aug. 2, from 8:30a.m . to 12:30 p.m., an eliminating racism workshop will be hosted in the YW CA Clark County agency’s community room, 3609 Main St. in Vancouver. Call360-906-9103oremail: jkinsey@ yw caclarkcounty.org. Symphonic Summer Sings The com m unity at large is invited to sing choral m asterw orks with mem bers of Portland Sym phonic C hoir and under the b ato n o f d istin g u ish e d c o n d u c to rs, W ednesday, July 25 at St. A ndrew Church, 806 N.E. Alberta and W ednes­ day, Aug. I at First C ongregational Church, II2 6 S .W Park. I New Orleans transplant Devin Philips evacuated the Gulf Coast in 2005 with his horn and a change of clothes. Philips is now a Portland resident and will make his first appearance at the Cathedral Park Jazz festival Sunday at noon. Cathedral Park Festival this weekend The Cathedral Park Jazz festival eontinues its long tradition o f cel­ ebrating America’ s original art form this weekend in the majestic natural setting o f Cathedral Park beneath Music fans and families flock to the grassy hills under the majestic St. Johns Bridge every July for the free Cathedral Park Jazz Festival, held this year Friday through Sunday. July 20-22. the historic St. Johns Bridge. What began in 1981. when friends and neighbors threw a party in the memory o f St. John’ s Howard Galbraith, has turned into the largest and oldest free jazz and blues event west o f the Mississippi. This year the free, three-day event takes place on Friday from 6 p.m. to late and Saturday and Sunday from noon until the last artists take the stage at 6 p.m. The line-up includes Pete Krebs, Devin Philips, Sneakin' Out,Charlie Musselwhite and Plas Johnson and John Heard, among others. And as they do every year, K M H D 89.1 FM w ill simulcast all twenty hours o f the festival over its jazz station airwaves. There w ill also be information booths for com­ m u n ity o rg a n iz a tio n s , a McMenamins beer and wine gar­ den and a variety o f food conces­ sions. KMHD dee ja y Deborah DeMoss Smith said the Cathedral Park festival reminds her o f the way festivals were in New Or- j leans, the city she left for Portland 15 years ago. Another New Orleans native, 1 Devin Philips, now based in Portland. is set to perform Sunday at noon with his hand New Orleans Straight Ahead. For more information and a com- plete schedule o f performers, visit ’ i I I I www.cpjazz.com. ■■■■ m m h m m b h n m m n r m m m m m b h m n m m m m h h b h h b m 1