Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 2007, Page 2, Image 2

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luly 18. 2007
Farmers Market
Checks Distributed
A n ew fe d e ra l law th is y e a r
last d ay th a t se n io rs m ay sp e n d
re q u ire s e lig ib le se n io rs to re ­
c h e c k s fro m th e S e n io r F arm
tu rn an a p p lic a tio n to re c e iv e
$ 3 0 in fa rm e rs' m a rk e t c h e c k s.
D irec t N u tritio n P ro g ra m .
In 2(X)6, e v e ry e lig ib le se n io r
be 6 0 y e a rs o r o ld e r a n d e n ­
w a s a u to m a tic a lly m a ile d th e
ro lle d in fo o d sta m p s a n d /o r
T o be e lig ib le , se n io rs m ust
M e d ic a id : liv in g in a s itu a tio n
A b o u t 4 3 ,0 0 0 O re g o n se n io rs
w h e re fo o d is not p ro v id e d ; an d
are e lig ib le to p a rtic ip a te in the
h av e a m o n th ly in c o m e th at d o e s
n u tritio n p ro g ra m .
not e x c e e d $ 1 ,1 4 9 fo r a sin g le
R e c ip ie n ts m ay a lso h a v e a
p e rso n o r $ 1.541 fo r a c o u p le .
d e s ig n a te d fa m ily m e m b e r o r
F o r q u e s tio n s a b o u t se n io r
c a re g iv e r sh o p w ith th e ir c h e c k s
eligibility a n d ch eck d istrib u tio n ,
o n th e ir b eh a lf. O c t. 31 is the
call 8 6 6 -2 9 9 -3 5 6 2 .
r /
photo by R aymond R endleman /T he P ortland O bserver
Parks Host Free Summer Activities
Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­
tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of
Antonio Tula-Ruiz (left) and Enyi Ereole take advantage o f the summer activities at Brooklyn Park in south­
east Portland. Free summer activities are available at city parks throughout Portland until Aug. 15. For
more information, visit portlandonline.com /parks.
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Sicko Documentary Touts Cuban System
9-11 rescue
workers seek
medical attention
M ichael M o o re's new docum en­
tary film "SiC K O ” has given C uba’s
free health system its best publicity
since Fidel C astro ’s 1959 revolu­
tion, a C uban doctor who hosted
the film m aker’s visit said on M on­
M oore took eight A m ericans
sickened after volunteering for the
Sept. 11,2 0 0 1, rescue efforts forfree
treatm ent in C uba in M arch in order
to extol the Com m unist state’s uni­
versal care in his film, which attacks
the U.S. health system for being
driven by profits and leaving m il­
lions uninsured.
‘‘SiC K O ’’ has stirred heated de­
bate in the United States since open­
ing in June due to its scathing in­
dictm ent o f the U.S. pharm aceuti­
cal and m edical insurance indus­
tries. M oore argues that a poor
country like C uba is doing a better
jo b than the U nited States at look­
ing after its citizen s’ health.
“ M ichael M oore spurred more
interest in our health system than M o o re's group, told Reuters.
the 40-odd years we have spent
During their 10-day visit, the U.S.
providing health to our people," patients received treatm ent for res­
Dr. Jaim e Davis, w ho provided free piratory problem s caused by inhal­
c h e c k - u p s a n d tr e a tm e n t to ing dust in the ruins o f the W orld
Dr. Jaime Davis, surgeon and
member o f the foreign affairs
department of Cuba's health
ministry, speaks during an
interview with Reuters in
Havana on July 16. Davis said
that Michael Moore s contro­
versial documentary 'SiCKO'
has given Cuba's free health
system the best publicity since
its 1959 revolution.
T rade Center. Som e w ere treated
for dental and digestive problem s,
D avis said.
M oore him self had his blood
pressure taken.
Earthquake Spurs Nuclear Leak
Raises questions
about safety
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TR l © M E T
Japanese authorities T uesday
su sp e n d e d th e o p e ra tio n o f a
nuclear pow er plant after a radia­
tion leak and other dam age from a
deadly earthquake raised new co n ­
cerns about the safety o f Ja p an ’s
accident-plagued nuclear industry.
Tokyo Electric Power, an electric
com pany that operates the nuclear
plant near the city o f Kashiwazaki,
said it had found more than 50 prob-
le m s at th e p la n t c a u s e d by
M onday’s 6.6 m agnitude earth ­
W hile most o f the problems were
minor, the largest included lOOdrums
o f radioactive waste that had fallen
over, causing the lids on some o f the
drums to open, the com pany said.
On M onday, the com pany said
that the earthquake also caused a
small fire at the plant, the w o rld ’s
largest by am ount o f electricity pro­
duced, and the leakage o f 317 gal­
lons o f w ater containing trace lev­
els o f radioactive m aterials into the
nearby Sea o f Japan.
The com pany announced T u es­
d ay th a t it had d e te c te d tin y
am ounts o f radioactive material in
an air filter in one o f the p lan t’s
seven reactors, though the co m ­
pany said it was unlikely that the
materi al had entered the atm osphere
outside the reactor.
The com pany said it w as still
exam ining how the tainted w ater
had leaked out, but it said the level
o f radioactivity was too low to en ­
danger hum ans or the environm ent.
Prime M inister Shinzo Abe criti­
cized T okyo Electric for being “too
slow " in reporting the problem s to
the governm ent and the public.
T elevision footage show ed res­
cuers digging through buildings in
K ashiwazaki that were toppled by
the earthquake, which local police
said killed at least nine people and
in jured another 1,000.
NFL Star Charged in Dogfighting
(A P ) - A tlanta F alco n s q u a r­
te rb a ck M ichael V ick w as in ­
d icted T u esd ay by a federal grand
ju ry on ch arg es related to illegal
d o g fig h tin g .
V ick an d th ree o th e rs w ere
ch a rg ed w ith v io la tin g federal
law s ag ain st co m p e titiv e d o g ­
fighting, p ro cu rin g and train in g
pit b ulls fo r fig h tin g and c o n ­
d u c tin g th e e n te r p ris e a c ro ss
state lines.
T h e in d ic tm e n t a lleg e s that
V ick and his co -d e fe n d an ts be-
Attention Local
See where it takes you.
A cyclist passes destruction caused by one o f two major earth­
quakes that hit Japan on Monday, killing at least nine people
and injuring more than 1,000.
gan sp o n so rin g d o g fig h tin g in
early 2 001, the fo rm er V irginia
T ech s ta r's rookie y ear w ith the
F alco n s.
It a c cu ses V ick, Purnell A.
P eace, Q u an is L. P h illip s and
T ony T ay lo r o f “kno w in g ly sp o n ­
so rin g and ex h ib itin g an anim al
fig h tin g v en tu re,” o f co n d u ctin g
a b u sin ess en terp rise involving
g a m b lin g , as w ell as b u y in g ,
tran sp o rtin g and receiv in g dogs
for the p u rp o ses o f an anim al
Michael Vick
fighting venture.
W ouldyou like to see a review o f
your local service or products in
the Portland O bserver? O ur goal is
to feature m ore local businesses
this fall. Please contact reporters
Sarah Blount al sarahbftfporlland
obscrver.com or N icole Roñal
H o o p e r at n ic o le h @ p o rtla n d
observer.com or call our office at