Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 18, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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    July 18. 2007
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In The Spirit o f The Millions More Movement
Open Eyes Productions/Ministry o f Art & Culture Dept. N. IV. Region
Presents: "Dinner Theatre"
Revolutionary Drama/Theatre Shock Therapy
The Resurrection o f The Sultan
"From Death to Life"
A P ow erful stage p lay based on a tru e
story a b o u t o n e m a n ’s struggle to
overcom e d ru g addiction th ro u g h
th e p o w er o f Prayer.
Saturday July 21,2007
@ P ortland C enter fo r S e lf Im provem ent
(Acrossfrom PCC) 7 00N. K illingsw orth St.
D oors O pen 6:(X)pm
Show tim e 7:30pm
Adm ission: $15 single tickets
$25 per couple tickets
Price includes D inner & Show
D inner Includes....
You're C hoice o f Soup or Salad
Chicken A lfredo w/cauliflower, broccoli
Carrots w/green salad a n d a wheat roll
^Vegetarian D ishes available*
C ome E njoy A N ight
O f C ultural R efinement
“D inner T heater ”
R evolutionary D rama /
S hock T herapy
Due To Strong Content
May not be suitablefor children under 15
Email: openeyesprod@ yahoo.com
For more info:
Visit us at MySpace/
Info: Call 1-888-312-5619 Ext. 4 or 5
L ook , L isten , F ollow
T he R evolution H as B egun
I n T he P acific N orthwest
Queen Latifah (standing) plays Motormouth Maybelle alongside
John Travolta in drag, in the remake of the 1988 film “Hairspray."
Queen Latifah Goes
Platinum in ‘Hairspray’
Stars in remake
of cult classic
Q ueen Latifah evokes the past
as M otorm outh M aybelle in the
early 1960s world o f “ H airspray,”
com ing to theaters this Friday, July
They say blondes have more fun
and Queen Latifah is certainly proof
o f that. The versati le star had to swap
her long dark tresses for a brassy
platinum crop in her latest movie
Hairspray, and says she couldn't get
enough o f her new look.
“ Being blonde brought out a
w hole other side o f m e," she says
excitedly. “ It was a side I d id n 't
even know I had. I'v e had my hair
lightened but never been platinum
like that before. It was cool - 1 felt like
a superhero with all that hair. I felt
pow erful.”
“H airspray" is a rem ake o f the
1988 John W aters big-screen cult
classic about overw eight teenager
T racy Turnblad. w ho dream s of
dancing on the hit TV program "The
Corny C ollins Show ," but finds her
big am bitions thw arted by jealous
com petitors.
In the latest outing, Latifah joins
a host o f stars, including John
T ravolta, M ichelle P feiffer and
C h r is to p h e r W a lk e n , to p lay
M aybelle - a feisty high-school
teacher w hojoins forces with Tracy
to fight racial inequality.
Latifah also has a new album
com ing out, “T rav ’lin’ Light," to be
released Sept. 25. She plans a na­
tional tour in the fall in support o f
the album.
Family Fun Day at Holladay Park
The 13th Annual free Family Fun
Day takes place Saturday and S un­
day, July 2 1-22 from noon ,0 6 p.m.
at Holladay Park, 1300 N.E. 16th
Ave., next to the MAX line, south
o f Lloyd C enter Mall.
T he w eekend event will include
live rock, pop, jazz, and world music
p erfo rm an ce s plus free hot dogs
an d sn o w c o n e s, ra ffle s, face
p ain tin g , b allo o n s, g am es and an
in fo rm atio n fair. T h is festival is
sp o n so red by P o rtlan d F am ily
M agazine and Spot M agazine, and
is h o sted by K ids N eed Both P ar­
en ts. a g ro u p that p ro m o tes fa ir­
ness, eq u ality , fam ily and the best
in te rests o f ch ild ren . For m ore
inform ation about the festival call