July 18, 2007 II'* J J o r tla ttb C O hscrurr page C3 IMU IVISHISI Los Lobos translates to “the Wolves, " which is appropriate for their Wednesday, July 25 appearance at the Oregon Zoo. Featured performances Patty Griffin, Los Lobos As m id-sum m er approaches, the Oregon Z oo concert series only gets hotter with perform ances this w eek by folk and rock favorite Patty G riffin and the East Los A nge­ les legends Los Lobos. W hen Patty G riffin sings, you d o n ’t so m uch h ear it as feel it in y o u r soul. T he tw ic e G r a m m y - n o m in a te d s i n g e r / so n g w riter p erform s at the O regon Z oo, F riday, July 20 at 7 p.m ., as part o f the W ells F argo S um m er C o n c ert S eries p re ­ sented by Fred M eyer. Grif fin, whose sound is difficult tocatego- rize, m oves from acoustic folk to all-out rock to include the classic R&B and gospel music that have long been a source o f inspiration for her. G riffin continues to hone her craft and win larger and larger audiences with her latest album , “C hildren R unning T hrough.” Tickets for Patty G riffin can be purchased at the O regon Zoo for $ 19, at ai I Tickets West ticket outlets or by calling TicketsW est at 503-224-8499. Los Lobos, Spanish for “The W olves,” prove they know the secret to survival. The East Los A ngeles rockers have com e back m ore than tw o decades after their debut album. They are alive and well and still pro­ ducing inventive and passionate rock m usic. The group perform s at the O regon Zoo on W ednesday, July 25 at 7 p.m. Los Lobos draw their sound from a com bi­ nation o f blues, rockabilly, jazz and Latin m u­ sic, filtering it through their M exican-Am eri­ can heritage. Even after more than 30 years together, the three-time Grammy winnerscon- tinue to expand and refine their sound, and their more eclectic albums have won them the most critical praise and recognition. C urrently the group is on tour for their m ost recent release, "The Tow n and the C ity,” described by Rolling Stone magazine as magical. And on July 25, from behind the stage on their hilly, grass-covered habitat in the Alaska Tundra exhi bi t, some real gray wol ves w i 11 no doubt be listening closely to the magic. G en eral ad m issio n for Los L obos is $9.75 for adults, $8.25 for seniors and $6.75 for ch ild ren . In fan ts tw o and u n d er are free. For more inform ation on both show s visit www.oregonzoo.org or call 503-226-1561. The Oregon Zoo presents Patty Griffin on Friday, July 20. THE ALAN BROADBENT ALAN BROAD BENI @THE OLD CHURCH 8pm /doors open at 7pm Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a W W F W catering by A Simple Elegance KMHD 89.1 FM presents in association w/Fendel-Allen Productions The Alan Broadbent L.A. Trio Tickets available during the KMHD Spring pledge drive June 14—June 17, 2007 or by calling 503.491.7271 or at www.kmhd.fm better life with fewer problems. Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping www.dianetics.org Paperback $8.00 • All orders shipped within 24 hours C ?004 Rpi AH Rights Reserved OtANfTlCS is a trademark and service mark owned by Religious Technology Center and is used with its permission