Iuly 18. 2007 Page B 6 P Fill Out & Send To: ¡ Subscribe’ 503-288-0033' S ports ^ ‘ ^lortlanh © bseruer j Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 | su b sc r ip tio n s are j u s t $60 p e r y e a r Oden Recovers from Surgery (A P ) — P o rtla n d T ra il B la z ­ by so re th ro a ts an d h ad tro u b le e rs ro o k ie c e n te r G re g O d e n b re a th in g in th e L as V eg a s s u m ­ h ad his to n sils re m o v e d S a tu r­ m e r le a g u e last w eek . H e a v e r­ a g e d 9 .5 p o in ts an d 9 .5 fo u ls in day. T h e to n sille c to m y w a s p e r­ (please include check with this subscription form) ________ ____J N ame : T elephone : ________ A ddress : ________ | ____________________ __________ 1 or email subscriptions® portlandobserver.com I — — — — — — — — J k tw o g a m e s b e fo re g e ttin g sh u t fo rm e d at T h e V a n c o u v e r C lin ic d o w n in p re p a ra tio n fo r th e o p ­ in V a n c o u v e r. W a sh ., a n d the re c o v e ry tim e fo r th e N o. I p ick e ra tio n . S u m m e r le ag u e ru les in last m o n th ’s N B A d ra ft is e x p e c te d to ta k e tw o to th ree ca tio n . O d e n w ill m iss the U .S . se ­ w ee k s, th e T ra il B la z e rs said. n io r n a tio n a l te a m 's m in ic a m p S te v e B la ke th is w e e k e n d -2 2 in L as V eg a s. Veteran Guard Returning Freeney Signs for $72 Million T he Indianapolis C olts have sig n e d d e fe n s iv e en d D w ight Freeney to a long-term contract that will make him among the NFL's most highly paid defensive players. Freeney and the Colts agreed to a six-year, $72 million contract that includes a $30 million signing bo­ nus, Freeney's agent, Gary Wichard, said Friday. T h e C o lts h a d d e s ig n a te d Freeney as their franchise player in February, w hich w ould have kept him with the Super Bowl cham pi­ ons for at least one more season. Freeney, a first-round draft pick in 2002. has 56 1 /2 sacks and forced 27 fumbles during his first five sea­ sons with the Colts. His long-term deal would be the Colts' biggest investm ent in their defense for what has long been an offensive-oriented team. D wight F reeney Since 2004, the Colts have signed big deals with quarterback Peyton Manning (seven years, $98 million) and receivers M arvin Harrison (six years, $66 m illion) and Reggie W ayne (six years, $39 million). Golf Scramble at the Mountain Benefits Mt. Hood Community College W hat co u ld be b etter than a beautiful su m m er day on the golf course at T he R esort at the M oun­ tain in W elch es? Im agine sta rt­ ing the day w ith a contin en tal b reakfast, playing g o lf w ith your friends, en jo y in g lunch afte r the scram ble and h elp in g the Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege F oun­ dation raise m oney in support o f the c o lle g e ’s students. G olfers o f all skill levels are in­ vited to register for the MHCC Foundation’s 14th annual Par Ex­ cellence G olf Scram ble scheduled for Aug. 7. Participants will not only have fun golfing but will be raising money for scholarships and classroom equipm ent. "The important thing is to have a good time and help support the students at M HCC. Investing in education is an investm ent in the future,” said golf committee co-chair Peggy Johansen. Sports Commentary BY P \ T G R IH E E R T H E P< )R TEAM ) O b SERV ER It's getting to be the dog days of summer. We getting consistent hot weather, the fourth o f July is be­ hind us and is very little going on in m ainstream sports. Let’s face it, there are no sports that dem and our tim e until late August when football gets started and baseball is in the playoffs. So with all the extra tim e on our hands, w hat are sports fans sup­ posed to do? The trick is w hat they call “participation sports.” I know many o f us c a n 't afford to becom e scratch golfers, but there are several cheap forms o f athletic entertainm ent. Take “ F o lf ’ or disc golf forexample. The game is played with discs slightly heavier than a Frisbee. C ourses pop up all over the place, often in w ooded areas using the trees to m ake the gam e a challenge for participants. Targets vary, from w ooden posts to metal posts with a bucket hanging about three feet over the ground. The game i s simi lar to got f, where there is a par set on a hole and you have to get the disc in the bucket with as few strokes as possible. There are several different styles of throws: the side arm, the regular Frisbee throw and the over arm, or the tom ahaw k. T h at's my favorite. A new course has been created in Pier Park in the St. Johns com m u­ nity o f north Portland. The course has having been cleverly built tak­ ing up as m uch as the park as pos­ sible, but having many holes that intersect each other. A lthough, there are still many park-goers and dog w alkers around, so one must throw with caution. G etting hit in the head with a disc can hurt quite a bit, believe me. New Prices Effective May 1 ,2 0 0 7 allo w 10 fo u ls b e fo re d is q u a lifi­ O d e n , 19, h a s b e e n p la g u e d P rizes w ill include trip s, g o lf eq u ip m en t and m erch an d ise and a h o le-in -o n e prize is sponsored by the S u burban A uto G roup. Check-in begins at 7 a.m. and the shotgun start is at 8:30 a.m. The fee o f $150 includes green fees, cart, c o n tin e n ta l b re a k fa st, re fre sh ­ ments, lunch and a tee prize. F or m ore in fo rm atio n about sp o n so rsh ip s and to reg ister for the scram b le, call 503-491 -7206. A reg istratio n b ro ch u re is a v a il­ able at w w w .m h cc.ed u /fo u n d a- tio n . Dog Days of Summer A n o th er good n eig h b o rh o o d gam e is the old school gam e o f kickball. E veryone know s this game. You get a round ball that rolls and can be kicked pain free, prefer­ ably a rubber red ball. All you need is a park, or even an em pty lot. The rules are simple: outs are exactly the same as baseball. Kick the ball as far as possible. Many groups o f friends play w eekly gam es, usually at big parks. Check out Irving Park or Fernhill Park for gam es every week. Kickball is a fun way to spend tim e w ith friends; it does not take much talent and can be enjoyed with a beer. A nd with the heat the way it is, m any people will look to the rivers for an outlet. A fun all day activity if floating the river on an inner tube. This is cheap and inexpensive and a w hole lot o f fun. A river such as the C lackam as River in Milwaukee is a perfect place to waste three or four hours. On a nice day, with the sun beating down on the river through the trees, noth­ ing is m ore relaxing than letting the current take your tube dow n the river. Floating is more enjoyable with a group o f friends, but d o n ’t drink too m uch because drowning is a very real possibility in river currents. These are ju st a few fun activi­ ties that are cheap and can get you outside on your day o ff to enjoy the sunshine. Until football starts in A ugust. Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG (A P) — Form er Trail Blazer Steve Blake is com ing back to Portland, even though in one sense he never left. The free agent point guard who played for the D enver N uggets last season signed a reported two- year deal with an option. Blake, a four-year veteran, averaged 8.3 points and 6.6 as­ sists in 49 gam es with D enver last season. It is Blake's second stint with the Blazers. He played for the team in 2005-06, averaging 8.2 points and 4.5 assists. He still has an off-season hom e in W est Linn. "Steve em bodies the kind o f culture w e're building here in Portland," Blazers general m an­ ager Kevin Pritchard said. "He's an in telligent, hardw orking, team player with a trem endous grasp as to w hat it takes to play the point guard position." The move makes the Blazers deep at point guard, with Blake, J a r r e tt Ja c k a n d S e rg io Rodriguez, as well as Brandon Roy, the N BA ’s Rookie o f the Year, w ho played the point at tim es last season. 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows (With Other Services) (503) 281-3949 '4 Community Health Care B Sponsored By: Community Partners 111 the Park Please join us for our FREE Community Health Care in the Park WE WILL OFFER: D ental Exam s A sthm a S creening E ar and Eye Exam s P renatal C are S creening Im m unizations D iabetes and High Blood P ressure S creenings And M uch, M uch M o re ..... Advancing Children’s Health! Being proactive about what people can do to enhance their health and promote a healthy lifestyle. You may have more options then you think. 1 -8 8 8 -8 4 9 -0 5 8 8 222 N.F. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver. WA 98684 $79.00 $59.00 $109 - $139 $35 - $49 $5.00 See Flyers fur Additional Prices Call For Appointment Are you behind in your m ortgage payments? 3 6 0 -8 2 3 -1 4 4 1 Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Is your rate increasing? Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or mure $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? It's never too soon to think about refinancing. Charlotte Martin t=l HOMELOAN s ()l I« 1 I J Questions? 503-282-6588 www.oregonaction.org Coordinated by: First Steps Sports Academy & Oregon Action cmartin® homelnansouree.com I