Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, July 11, 2007, Page 6, Image 6

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    luly II. 2007
Page A6
from Front
criminal attorney defending cli­
ents that had felonies in homi­
cide, robbery, and drug offenses.
She then worked as the Assistant
Attorney General at the Oregon
Department of Justice in Salem
where she also worked on crimi­
nal and civil appeals.
Before taking her seat on the
bench. You worked for the O r­
egon Department of Justice in
Salem representing the state in
trial proceedings that involved
challenges to criminal convic­
tions, many of which included
death penalty cases.
“There is no way that I can take
all the credit for where 1 am to­
day," says You. “My family,
which migrated into the country,
worked very hard."
Growing up, she lived in an
extended family that included her
brother, mother, father, grand­
mother and aunt.
“ My family worked hard to
get into the country and did not
take any o f it for granted," says
You. “ My m other worked to
become a Ms. Korea finalist just
so she could get an academic
sch o larsh ip into the U nited
S tates.”
You plans to use her time on
the bench to become as knowl­
edgeable about the law as pos­
sible, apply the law correctly,
become more enlightened on dif­
ferent people’s situations, and
make the right decisions about
their cases. She wants be make
sure that all people are treated
equal ly and are heard in the court­
Her new job keeps her very
busy. Some days she can have
more than 200 pre-trial issues on
the docket and mountains of files.
“I plan to keep loving this job
and I want to share my story with
others, especially young girls from
diverse communities, to encour­
age them to consider law as a
profession,” says You.
Documentary Spotlights Spanish Culture
Spain as never
before seen
The rise of the documentary over
the last decade has been an interna­
tional phenomenon; now Portland
audiences can see the country of
Spain through the eyes of docu­
mentary filmmakers in a series of
films called “Spanish Docs,” run­
ning July 13 through Aug. 16 at the
Northwest Film Center’s Whitsell
Auditorium, 1219S.W. Park Ave.
A newgeneration of filmmakers is
using new digital technology and
low budgets to tackle issues, ideas
and portraits as never before. This
medium captures compelling sub­
jects and diversified exhibition and
allows forexciting opportunities for
artists and audiences to connect.
In recent years Spain has seen
the emergence of a provocative
documentary film movement, with
first-time filmmakers taking their
place beside established masters
and producing works of universal
This sampling of recent Spanish
productions includes eight award­
winning films - featured at the
Northwest Film Center - that tran­
scend national interest, including
Fernando Trueba’s “The Miracle The Northwest Film Center presents “Spanish Docs, " a sampling o f recent Spanish award-winning
of Candeal," a celebration of the documentary films, July 13 through Aug. 16 at the Whitsell Auditorium in downtown Portland.
power of music as an agent of social
c h a n g e ; “ My G ra n d m o th e r’s tional Documentary Film Festival trait of the enigmatic Fidel Castro, and seniors. For a complete sched-
House," winner of the prestigious in Amsterdam; and Oliver Stone’s
Tickets are $7 for general admis- uleofthe series or for more informa-
Joris Ivens Award at the lnterna- fascinating "Comandante,” a por- sion and $6 for members, students tion, visitwww.nwfilm.org.
Camp Fire Summer Program Benefits Latino Families
Focus on family,
Camp Fire USA, in partnership
with Hacienda Community Devel­
opment Corporation, will be pro­
viding a seven-week summer pro­
gram for youth residing in three of
Programs serve youth for Kin­
Hacienda’s low-income housing work with Hacienda and the fami­
developments in northeast Port­ lies they serve, adding that the dergarten through fifth grade and
land. The summer program will uti­ partnership will support Hacienda’s will run through Aug. 8. Curriculum
lize our Community/Family Club mission to develop affordable sup­ will cover topics such as family,
model and is expected to serve more portive housing and build thriving community, creativity and the en­
than 60 elementary age youth and resident communities for working vironment. The sites include Villas
Latino families and others in Or­ de C la ra V ista , 6 7 0 6 N .E.
Camp Fire staff say they are egon promoting their healthy liv­ Killingsworth Ave., Los Jardines
de la Paz, 55530 N.E. 60th and Villa
thrilled about the opportunity to ing and economic advancement.
Telecom Exec Passes Gates as Richest Person
(AP) — Mexican telecom
tycoon Carlos Slim Helu has
overtaken M icrosoft founder
Bill Gates as the richest per­
son on the planet, according to
the M exican financial website
SentidoC om un.
US-based Forbes magazine,
renow ned for its rankings of
the world's wealthiest individu­
als, updated its listings in April
to rank Slim as the second Carlos Slim Helu
r w
Participate in Democracy
M u m your ballot by mail or drop i f o ff at any d m g n a ttd rotor
dropato. Call ¡-966-673-9683 to find a location ntaryou.
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On Way
People o f color
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richest individual in the world.
"Thanks to a 26.5-percent
rise in the shares of Am erica
Movil during the second quar­
ter, Slim, who controls a 33-
p e rc e n t in te re s t in L a tin
A m e ric a 's la rg e s t m o b ile
phone company, is substan­
tia lly ric h e r than G a te s,"
Sentido Comun said.
Aside from America Movil,
Slim controls the INBURSA
financial group and the Grupo
Carso industrial firm with in­
terests spanning retail stores,
coffee shops and restaurants.
One reason for Slim 's me­
teoric rise might be because
he is also still working.
G a te s ste p p e d a sid e as
M icrosoft chief in 2000 to de­
vote his energies to the philan­
thropic foundation he runs with
his wife, M elinda.
Health Care
In the Park
M arip o sa,
N .E.
Killingsworth Ave.
For more information, contact
Jill Weirat Camp Fire USA Portland
Metro Council, 503-224-7800 ext.
131. For more information regard­
ing Hacienda, contact Rebecca
Hernandez at 503-961-6413 or email
rhemandez@ haciendacdc.org.
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