Page AS July II. 2007 F ood The mission of the ‘Food Section’ is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer respectfully requests all comments and/or family recipes you would like to share Flip-Flop Cake This is a really cute cake fo r a fam ily reunion or kid ’s birthday party'. Ingredients • l-( 10.75 ounce) frozen pound cake, thawed • 3/4 to 1 cup ice cream (your flavor choice) • 1/2 o f an 8-ounce carton w hipped dessert topping, thawed • Pull-apart licorice twists • B right-color candy w afers and/or round can d ies • G raham cracker crum bs (o p tio n al) (NOTE: To make a "pair o f flip-flops" double the recipe.) Directions 1. H alf the pound cake horizontally. Using a serrated knife, cut o ff the rounded tops o f the cake so each layer will be level. Cut each half into a llip-tlop shape. Place ice cream in a small bowl and stir to soften. Spread softened ice cream over one o f the cakes. Top with second cake. Place ice cream -filled cake on a baking sheet. Cover and freeze until firm (2-3 h ours). Spread with whipped topping. 2. To decorate, cut the ends o f tw o licorice tw ists at a diagonal. Insert a toothpick on the underside of each twist. A rrange the two tw ists with the cut ends SAFEWAY O Dandelion Salad This is a very good use o f all those annoying dandelions growing in your (pet-free) yard. Top with your favorite dressing. I prefer hot bacon dressing! INGREDIENTS • • • • • together to form a V -shape, inserting toothpicks in cake to hold the tw ists in place as straps. Arrange candy wafers around base o f flip-flop to decorate. C over cake loosely and freeze until serving time. Serve on a platter sprinkled with graham cracker crum bs as sand, if desired. M akes 6 serving per llip-tlop. T ip : T o cut llip-tlop shape, trace and cut out the bottom o f a child-size flip-flop (needs to be 7 to 7 1/2-inches long) on a piece o f paper. Trace onto cardboard and cut-out again. Place the cardboard cut-out on each cake h alf to cut out shape. Ingredients for life.. RANCHERS 1/2 pound torn dandelion greens 1/2 red onion, chopped 2 tomatoes, chopped 1/2 teaspoon dried basil salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS 1. In a m edium bowl, toss together dandelion greens, red onion and to­ matoes. Season with basil, salt and pepper. MN MNMNMNMMMI Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Top Round London Broil Fried Green Tomatoes Boneless Whole Pork Loin Boneless SAVE up to $2.60 lb. Stpmlure Family See Mac 5 Sold whole in the bag SAVE up to $3.80 lb. Cine» 3 99ei Back home, fried green tomatoes are often served fo r supper in the summertime. Ingredients r 2 beaten eggs 1/4 cup olive oil 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper • 3 m edium , firm green tom atoes • 1/2 cup all-purpose flour • 1/4 cup milk • 2/3 cup fine dry bread crum bs or cornmeal Rancher's Reserve Angus BeefI-Bone Steak Fresh Cooked Northwest Shrimpmeat Bone-in Weather permitting. Perfect for salads SAVE up to S3 00 lb. SAVE up to $5 00 lb Directions 1. Cut unpeeled tom atoes into 1/2 inch slices. Sprinkle slices with salt and pepper. Let tom ato slices stand for 15 minutes. M eanw hile, place flour, milk, eggs and bread crum bs in separate shallow dishes. 2. Heat 2 Tbsp o f olive oil in a skillet on m edium heat. Dip tom ato slices in milk, then flour, then eggs, then bread crum bs. In the skillet, fry half o f the coated tom ato slices at a tim e, for 4-6 m inutes on each side or until brown. As you cook the rest o f the tom atoes, add olive oil as needed. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Serve hot. ) / Red Seedless Grapes wvoRLcnoM Oregon Blueberries Large Hass Avocados Club Price: $1 00 lb Organic Red Seedless Grapes, $1.29 lb. SAVE up to $1.69 on 11b. Club price St 00 ea SAVE up to 99« on 1 Summer Corn Salad EDFP ITVLiJLj Pint container ■ w o « « « « !« SAVE up to $4 M on 2 Pick up th e freshest Fruits o f Sum m er at Safeway today. "This fresh and flavorful salad features buttery yellow corn tossed with chunks o f tomato and onion with fresh basil vinaigrette." INGREDIENTS • • • • 6 ears co m ,husked andcleaned 3 large tom atoes, diced I large onion, diced 1/4 cup chopped fresh basil • 1/4 cup olive oil • 2 tablespoons w hite vinegar • Salt and pepper to taste WT