íl?e JJnrthxnh ©hscruer Page A2 luly II. 2007 Ruling Shows Tension Between Police and African Americans Judges call 2004 search unconstitutional On the night that led to the con­ viction of Bennie Demetrius Wash­ ington. the 40-year-old Portland man was sitting inside his lawfully parked car and offered no reason­ able suspicion or probable cause of criminal activity. That is the opinion of the federal appellate court, and the reason why they recently threw out the convic- tion of Washington, an African American, who was arrested by Portland police on Nov. 23, 2(X)4 after they discovered a 9 mm hand­ gun while searching his car. The June 19 ruling by a three- judge panel in the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco disagreed with an initial ruling, say­ ing the search of the car became nonconsensual, therefore uncon­ stitutional. when an officer gave Washington orders while frisking him. The ruling means Washington will avoid a sentence of nearly six years in prison for being a telon in then consented to a search of his James Jahar Perez during police possession of a firearm. It also sets person and his car. He allow ed traffic stops. Portland’s African significant legal precedence for police to direct him away from his American community has vilified other residents in Portland, where, car, where officer Troy Pahlke Jam es' death in 2003 and Perez’s death in 2004 as unjust, which led the judges wrote, there is the discovered a firearm. Washington subsequently pled to an investigation o f Ja m e s’ "unique situation between the Af­ rican-American community and the guilty to, and was convicted of, death by the A lbina M inisterial being a felon in possession of a A lliance, a Portland group o f Portland police." During the 2004 encounter, firearm. But though he voluntarily clergy. The AMA succeeded in getting W ashington was parked dow n­ consented to the search, the June town. O fficer Darrell Shaw ap­ 19 appeals court decision con­ a pamphlet issued by the police proached W ashington, who told cluded the encounter and search bureau after Jam es’ shooting, ad­ vising citizens to comply with po­ him he was waiting for a friend. were “impermissible.” The court cited recent history lice instructions when stopped. Shaw then asked him if he had anything on him he shouldn't in P o rtla n d , p a rtic u la rly the AMA member Bishop A.A. Wells have. W ashington said no, and death s o f K endra Jam es and also testified during W ashington's initial trial, but the prior shootings and Washington's defense were not enough to persuade District Judge Ancer Haggerty, who sentenced Washington to 70 months in prison. Now that the conviction has been overturned. Wells said the case set the stage for a renewed dialogue about race between the Portland Police Bureau and the community. Deputy City Attorney David Woboril said he’ll use the ruling as a case study in future trainings, hop­ ing in the future to avoid officers unintentionally violating people’s constitutional rights. Local Homeowner Not Charged for Shooting Intruder Foiled burglary hospitalizes man N ortheast P ortland resident L eroy H udson w ill not face charg es after shooting an in ­ truder in the face during a break- in at H u d so n ’s hom e, acco rd ­ ing to the D istrict A tto rn e y 's o ffice. In the early m orning hours o f June 29, H udson, 71, d is­ covered Brent A lexander Sw eet, 26, on the back porch o f his h o m e at 107th A v e n u e and N o rth east G lisan S treet. A c­ co rd in g to H udson, he and his w ife, Janice, 62, w ere aw oken by the sound o f glass breaking near th eir enclosed back porch. Janice called 9-1-1 and Leroy took a gun and m oved tow ard the noise. He encountered Sweet and dem anded to know why he was there. Sw eet did not a n ­ sw er and H udson raised his THE SPINA COLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 13. Shoulder Pain: Why many people cannot, and should not, take it lying down. : My shoulders hurt so bad bursitis at one office, tenosynovi­ the cause was there long before at times, I can hardly sleep. tis at another and so on until they the pain itself. By treating the return home confused, frustrated cause, we not only relieve the What can Chiropractic do for me that no one else has been able to? and still in agony. As Chiroprac­ pain, don't suffer through another : Shoulder pain ism without tors, we are concerned about nerve sleepless night. Call for an ap­ question, one of the most How to the various parts of the pointment to find out how Chiro­ body. O f course, we look to see if a practic can eliminate the cause of debilitating types of pain we en­ counter. Because the shoulder is bursal sac has been traumatized or the problem once and for all. Or so intricately related to the spine, if a tendon has been injured. But feel free to call us if you have any virtually any movement can be more importantly, we look to see questions whatsoever about your excruciating. It is not at all uncom­ what caused the injury. You see. health. mon to see cases like yours where patients’ hurt so bad, they cannot even get a decent night's sleep. 2121 Lloyd C enter Mall, Portland Oregon 97212 To Complicate matters, many pa­ tients go from doctor to doctor P hone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 seeking relief, being told they have Q A Portland Police Bu­ re a u , sa id S w eet w as released from the h o sp ita l o v e r the w e e k e n d and w as b o o k e d in to the Ju stice C en ter J a il. He w as ch arg ed w ith one count o f crim inal tresp ass in co n n e c ­ gun and shot him betw een the eyes. P o lic e a r r iv e d s o o n a f te r a n d to o k S w e e t to L egacy E m anuel H ospital & H ealth C enter. S g t. B ria n S c h m a u t z , spokesm an for the Brent Alexander S w e e t Poll: Public Wants Impeachment For both Bush and Cheney (AP) - Nearly half of the US public wants President George W. Bush to face impeachment, and even more favor that fate for Vice President Dick Cheney, according to a poll out Friday. The survey by the American Research Group found that 45 per­ George W. B u sh (AP photo) cent support the U.S. House of The study by the private New R epresentatives beginning im ­ Hampshire-based ARG canvassed peachment proceedings against 1,100 Americans by telephone July Bush, with 46 percent opposed, 3-5 and had an error margin of plus and a 54-40 split in favor when it or minus three percentage points. comes to Cheney. The US Constitution says presi- Flowers' Chiropractic Office July 18, 2007 THE ALAN BROADBENT L.A. TRIO Íl!í JJo rtla u ii (Dbscrucr Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ________________________________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E d ito r i M ichael Leighton D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D irector : Paul N eufeldt O ffice M anager : Kathy Linder R eporter : Sarah Blount R eporter : Nicole Roñal Hooper @THE OLD Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box3137, Portland, OR 97 2 0 8 E ditor - in -C hief . P ublisher : Subscriptions are $60 .00 per year 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 F A X 5 0 3 -288-0015 news@portlandobserver.com subscriptions@portlandobserver.com ads@portlandobserver.com AlAN BROADBENT Spm/doorl^pen 7 pm tir * « ? catering by A Simple Elegance N classifieds @ porllandobscrvcr.com The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope. A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage w ithout the written consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad © 1996 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN W HOLE OR IN PART WITHOI I FI emission is PROHIBITED The Portland Observer-Oregon’ s Oldest Multicultural Publication— is a member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association. Serving Portland and Vancouver. tion w ith the incident and faced an arraignm ent M onday a fte r­ noon. S chm autz said S w e e t's last know n add ress w as A u­ burn, W ash. Sw eet w as also arrested June 8 in P ortland on a charge o f diso rd erly conduct. On M onday the M ultnom ah C ounty D istrict A tto rn e y ’s o f­ fice ruled the shooting will not proceed to a G rand Jury. KMHD 89.1 FM presents in association w/Fendel-Allen Productions The Alan Broadbent L.A. Trio Tickets available during the KMHD Spring pledge drive June 14—June 17, 2007 or by calling 503.491.7271 or at www.kmhd.fm INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES FINANCIAL ADVISOR FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATE dents and vice presidents can be im peached — that is, form ally charged by the House — for "trea­ son. bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" by a simple majority vote. Conviction by the Senate, w hich requires a two-thirds majority, means removal from of­ fice. Just tw o US presidents have been impeached: Bill Clinton was im peached in 1998 and acquitted in 1999; Andrew Johnson was impeached and acquitted in 1868. D isg ra c e d p re sid e n t R ichard Nixon resigned in I974 when a H ouse im peachm ent vote ap ­ peared likely. In late April, left-wing Represen­ tative Dennis Kucinich, a long-shot Democratic presidential hopeful, in­ troduced a resolution calling for Cheney’s impeachment. To date, the measure has nine listed co-spon­ sors and a I Oth set to sign on when the House returns to work next week. But Democratic leaders appear unlikely to pursue such a course. Correction In the July 4 article titled “Will Roy Make a Run for Mayor?" the Portland O bserver stated that businessman and civic leader Roy Jay owns SmartPark parking ga­ rages. In fact, Jay created the Alliance of Minority Business Chambers, which in turn won a bid for a management contract for the downtown parking garages. Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your portfolio. 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Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world ads@portl|ndob seiier.co m To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 50 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax: 5(33-288 0< >15