lulv H. 2007 Page B5 Po ri land O [© s e rv e r A u to R e v ie w 2007 Lincoln Navigator is ultimate 4X4 by ffFiiz' s s S . pe» K athleen C arr T h e L in c o ln N a v ig a to r is A m erica’s original luxury SU V . N avig ato r has set the bar as the prem ier luxury SU V . T he 2007 Lincoln N avigator has been.sub­ stantially redesigned. N ow w ith its redesign the N av ig ato r raises the bar to a w hole new level. For 2(X)7 the N avigator gets a facelift with a distinctive new design that i s dom inated by a bold chrom e grille integrated with H ID headlights, with the low er fascia mirroring the same pattern, a grille that rises into the pow er-dom e hood, new tai I lights, fender flares and body-side trim integrated into the low ercladding and 18 " alum i­ num wheels. O ne o f my favorite features is the pow er retractable running boards, which deploy au­ tom atically w hen any side door is opened and retreat neatly out o f sight when all doors are closed. The interior is show cased by premium luxury seating in all three " Specifications: 5.4- Liter 24-Valve V-8 Engine; 6-Speed Automatic O/D Transmission; 12- C ity l 7-Highway MPG; $58,915 MSRP n * rows, a flow -through center con­ e n g in e ’s electro n ic throttle c o n ­ sole, real wood trim, additional trol to a special o ff-road calib ra­ noise-d am p ing insulation and tion fo r m ore p recise torque thicker side glass for im proved m anagem ent in the w orst con- quietness, an acoustic windshield, tuned mirrors and an available Pow erfold third-row seat that folds flat into the floor. U n d er the hood, the 2007 N a v ig a to r is p o w e re d by a SO H C 5 .4 -liter T riton V-8 that deliv ers a sm ooth 300-hp and 365 pd-ft. o f torque through a 6- speed auto m atic transm ission. T h e fo u r-w h eel d riv e uses a tw o -sp e e d tran sfer case w ith ditions, such asc lim b in g muddy electro n ic shift-on-the-fly ca p a ­ hills in the rain. T he 2007 L incoln N avigator bility. In low range it shifts the do m in ates the "big facto r” as a sev en-passenger luxury heav y ­ w eight, tipping the scale w ith a curb w eight o f 6,0 0 0 pounds The Civilized & Sophisticated; the Lincoln Navigator is the only vehicle in its class to earn the governments highest five-star front crash-test rating seven years in a row; HIV Film Reception and Screening " W h o W ill S p e a k fo r M e ? ,” a 3 0 -m in u te v id e o d o c u m e n ta ry a b o u t the im p a c t o f H IV /A ID S a m o n g A fric a n A m e ric a n s an d A f r ic a n /C a r ib b e a n im m ig ra n ts liv in g in th e P a c ific N o rth w e st, w ill be sc re e n e d at R e fle c tio n s C o ffee H ouse, 446 N .E . K illin g sw o rth an d M artin L u th e r K ing Jr. B lv d ., on W e d n e sd a y , Ju ly 18 at 6 :3 0 p.m . L o cal H IV /A ID S a c tiv ist/e d u - c a to r R ev. R e n e e ’ W a rd w ill be a m o n g th o s e f e a tu r e d in th e vid eo . A re c e p tio n b e g in s at 6 p.m . an d a D V D w ill be a v a ila b le for a re q u e ste d $2 0 d o n a tio n . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n o r to re se rv e y o u r se a t, p le a se c o n ta c t W ard a t 5 0 3 - 5 4 8 - 7 5 3 7 o r e m a il chry salismini stries 1 @ hotm ail .com. News and reviews on new m otor vehicles plus. E ven w ith the 300-hp e n ­ gine the N av ig ato r is a bit slu g ­ gish and will not be the quickest Public Discussion on Statewide Black Affairs A public m eeting hosted by the O regon C om m ission on Black A ffairs will take place in Salem on Friday, July 13 from 2 p.m. to 4 p .m . at the M orrow C rane Building, 3218 Pringle Road SE T he m ission o f the O CB A is to im plem ent and establish econom ic, social, legal and political equality for African Am eri­ cans and blacks in O regon. For m ore inform ation about this m e e tin g , c o n ta c t O C B A at 5 0 3 -3 7 8 -2 1 3 9 o r e m a il oaco. mail @ size luxury SU V . I t's relatively how ever, the N a v ig a to r's to w ­ sm ooth, quiet and huge both in ­ ing capacity is 9,1 0 0 pounds. side and out. All m odels are T he L incoln N avigator is the equ ip p ed w ith lots o f safety fea­ only vehicle in its class to earn tures and nearly all the luxury the g o v e rn m e n t’s highest five- bells and w histles. Its base p r ic e ' star front crash-test rating seven is low er than m ost o f its c o m ­ years in a row . S tandard safety petitors and it runs on reg u lar: features on the 2007 N avigator gasoline w here nearly all the include A dvanceT rac w ith Roll others require prem ium . Its tow - • Stability C ontrol (R S C ), four- ing rating is am ong the highest in w heel anti-lock brakes (A B S), the class. dual-stage front air bags, seat- T he 2007 L in c o ln N a v ig a -! m ounted side airbags and third- to r is m e a n t to r e f le c t th e row side-curtain airbags w ith b ra n d 's fre sh p h ilo so p h y re -' roll-fold technology. g a rd in g ‘A m e ric a n lu x u r y ’... T he 2007 N avigator hits the c iv iliz e d , so p h istic a te d u n d e r­ m ost im portant m arks for a full- sta te d e le g a n c e . A New Worship Experience In Northeast Portland Nort li ss est Voice For ( ' li rist Con 11 nn itit y ( ' h n rch “The Faithful C hurch” Rev.3:7-12 "K eeping It Real Jesus’ W ay" 84 NE Killingsw orth Street. Portland, Oregon Worship Service — Sundays 1:30 P.M. Prayer/Bible Study — W ednesdays 6:00 P.M. G ilgal: aT rain in g Ministry (2nd K ings4:38) Rev. H. L. H odge, Ph D. — Pastor/Teaeher/Life Change Specialist 503-334-6239 All are w elcom e to com e and get a solid foundation on how Jesus im pacts our lives in the 21st century! W e will keep it real. Email: hodgehspks@ m • w w w /nw vctrainingm R eligion Dear Deanna! break aw ay. W hat sh o u ld I do ? - A sk Deanna ! -Jasmine; Chicago I w ant to respond to the com m ents Real People, you gave to O verw eight W ife in Toledo, Ohio. I think you were out Real Advice o f place and crazy to say that her An advice husband is changing because she column known fo r gained weight. He has fallen out o f reality based love and has probably changed his subjects! mind on a few things. You need to apply more mental applications with som e o f these things than look at tim e every night or gets intim ate physical. If her m ind and outlook is with the lights on. the same, then he will still love her Dear Deanna! regardless o f the w eight gain. — I ’m clo se to an em o tio n al b rea k ­ Debra; Jacksonville, Fla. dow n. M y boy frien d is cau sin g m e so m uch stress that I c a n 't eat, Dear Debra: You know good and wel I a man wi 11 sleep o r do any th in g . I have lost lose his mind if he marries his bride so m uch w eight. He co m es in late, as a size five and then she blow s up c ritic iz e s ev ery th in g I do and he to a size 15. For the record, it will sm okes inside the house. 1 think becom e a mental and sexual issue h e ’s also ch e atin g too. I stay because men are always more physi­ b ecau se he takes care o f me but cally stim ulated. By the way, per­ th e re 's no love. I'm at the point haps you should experim ent and w here I feel he view s m e as his throw on a few extra pounds and p ersonal m aid. T he verbal abuse see if your man still com es hom e on is too m uch but I c a n 't seem to C lassifieds / B ids SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Bid Package #1 - Demo & Structural Shattuck Hall Renovation Portland State University Sub Bids Due: July 12, 2007 at 2:00 p.m. H O W AR D S. W R IG H T CO N STR U C TO R S 425 NW 10th Avenue, Suite 200-A, Portland, OR 97209 Phone (503) 546-6180; Fax (503) 546-6181 CCB # f 64711 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from disadvantaged, minority, women and emerging small business enterprises. Ta ylor M ade La b e ls is seeking a qualified Materials Handler for the day shift (8:00-5:00). This position receives paper stock and develops a good over all knowledge of material types. The Materials Handler is responsible for a neat and orga n ized w a re h ou se. M a n u fa ctu rin g e n viro n m e n t experience required, printing environment preferred. Please contact or mail resume or apply to HR at Taylor Made Labels 17252 Pilkington Road, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 EOE. Dear Jasmine: Y ou're in the m iddle o f a serious tim e bom b th a t's going to explode and y o u 'll be the one hurt. This is a relationship o f convenience and your man gets all the benefits and you get nothing but stress. If y o u 're seeking a future heart attack, ner­ vous breakdow n and severe weight loss, then stay for the ride. If y o u 're interested in good health, peace and respect then raise your stan­ dards, love yourself, find a new love and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! My best friend from high school needs to get her life together. I have a jo b . responsibilities and I'm pay­ ing my way through college. S h e's a nice person but d o esn 't under­ stand that I no longer want to re­ flect on high school days or hang at the mall. She w orks at a m ovie the­ ater and she d o esn 't understand Church Hosts Summer Fest Everyone is invited to jo in (he Youth D epartm ent at V ancouver's Com m unity A.M .E. Zion Church for a weeklong series o f events. Summer Fest 07- "How Ya Livin'' opens W ednesday, July 18 and continues through Sunday, July 22. Each day has a different event in c lu d in g w o rsh ip , m u sic and dance. On Friday July 20. participants will head over to O aks Park for an activity night. On Saturday, July 2 1. they will attend an “Evening o f E legance" dinner and dance party at the W ater Resources Education C enter in V ancouver. A concluding m orning worship service is planned for Sunday, July 22 at 11 a.m. with M inister W alter L. Sm ith Jr. All other events start at 7 p.m. and are held at the church, located at 3605 E. 13th St. For more detai I s. cal I youth advi­ sor, Sister Kathy Parrish at 360 -9 9 1 - 4426 or Senior Pastor, Rev. Robert F. Kemp at 360-693-4566, and c a n 't relate to my conversa­ tions about life or business. I d o n 't want to hurt her feelings so please tell me how to deal with her? — Anonymous; On-Line Reader Dear Anonymous: In sim ple term s y o u 'v e outgrow n your friend and the days o f being a high school kid. No, you h av en 't been around the block yet but y o u 're beginning to figure out a few things that m ake sense. The most you can do is encourage her to strive for things in life and set som e goals. H ow ever, d o n 't spend too much lime because it's alw ays easier to pull som eone dow n than lift them up and that should help you as you be a good friend and good role model. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! Email; or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 128J Beverly Hills. CA 90211. 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